An Open Letter to Web Sleuthers Everywhere…

Dear Web Sleuthers,

Hopefully you saw Fox 35 tonight when Shannon Butler broke the news that Robyn Adams is a liar.

I have all the jail calls for Adams, Benhaida, and Derkovic and now I need your help.

I need people to listen to the calls and then give a BRIEF synopsis of what each call contains.

There is 1 CD for Cecelia Benhaida who was incarcerated under the name Cecelia Holloway.

There is 1 CD for Maya Derkovic which is mostly in a language I do not recognize.

There are 4 CDs for Robyn Adams (over 800 calls) – 1 of the CDs is unreadable.

I need people to listen to the WAV files and report if there is anything Casey Anthony related or if it is just “drivel.”

So the purpose of this thread will be only for people who will agree to help and then for those people to post their findings here.

I will be releasing the download link at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow (need to give certain news stations I am friendly with a head start).

So if you are willing to help, be here at 11 a.m. tomorrow for the link which will be hosted at this forum on Robyn Adams, Benhaida, and Derkovic Jail Calls!

43 responses to “An Open Letter to Web Sleuthers Everywhere…”

  1. I cannot be online at 11am but I would be willing to help in any way I can. I’ll be on tomorrow evening but I am sure you will have tons of help by then and probably nothing left for me! haha


  2. Here’s your latest post on WS:

    “I need free labor and thought I would let all of you get involved since you are “WebSleuths”.

    And as I have stated before, my motivation is to expose any jailhouse rat. Because what COULD really affect Casey Anthony’s case on appeal would be if these rats testified against Casey Anthony at trial; and then a few years later came forward and recanted their testimony saying they were trying to do it for X reason.

    Such stories are in the news all the times, so why so surprised it could happen now? ”

    You are looking for “free labor” on a site that adores Yuri Melich, and you decide..while asking for help, to call him names? Admin had to change your post to change your name calling (had you been just another sleuth, you’d be on the other side of a time-out).

    While it may seem honorable that you multi-task (avoid future appellate issues while also cursing jail house snitches and berate Schaeffer) don’t you think these Sleuths you want for free labor might want to see you do something proactive?

    You claim you believe Casey Anthony is guilty—you claim it was an accident (duct tape and all). YET—you do nothing to help the State’s case…only your own case for TV appearances and to further your dislike of Belich and “Suspender Guy.”

    Is your disdain for the opposing tv stations supposed to encourage the die-hard posters on a web site, such as Websleuths, enough for everyone to overlook your obvious agenda and make them help you in your quest for airtime to slice and dice Belich and Schaeffer?

    Why don’t you use your airtime today to discuss the possibility of Baez passing notes and the fact that you believe Casey killed her daughter? It’s lost on one just WHY you oppose jail house snitches (and it has NUTHIN to do with Casey’s case….all defense attorneys hate them and I’m not so sure juries like or believe them, but your personal agenda is showing here).

    You want some bright people to help you with your tv appearance and there’s nothing wrong with that….but why not treat them as equals? Everyone at WS is asking why Jose’s peers (and you have been mentioned by name) don’t pursue his carrying letters from the family to his client (contraband).

    Baez’s misdeeds make ALL defense attorneys look bad. It’s great to pay lip service on a message board….calling him a dummy, but BIGGER than the fact that a convicted drug dealer is a liar (Casablanca quote: “I am shocked, SHOCKED to find out that there is gambling going on in here…”)….your colleague is breaking the law!! You don’t need any Sleuths to help you on this one….you know what to do. Forget exposing jailhouse rats—that’s easy. How about exposing colleague rats? Any interest?

    • Nicola

      Casey Anthony is innocent of MURDER1 and The state is trying to get a conviction for a crime she did not commit,with the ultimate punishment for a innocent 23 yr old being THE DEATH PENALTY.

      I say it is far more important to expose THE STATES lies verses if Baez past a letter from casey’s Momma.

      I’m in Richard.
      But then again I never really needed to listen to tapes or read the docs to see Casey was being set up………Some things are obvious.{RIVER/SKYE/Kalani} so so obvious!

    • Nicola,

      I have not reported Baez for “passing notes” because it is not a violation of any criminal law or rule of professional conduct – it is a violation of jail policy only.

      And while I agree that Baez’s misdeeds make all defense attorneys look bad, when people like Yuri Melich fall over themselves trying to create incriminating evidence – in a case that does not need it – those people undermine the very foundation of the United States Criminal Justice system.

      Finally, should I have lied to everyone and said I was posting the audio solely out of the goodness of my heart? That would have been an even bigger fraud. The truth is that there are over 1,000 calls averaging 15 minutes in length that I just obtained YESTERDAY.

      I could either (A) spend the rest of eternity listening to them or (B) enlist others to help me to see if we find anything. WHO KNOWS, we might find MORE incriminating information about Casey Anthony.

      So either help, or don’t help. But at least I tell it like it is unlike Melich, Belich, and Shaeffer.

    • I agree with you Nicola. RH just likes to boast his ego by running down and criticizing his competition (as he sees it). I would not help him one bit at WS because he will just take all the credit. I heard that he has sour grapes with RS and Belich because he was turned down to work for WFTV. Rumor or not, I don’t know, but RH is so obnoxious I hardly follow him at all.

      • Actually, I was just interviewed by WFTV last month, but on a different case.

        And considering this is my first substantial post in months, I would like to thank you for so promptly hardly following me at all.

  3. Good morning all,
    I never comment on here, always lurking, but had to say that I agree with Nicola 203 100% !

  4. I agree with Nicola also.. well written and well thought out…I’m sorry RH, I don’t agree with you at all…I think you are trying too hard to make a name for yourself.. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but encouraging people to insert themselves into a case isn’t quite kosher now is it? This case has had enough people inserting themselves into it for a lot of different, weird reasons…Now you want to explain your reasons and agenda?

    • Sure, jailhouse rats endanger the entire Criminal Justice system. An interesting tidbit is that I do not take on cases where a person wants to engage in “substantial assistance.”

      It needlessly perpetuates the criminal cycle and far too often results in innocent people being entrapped. If it comes out that Robyn Adams is lying about what she knows, then it is my opinion that she is more dangerous than Casey Anthony. Because if she is successful, she encourages others to make false accusations – resulting in more innocent people incarcerated.

      The same goes for Maya Derkovic and Cecelia Benhaida.

  5. In regard to YM manufacture of evidence, it looks as if RA first said in the unsworn statement that Casey admitted the chloroform use, but when under oath with attorney present, she would not commit to that statement. Would this be the manufacturing of evidence you are referring to, or is there more, in your opinion. I do agree with you that I am more inclined to believe accidental death than 1st degree murder. Jmo, of cours.

  6. And, no, I don’t have an explanation for the duct tape other than Casey putting it there after death. Why? No clue. She wanted to put Caylee to rest with a heart sticker? It was the only way it would adhere?

    • Unless of course the body is not Caylee’s.

      I mean George and Cindy do not believe it to be Caylee and now knowing people were actively going to set Casey up for their own reasons,I’m even starting to wonder.


        • lol
          Well after seeing how easy it was for Melich to ad something that was NEVER said………why would I trust anything in any of the docs?

          Think about it.
          Maybe this is why The Anthony’s have been the way they have been since the start.Maybe this is exactly why THEY DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING.

          Heck I’m on the outside and after this crap……..I’m not sure I should ever believe a COP again.

  7. I agree with Nicola 203

    YM has done an outstanding job!
    YM is honest.
    YM is a seasoned investigator with an outstanding record.

    Maybe you are misinterpreting YM directions in this case since NOT all has been revealed.

    **I am on the no chloroform bandwagon as in so far the lab reports do not -YET-prove chloroform was used only that the trunk liner had it which is normal for that car per research studies and the chloroform in the syringe appears to be at the level of regular water.** Computer searches where done in March 2008 and could be explained by GA trying to murder CA. IMO.

    • LOL BB12


      You bb12 need to be in jail!

      Hey BB12 you also called Zenaida in beginning of case,Sept2008
      You need to be in jail!

    • By the way BB12

      You do know cops are all over Skye’s myspace…..NO?

      Guess jail birds all like to plot together….NO?
      Tell the class,what was it you were in jail for?

      Shall I pop in your blog and just read it?

      Like I said….You should be in jail!
      How’d your phone calls to Skye and ZG play out?
      Good conversation I take it?

      You are pathetic lady!

  8. :sigh: Just another one of Andrea Lyons “students” I see.
    (oh no they are trying to kill my client) *huge sniff*
    Yes, she deserves it. The jury won’t CARE what this twits PARENTS believe.
    They have behaved in such an abhorent manner, it will never be excused. Ever.

    Guess what, the A’s won’t be allowed in the court room, because they will be testifying.

    Hornsby: Address the question of ambulance chasing and inserting yourself into this case, then we’ll talk.
    Do your own work, or have you been taking lessons from Baez who refuses also to lift a finger for his client? Unless of course it is for holding a Microphone attached to a camera.

    I’m starting to see a real Trend here. You’re behavior is the same as Baez’s. I see no difference. SSDD.


  9. I appreciate the fact that you are honest about your impressions of certain people. You have a reason for it, and usually give that reason. That is your right. You, unlike so many others, have not been caught lying! I find that refreshing.

    It is so obvious that Robyn Adams was trying to get some kind of break. I’m sure she asked pre-planned questions to get the desired answers. It repulses me to see how she is playing the Jesus Game. Casey A. is so sick, vunerable, and shallow that she will be whomever to stay in the game. I’m convinced that she knew the letters would be found eventually. I also think she used the sexual abuse by Geo. and Lee to make her victimized. She comes across as a not very bright teenager. A mentally ill teenager. Ceceilia Benhaida is nothing more than a street tough from the streets of Harlem, who knows how to “play the game” to make a quick buck. So far, she’s doing fairly well. I think you’ve nailed most of these lowlifes, and hope you will bring out more truths, and facts.. Do you think Geo. and Lee will still support Casey after the sexual accusations?

    Continued Success!

    Mary E.

  10. Hi Heckler!
    Long time no see. Hope all is well with you.
    A good example of a lowlife cop is Robyn Adam’s husband. He even looks scary!

  11. Everybody wants to hear from Hornsby. Everyone appreciates so much his taking the time to answer questions on this case and then, just a suddenly as expressing a couple of unpopular opinions, bada boom, bada bing, he’s public ememy number 3 or maybe it’s 5 depending on whether he falls behind Baez or George.

    People WANT to believe that Casey said all the things that Robyn is claiming she did, because it seems they feel if Robyn is discredited, Casey steps closer to freedom. Knock, knock, hello, not that important in the grand scheme of things. Richard on the other hand believes that Robyn is lying for reasons that are self-serving and a critical threat to the fair administration of justice. What a bum. Hornsby also had a critical opinion of Melich! Double bum!! How fair is it to appreciate the “Horn” only when he’s singing your tune?

    Richard, I doubt you are easily discouraged and your skin is probably as thick, if not thicker than a croc’s, so I won’t worry that you’ll throw your hands up in the air over all the criticisms and tell us to flock off. Right? I hope?

    I for one appreciate your input, Richard, very much!

  12. Ct:
    You sound so much like Cindy Anthony it’s scary! Mean, argumentive and controlling! I’m sure YOU wouldn’t need assistance if YOU needed to make 800 calls! Like Cindy, you are TOUGH. You very much remind of those god awful bullies that caused the young girl from Irland to commit suicide!! Bet u were the same way in school, and apparently still are. GAWD! How I detest bullies. Your crude toughness is appalling, and downright REPULSIVE. One day you are gonna be a “toughie” with the wrong person, and get your azz kicked!

  13. In my indignation, LOL, I failed to mention what really seemed to turn the tide on poor Richard. That would be his expression that Caylee’s death was an accident. Gasp, traitor! Get the heck out of here, bum!

    Richard, might you write someday soon on just what prompts you to believe such?

    I myself, don’t believe it for a second, but I would surely be interested in reading why you do.

    Thanks, Richard.

  14. A friend of mine who is a judge once told me “You have to have an alligator hide to be in this business”….I see he was right! Hang tough!

  15. Perhaps agendas for any profession can be described and/or summed up in a word, “human element”.

    This particular case serves different interests/agendas. Cash is always King! If anyone were to differentiate the reason(s) the case has catapulted to the level it is today, the answer is a incompetent defense! Conversely, ALL the money thrown at them, never mind the business at hand. Greed is never pretty, in fact can become the jealous mistress!!!! Personally, I disagree with the posts that communicate disdain per Hornsby request. Really no harm/no foul if Richard gives credit to WS input/research as his source. Lets be honest here and say blog fodder/websites that devote topics to crime and justice are the first to criticize and the last to admit, they too are capitalizing on the case.

  16. Going on the record here: YES – Casey murdered her child, the duct tape points premeditation. Richard, I agree with tonorthcourt, would be interested in how you arrived this was an accident, moreover, with ALL the evidence what did most of us miss?

    • Kate,

      I have explained it many places elsewhere and I don’t have the energy to explain it again.

      I just am of the opinion that Casey used something like Xanax or chloroform to put Caylee to sleep while she was out and partying. I think she returned one night, Caylee would not wake up and she freaked out.

      While I agree the duct tape is a major hurdle, I think it could have been that she did that to “stage” a kidnapping.

  17. Richard,
    I have the deepest admiration for you…but I just have to ask this question: If she freaked out, she sure didn’t stay freaked out for long, did she? I think she and Tony Lazzaro rented a movie while Calee’s body was still in the trunk.

    I will never believe it was an accident. jmo

  18. A prominent Criminal Litigator Attorney friend stated to me in his darkest hour of defending a truly heinous murder, “Not a snowballs chance in Hades, do I think my client is innocent of the charges.” So I asked, why not convince your client to plead? The reply was NOT so cavalier, “It is my duty to provide the best defense possible”. So in saying that, I began to appreciate the dedication to his endeavor. The difference that I see here in the case against Casey is that the defense pandered, postured, and pissed away the best defense prior to Caylee remains discovery= Terrance L.

    The theory: duct tape was a contrived effort to “stage kidnapping” will/can be punched full of holes(if that is where they will hang their hat) and her ugly coping/diminished capacity, is a negative as well. The evidence points to something more sinister, and [burden] Prosecution will present the facts to support the premeditation. While I will concede only one point, and that is Casey is devoid of ANY emotion for the crime. Toasty, I concur this was not an accident, regardless of how some may infer. The evidence is overwhelming!

    Richard, appreciate the honesty, but duct tape/31 days suggest premeditation. Yes, I have read your opinion’s in various blogs, heard your rationale via radio/media. However, why ignore the forensics/DNA/timeline?

      • You demand other people document their sources, yet when you were called out on WS to document your OWN sources proving YM had ‘invented’ stories and was generally incompetent, you refused to come back and respond.

        Please document one single case where you can PROVE (not just throw out wild speculation) that YM has ever botched a case or ‘invented’ stories.

      • Metaphors are or so important. What generation hasn’t used one or several to communicate? In fact Casey & friends not only used “drug speak”, it was commonplace.

        Richard, I will provide you with the same resources that are available to everyone: “Discovery”. Having poured through many pages of documents, not only have I surmised the relevance ~ forensics/DNA/timeline provide, the logic supports premeditation!

        Devils Advocate I shall not play, not my forte. MExaminer. specially stated, duct tape “placed prior to death”, supporting the mandible, which incidentally would have otherwise separated. Of course, there are many for the reading to cite: perhaps some rebuttal that your source may dispute?

        • ~~MExaminer. specially stated, duct tape “placed prior to death”, supporting the mandible, which incidentally would have otherwise separated.~~

          To clarify, the ME actually said that in her opinion the tape was placed prior to decomposition, NOT prior to death.

  19. evening Richard……

    In Caseys own letters she writes..I was moving out.. I was saving my money, (WITH MONEY SHE STOLE.) Buying new clothes, With money she stole. Left Caylee with the nanny at her home. Zanny =(Zannex)….The only thing she forgot to save was her DAUGHTER……but she packed her up…and threw her away like garbage………Baez better hope all twelve jurors are childless because I don’t see them getting past the 31 days that casey never reported her daughter missing………. As far as DNA Caylee was her DNA.

  20. Hornsby,

    You demand other people document their sources to prove no premeditation.

    Yet when you were called out on WS to document your OWN sources proving YM had ‘invented’ stories and was generally incompetent, you refused to come back and respond.

    Please document one single case where you can PROVE (not just throw out wild speculation) that YM has ever botched a case or ‘invented’ stories.

    • First, I have never said he has “botched” case or “invented” stories. I have said he has made major errors in his investigative techniques and I believe his claim that Robyn Adams testified that Casey Anthony mentioned chloroform is gross negligence on his part.

      Q: I am sure the conversation went like this, did Casey Anthony ever mention something that would be consistent with using Chloroform to sedate Caylee.
      A: yes
      Q: Can you explain?
      A: Casey said she used to “knock out” Caylee, whatever that means.

      Also, as for documenting my sources, I did reply to that poster (you probably did not read my reply – but your answer is there).

  21. giving someone a drug like chloroform if given wrong could result in coma or brain damage……what if…. Casey gave Caylee enough of the drug to cause a coma and she was alive in the trunk for up to 2 days….. then passed away … would that not be considered premeditated first degree murder? those frantic phone calls to Cindy’s work could show.. in a backwards sort of way…. that Casey tried to seek help but failed …. then decided to leave Caylee in the trunk to die…. did not Casey try calling a medical hotline on the 17th or shortly after Caylee was last seen alive? If Caylee was alive but unresponsive in the trunk and did not seek medical attention at a hospital then that shows premeditation……

    • What if Casey was telling the truth from the start and no one believed her “because she embellished some parts of it”

      Much like Yuri embellishing that there Cloro statement that never happened…

      • Not one thing that Casey Anthony said from day 31 has been the truth. And I say day 31 because that how many days it took her family to realize that everything Casey Anthony told them during that 31 days was not truthful. That can be proven in her text message to Cindy.

        Yuri was going by a off the record statement made by a jail house snitch…. relating his conversations….
        But what is the difference between the Anthony’s demanding use immunity before they would give the State Atty depos and a jail house snitch?…. both parties want something in return for truthful statements….
        1) Brad Conway went on record to state he was seeking immunity for the Anthony before they would talk to the State Atty ….that too can be proven by his media cameos …..
        Whereas most law abiding grandparents would give truthful statements with no need for use immunity. Most family members would give their lives before they would hide, lie, and withhold evidence from LE and FBI that would help get the murderer off.
        2)Jail house snitches truthful statements can reduce their sentences where as a falsely given statement can and would lead to more time. Would someone serving a 10 year sentence have anything to gain from lying to the LE?

        I for one would believe a jail house snitch over Cindy Anthony….. they have less to lose for being truthful.

  22. Mr. Hornsby,
    Can you say with 100% accurancy that Casey Anthony’s conviction cannot be overturned by the fact that the LEAD council is not DP qualified?
    I just have a bad feeling that there is a motive for Mason asked Baez “underoath” if he was was the lead atty …. if there was a motive behind that statement could it be to have the sentence overturned based on Lead council not having the experince to try this case.

    below is from

    (f) Lead Counsel. Lead trial counsel assignments should be given to attorneys who:
    (1) are members of the bar admitted to practice in the jurisdiction or admitted to practice pro hac vice;
    (2) are experienced and active trial practitioners with at least five years of litigation experience in the
    field of criminal law; and
    (3) have prior experience as lead counsel in no fewer than nine state or federal jury trials of serious
    and complex cases which were tried to completion, as well as prior experience as lead defense counsel or
    cocounsel in at least two state or federal cases tried to completion in which the death penalty was sought.
    In addition, of the nine jury trials which were tried to completion, the attorney should have been lead
    counsel in at least three cases in which the charge was murder; or alternatively, of the nine jury trials, at
    least one was a murder trial and an additional five were felony jury trials; and
    (4) are familiar with the practice and procedure of the criminal courts of the jurisdiction; and
    (5) are familiar with and experienced in the utilization of expert witnesses and evidence, including but
    not limited to psychiatric and forensic evidence; and
    (6) have demonstrated the necessary proficiency and commitment which exemplify the quality of
    representation appropriate to capital cases, including but not limited to the investigation and presentation
    of evidence in mitigation of the death penalty; and
    (7) have attended within the last two years a continuing legal education program of at least twelve
    hours’ duration devoted specifically to the defense of capital cases. Attorneys who do not meet the
    continuing legal education requirement on July 1, 2002, shall have until March 1, 2003, in which to satisfy
    the continuing legal education requirement.

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