Attorney of Record in Record Time

Exactly how did Jose Baez become Casey Anthony’s attorney and how he is getting paid? Those are the questions that everyone wants to be answered.

But what people should really be asking is how did Jose Baez become Casey Anthony’s attorney so quickly.

And to get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning – back to the day Casey Anthony was arrested.

In the beginning there was no Jose…

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Prisoner Transport Jurat, Casey Anthony was officially booked into jail as of 11:40 p.m. on July 16, 2008.

According to the Notice of Appearance filed by Jose Baez, he was officially her attorney of record as of 3:54 p.m. on July 17, 2008.

And just like that, 17 hours later, Casey Anthony had made the life or death decision of who would be her attorney.

A Little Perspective Please

But to help you understand just how extraordinary it is that Casey Anthony “selected” Jose Baez in less than a 17 hour period, it is necessary to put the other events that were taking place during that 17-hour period into perspective.

First she was booked.

She was booked on July 16, 2008, at 11:40 p.m. Assuming that everything went smoothly, booking would take about an hour, possibly two.

Then she had her Initial Appearance.

We are now at about 2:00 a.m. in the morning. Casey Anthony has likely been awake all day and her Initial Appearance (also called a First Appearance) is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. that same morning.

At around 7:30 a.m. (but as early as 6:30 a.m.) the guards would have started waking up the inmates to line them up for Initial Appearance and to fill out paperwork. And it is this paperwork which I think some of you will find very interesting.

What paperwork you ask, none other than financial paperwork; specifically an Application for Criminal Indigent Status.

And while I am sure that those interested in Ms. Anthony’s finances will no doubt pour over the details of her “claimed” income and assets, there are only three pieces of information that I am concerned with:

  1. As of 8:30 a.m. she was seeking the appointment of the public defender;
  2. The Clerk of the Court determined that she was indigent; and
  3. The Office of the Public Defender was originally appointed to represent her.

Considering that Casey Anthony had affirmatively requested the appointment of the Public Defender, it would seem safe to assume that Casey Anthony had not entered into a formal agreement with Jose Baez prior to filling out the Application for Indigency, much less even met him yet.

Because if she had already hired Jose Baez, why even fill out the form. (Unless she really is as diabolical and cunning as some of you believe – I mean she did indicate she had one dependent).

Time keeps on ticking, ticking into the future…

I also know that Initial Appearances take about two hours, so that puts her back into her cell around 10:30 a.m.; thus narrowing the time she had to meet with and select Jose Baez to 6.5 hours.

Not so Fast!

But not so fast my friend. It is interesting to note that the Notice of Appearance was stamped by the Orange County Clerk of the Court at 3:54 p.m. And you must remember that Jose Baez’s office is in Osceola County. And a little Google Map action shows that it takes 30 minutes to drive from Jose Baez’s office to the Orange County Courthouse. The obvious inference is that Casey Anthony had actually selected Jose Baez well before 3:00 p.m.

Because after he met with her, he would have had to agree to take on her case and then leave the jail and have someone type up the Notice of Appearance and then file it with the Clerk of the Court.

But even better, there is a drop box where attorneys leave their filings. Which means that it is usually another hour before a Deputy Clerk stamps the filing in. (Only in rare circumstances does an attorney actually asks a Deputy Clerk to stamp a filing in, especially such a routine filing like a Notice of Appearance.)

So it is most likely that Jose Baez met with Casey Anthony sometime between 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.; giving a grand total of 3.5 hours to make the decision of her life.

Simply amazing.

And then there was Jose Baez. Jose Who? Jose Baez, Jose Who? Oh never mind!

Now knowing the likely time period under which Casey Anthony operated when selecting Jose Baez, we still do not know:

  1. How did Casey Anthony get Jose Baez’s number?
  2. How did Jose Baez get Casey Anthony’s name?

And in all honesty, I have no answers and am only left with analyzing the most widely suggested theory.

Someone in Jail gave Jose Baez’s Number to Casey

Although this seems like the most obvious explanation, I think it is unlikely. Let’s discuss.

First, when you are initially arrested, you are not immediately placed into the general population, the place where inmates are most likely to have an attorney’s number handy.

Rather the jail keeps you in their Booking and Release unit until they can process you and formerly assign you to a permanent housing unit. So it is unlikely that she had sufficient contact with other inmates to even get an attorney’s name and number to call.

Second, even if another inmate gave her Jose Baez’s number, you would expect that inmate to have hired Jose Baez as well. Moreover, because the jail keeps inmates segregated, you would expect that inmate to be a woman.

And while by no means exhaustive, you can exclude this possibility by conducting a search on the Orange County Clerk’s website for all cases that Jose Baez handled from September 22, 2005 (his date of admission) to July 18, 2008 (the day after Casey Anthony’s arrest).

The search reveals he was attorney of record in 54 cases. Of those cases, only 16 cases involved female clients (or at least feminine first names).

And if you examine each of his female client’s cases, you will see that none of them were either:

  1. Being held in jail awaiting trial, or
  2. Serving a jail sentence on the day of Casey Anthony’s arrest.

So it seems highly unlikely that a female inmate gave Jose Baez’s phone number to Casey Anthony.

But What if Some Other Dude Did It?

But what if it was a male inmate you ask? Well okay, if you examine each of the male clients that he was representing at the time, you will see that none of those clients were arrested in the week leading up to her arrest date; and the only male inmates she could have had contact with would be recently arrested inmates. So while possible, it is highly unlikely.

My Personal Conspiracy Theory

Wikipedia defines a conspiracy theory as “any fringe theory which explains a historical or current event as the result of a secret plot by conspirators of almost superhuman power and cunning.”

And with that definition as a backdrop, I would like to briefly offer what I think is a more plausible theory of how Casey Anthony got Jose Baez’s number – she had contacted him before Caylee was ever discovered missing.

Why? Because I can not think of any sane attorney who would:

  1. Respond to a telephone call from a recently arrested inmate within four hours.
  2. Actually be able to meet with an inmate within four hours of receiving a call (did he not have any other meetings that Thursday or say, court?).
  3. Agree to take on an inmate’s case, without speaking to a third party guarantor.
  4. File a Notice of Appearance without first obtaining a very significant down payment from the Third Party guarantor.

I mean think about it, what was the rush? While I can only speculate, let us assume they actually met for the first time on July 17, 2008. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation, which would have taken place after Jose read the Arrest Affidavit.

  • Jose: So let me get this straight? Your daughter has been missing for 31 days?
  • Casey: Yeah.
  • Jose: And you told the police that Zanny the Nanny kidnapped her?
  • Casey: Yeah.
  • Jose: And you then lied to police about where you worked when they tried to verify parts of your story?
  • Casey: Yeah.
  • Jose: And you went so far as to take them all the way to Universal Studios?
  • Casey: Yeah, why? Don’t you believe me. Won’t you take my case?
  • Jose: Sure, just sign right here on the dotted line. I will then run back to my office in Kissimmee, print out a Notice of Appearance, and then drive back to Orlando and personally file the Notice of Appearance myself because I have nothing better to do today.

Listen, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I have handled my fair share of cases and I don’t know any attorney this side of Wonderland who would:

  1. Read an Arrest Report like the one in Casey’s case and then
  2. Talk to a potential client like Casey who is the subject of that arrest report and then
  3. File a Notice of Appearance without so much as a smidgen of compensation or guaranteed source of payment.

Be clear, Casey Anthony may have been in a rush to get out of jail. But Jose Baez did not need to rush to take on the case so quickly.

Any attorney worth his salt – let me rephrase that – any attorney period, would have thought long and hard before filing a Notice of Appearance in a case like Casey Anthony’s.

I don’t care how much media exposure the case had AT THE TIME. Nobody knew how big the case would become.

At the time the case was just another “News at 6” headline.

But if it could be proven that Casey Anthony contacted Jose Baez prior to it being discovered that Caylee was missing; it would be the biggest bombshell in the entire case.

Because it would show beyond all doubt that Casey Anthony had a guilty conscience and sought out a criminal defense attorney for preemptive advice.

But then again, that is just my conspiracy theory. Nothing more, nothing less. Because everyone knows that neither Casey Anthony nor Jose Baez has the super power or cunning to secretly plot out something so diabolical – or do they?

But the Most Likely Explanation

But before I go, I think it is prudent of me to opine as to what I think is the most likely scenario. I ran the above theory by Florida News Network reporter Rozzie Franco.

She in turn asked around and reported back that it was believed Jose Baez had handled a traffic ticket or something of that nature for one of her former boyfriends (Jesse Grund I believe) and it was the boyfriend who asked Baez to go out and talk to Casey.

If true, that makes a whole heck of a lot of sense.

But then again, I still can’t understand why in the world Jose Baez would take on a case of that nature without first asking Casey one simple question:

Hmm, show me the money… Maybe that will be the subject of my next blog post?

259 responses to “Attorney of Record in Record Time”

  1. I found this information very interesting. It is possible that there is one person who might have called a lawyer for her.. he was on the police force. hmmm and I don’t mean JG
    Also what if someone other than a friend hired Baez with the understanding that he would not receive a penny if anyone found out who he, she was and a ton of money if he succeeded in getting her out of jail.
    Sorry, I love mystery stories. 🙂 This whole story seems to attract some pretty strange people, coming from all over, not just Florida.

  2. Hey Richard…

    Can you find out if it really was Jessie Grund?..I would think if it had been Jessie that it would have been “out in the universe” a long time ago?!

    Also, when “dim-wit” ( and not super-intelligent-smarter-than-the-universe) Casey was interviewed in one of her jail house videos she stated that “some guy gave her Bozo’s name” when she asked ” who a good attorney was”….I just can’t imagaine that dim-wit Casey was so cunning to have already set the scenario for “the big conspiracy ” way back then…..

    Sincerely, violette

  3. Wonderful post RH!

    Helen – get outta my head – I was thinking about that other “officer and gentleman” too!

    Now – on to that tease post, “Show me the Money” ……… when might we expect that little goodie, RH?

  4. Thanks for a great post Richard. Especially interesting is the Application for Criminal Indigent Status. You are right, it is going to be picked apart for many little tidbits. For instance, who do suppose crossed out the income amount Casey filled in and initialed it “DD”? I do think someone found Jose for Casey because I just don’t see Casey having the initiative to find a lawyer. The question is who and when.

    • Ocean child – the DD has me stumped too! Notice the same DD seems to appear behind the clerk of courts name – perhaps a Doctorate Degree awarded based on life experience or Doctor of Divinity or maybe just initials that she goes by????

      However, dare I ask if Kronk’s GF really works at Orlando jail and could she be the one who gave Casey the name?

  5. Hi Richard,
    Blink, and Red, and several others are going to be on the Dana Pretzer Show…I’m sure it will be repeated. B. will be discussing Caylee/Casey Anthony. mb

  6. 1400.00 bi weekly? Damn she is the richest unemployed person I have ever heard of..
    How much does unemployment pay in the state of Florida?

  7. Richard~~you missed your calling. That was a suspense thriller. I would like to solicit Baez’ phone records for the the month prior to July 17th. You have me thinking on this one. Everyone wanted their 5 minutes of fame. I am surprised that an inmate didn’t come forward with , “hey dude, I was the one who gave that Casey my lawyer’s phone number.”

    I hate it when a story ends in the middle…more…more

  8. Mr. Hornsby,

    You’re a conspiraseh freak!

    Seriously, this is very interesting. I look forward to hearing if you find out more on how this played out. I’ve been “not so smitten” by the tale of how the Casey-Baez union went down from the first day I heard it. And you basically verbalized the part that stumped me. It’s not that Casey isn’t a twit and wouldn’t cast her die on the most important decision in her life to date by just picking out of the Yellow Pages (or according to her – saying “yo, you know a lawyer?” to a fellow inmate), but it was the Baez half of the thing that has stumped me.

    A lot of people have stated he took it just to get publicity, but as you point out, in the short amount of time that past, he had no way to know how much publicity he would have. And while nobody may have heard of him before this case, he had enough cases going that he wasn’t starving for Pete’s sake.

    He had to have either received money or gotten a guarantee of money. And that’s not pictures of Caylee, because those pictures weren’t worth anything at that point.

    Did you notice – by chance – how Casey wrote the $1400.00 biweekly income on the indigent application? (by the way, what an idiot!) I have a type-A personality so frequency of number use jumps out at me (I can’t help it). Isn’t it interesting that she used 14 hundred? She also is supposed to have been heard on June 15th talking to Tony on the phone about 14 thousand she had saved up. Interesting repeat of numbers. Could she have really had that money stashed back?

    You have broken down the timeline well. And it shows that some information is definitely missing here in order to make this make sense.

    • Valhall, I believe Cindy said Casey was talking about the $14,000 savings on JULY 15th—not June. ( There is always so much confusion between citing those two months). Cindy didn’t know about Tony until July 15. Either way, it’s a big fat lie. Hope that helps.

      • Yep, yep, thank you, my bad. And according to Tony’s interview, it would have actually been in the morning hours of the 16th of July.

        Starting on page 18 of his interview he refers to her speaking of the ~ $15k within the period of time they were boinking. He states “she’s always said that she’s have like fifteen…ten to fifteen thousand dollars saved up…”

        And apparently he’s the one that brought this money up because he was trying to rectify why a person with $15k in the bank would still money from their BFF.

        Which points back to just what you said – another BIG PHAT LIE.

    • Valhall, I find it very interesting that you call RH a conspiracy freak. You have been found on a Bigfoot webpage! LOL!

  9. In Jesse Grund’s text messages to Amy, he tells her that he has reached out to Harris Rosen, a billionaire landowner and hotel guy. He says he owns the Rosen Hospitality School. He says Rosen got his message and has put his support behind them in any possible way. Don’t know if he’s referring to supporting himself, Amy, or Casey.

  10. After inmates are booked, how many phonecalls can they make?

    After inmates are booked do they have access to a pen and paper to write down names and phone numbers of lawyers?
    Or does the jail give them a list of lawyers for them to call?

    This is very interesting.

    Thank you.

  11. Hey Richard now this is what I come to your site for. You are an intelligent, resourceful, witty, handsome man. You can write with the best of them with facts and a sense of humor. The other stuff is beneath you and doesn’t do anything but cause a lot bad stuff to go on. If you wanted to out Blink and her site or anyone else there are other ways. How about mature grownup conversations backed up by facts and proof. You had people coming here after the fact attacking others who were not even part of this and you let others comment on family and threatening to oust ones identity that didn’t even deserve it. You already have a bad rep online so why confirm their opinions any farther. I bet you are a kickass attorney tho! I am nobody but a housewife who works 2 jobs, someone who reads everything online about this case and does not comment often. My grammer and spelling may suck but I try to get my point across. You actually do have people that want to visit and read the intelligent post you have, not read what troublemakers have to say to keep crap stirred.Thanks, I look forward to more of your good work

  12. Richard,
    Casey was all over the media before she was taken to jail. For instance, she was on Nancy Grace almost nightly. Frankly, I think one of her friends had probably used him, and maybe she phoned him herself…from a payphone or whatever. Baez has commented more than once that being “Latin” made him somewhat special to the Latin people, because it was such a famous case. I do remember that Geo. and Cindy did not like him at that time. Also remember that Padilla, Geraldo etc…and other Latins are involved. They have also been on Geraldo’s huge sailboat to socialize. IMO Geraldo has spent lots of big bucks involved in this case. Show him a camera, and he’s in front of it. Of course, at this point, she’s got the whole “dream team” to back her up. Plus, the “newly revealed” S&M that poor Geo. got himself involved in. I think the defense is going to play that for all it’s worth, don’t you? I know you must be anxious to hear your friend Blink spread her …”knowledge” on the Dana Pretzer Show! Hope u will critique it.

    Behave yourself, Pokey Bear Love this blog. mb

    I tried to get on Websluth but couldn’t, damnit!

    • If you go to the WESH, WOFL, WFTV, or WKMG’s websites and look at their first stories on Casey Anthony, you will see that the first substantial stories did not come out until the evening of July 17.

      As for Nancy Grace and Geraldo, those appearances did not come until after Jose Baez was Attorney of Record.

  13. Justahousewife: Give yourself more credit, love! I’ll just bet you are one of the nicest, and sweetest people around. Yeah, you’re the kind that helps your neighbors when they are sick, or pick up someone’s children when they can’t. Embrace yourself. We need more like you, sweet lady! (Bet even at his grumpest, Richard would agree with me on that!)

  14. Another great article! Thanks!

    Would it be possible that she would have had access to a phone book? Baez would more than likely be among the first listed in his category, especially since the letter “B” is the 2nd letter in the alphabet.

  15. RH, another great topic & you “HIT” on another one of the “mysteries” in the case. Morales was also former LE too. GA told LE that KC gave BOZO some money up front, it was not much. In the jail house video of KC & family, it is apparent from the beginning the Anthony’s were UNDER impressed w/KC’s representation. CA “gently” ask KC “if she was aware of the media exposure & what she was up against.” “KC responded by saying that she watched Nancy Grace on Jose’s Laptop.”

    The funny thing is, BOZO had very little experience, DUI’s, one murder case, ironically, another baby murderer who is NOW claiming FOUL, ineffective counsel. BOZO couldn’t have generated much money before he met KC, maybe enough just to get by since he had only practiced LAW 3 years. It doesn’t seem remotely possible that he will be able to finance KC’s legal defense as another Fla. Criminal Attorney, Cheney Mason I believe, estimated that her defense would cost over a Million Dollars.

    I do not agree that BOZO will make tons of money for his representation of KC, his ineptitude is apparent to those of us following the case. Who in the world would seek him out for anything?

  16. The Casey Anthony Case had at the very least 3, maybe 4 months of intense media coverage…hell, most of America knew who “that guy in the black cowboy hat” was. Leonard Padilla was on Nancy Grace constantly…waaaay back when. The intense coverage hasn’t let up since that time. YEAH, Baez knew he had a “live one” that would make him famous! (GAWD, I’m brave to dare speak when both Val and Richard are here!!)

    • “3, maybe 4 months of intense media coverage”?

      As of the day she was arrested, the case had two days of media coverage tops – and Leonard Padilla was unknown to anyone on the Eastern Coast at the time.

  17. Well, I will take you at your word…however, Baez had to know, simply by all of the media attention, that it WOULD be a very famous case. Don’t you think. His plans were probably in motion at that time. (I appreciate u not being hateful…haha because I’m a great fan of yours) (my favorite rascal!)

  18. Good sleuthing, RH. Including a doc I had never seen, the Filing for Indigency. Thanks.

    I think you may be dismissing the media connection too hastily though. This was HUGE news on all the stations the first night, and I think CF News 13 even broadcast live her initial bond hearing with the female public defender the next morning (they still have the clip up on their site).

    Baez does seem like an ambulance-chaser, and could have reacted to the news, without even realizing how big it would eventually be. Just knew it was big at the moment and he could get some publicity.

    Don’t forget he was also representing another child-killing case at the time in Lake County (Nilton Diaz). Maybe Casey heard about that case and thought he had experience with her “situation’?

    And, some have questioned whether Casey knew his daughter, Christina – same age, I believe.

    Anyway, great sleuthing, keep it up!

    • And don’t forget, I too am a criminal defense attorney. I get daily calls from the family of the current “News at 6” defendant asking me to take the case “pro bono” because it will be a media case.

      My response: Show me the money.

      • Well, I dont think you’re quite as desperate as Baez was for cases. You can be more choosey. He’s gotta chase’m. 🙂

  19. Here’s a tidbit for you to work with: Casey’s July 2008 visitor log.

    Baez’s FIRST visit with Casey was at 11:11 AM on 7/17, lasting until 15:39.

    Followed by another visit (along with Gabriel) on 7/17 at 19:10, lasting until 21:19.

    Followed by ANOTHER visit on 7/17 at 21:29, lasting until 22:09.

    No more visits until 7/21. Interesting!

    • Well, just think how easy it would be to clear all of this “conspiracy theory” nonsense up. Simply say, this is how I found out about Casey and this is how I am getting paid (how much is irrelevant, so long as the source is known).

      • Agree.

        What do you think of Baez first meeting with Casey only 1/2 hour after her first appearance?

        If your 7/17 timeline is on the money (and it’s gotta be close), and the jail visitor record time is accurate, that does seem pretty quick. Would the female public defender Casey had have recommended him possibly?

        Don’t remember her name, but it was in the CFNews 13 clip. She might have some interesting info. 🙂

      • Hey Richard..

        1) Couldn’t you just email Bozo and ask him how he and Casey “hooked up”?..What is the worst he could do?

        2) Or, is Bozo too pissy with you for calling him out for being such a moron-lawyer-extraordinaire?

        3) If you do see Bozo, say for instance in the courthouse halls, does he establish eye contact with you and say “hello”?..Or, does he pretend he is engaged in another conversation so he doesn’t have to look at you?…Or , does Bozo, the ball-less wonder, just give you the “evil eye”( like you would care anyway!)?


  20. It’s an easy one Richard, Jose and Casey had already met “intimately” before June, 2008. He gave her his card, “if you ever need anything, honey “!!!! Of course she called him lol. He couldn’t turn her down or else she would tell. Can’t you just see yourself being caught in the same situation, would you have told her “no” 🙂 If Jose had turned her down and she did tell about their intimate exchanges he could also be implicated in the murder of Caylee, couldn’t he! That’s why she does not have to worry about paying him. Did someone say premeditated?? Jose will get paid plenty when the trial is over, win or loose, he will have plenty to tell/sell! $$$$$$$$$$. That’s my thought right now. Actually, I think Jose Baez is a pretty neat guy? What else you got?

  21. First time poster here –

    I do recall that Lee told someone that Casey told Jose she had $5,000 and would pay him once she got out on bond, as she had to get to the bank.

    Does anyone remember this?

  22. And you DARE accuse Shannon Stoy of “conspiracy theories”! You’re just as negligent and intrusive as she is.

    You like to claim you’re so much better than any other attorney, but the truth is IF
    Casey Anthony had gotten YOUR phone number before anyone gave her the Baez phone number, YOU would be her defense lawyer and screaming foul play on every count just like Baez.

    Don’t pretend you wouldn’t have jumped at the chance to get your own crooked face in the news. You insult other people, if fact, in your Christmas Eve post on your blog you went so far as to THREATEN Shannon Stoy (Blink) and Jose Baez both.

    You’re despicable and jealous. Just admit it and stop trying to pretend any different. Man up, little Richard!

      1. Actually, I acknowledged what was opinion, speculation, and “conspiracy theory.” So intrusive, maybe – but no more so than anyone else. Negligent, not at all.
      2. Unless someone had paid me in advance, I doubt I would have even gone to see her, much less take her case.
      3. I don’t scream foul play, I play ball.
      4. I have never threatened anyone – unless obtaining factual information and posting it is consider threatening. Plus I closed that thread so I could move on to other topics.
      5. Guilty, although I am by no means little

      p.s. You are free not to read here.

  23. Just noting that by the time Casey was arrested, I ( who have NEVER followed a case before) was already scouring the internet for information.

    There was something so terribly wrong with this case/mother/whole family, that
    it was horrifically fascinating.

    I felt rather shamed to be so absorbed, but absorbed I was…and still am.

    So…all the way out here in the Southwest, by the time she was arrested it was
    a known and watched case. More than you might perhaps realize…

    But we STILL don’t know the whys and hows of Baez……and especially the $$$$$.

  24. Maybe Geraldo smelled a good opportunity, got a FL atty’s number from information, and made Baez an offer he couldn’t refuse. Geraldo has proven himself to be… well, Geraldo.

    • I am still pissed that I stayed glued to my television for what seemed like days waiting for that dimwit to reveal what was hidden in “Al Capone’s Vault.”

      I have hated (okay, really been annoyed by) Geraldo ever since. 🙁

  25. There has been some speculation that Casey was a call girl/escort…maybe parttime prostitute? Holy macaroni…could Baez have been one of her clients if that were the case(y)?? Perhaps a reason they are always touching, looking more like a loving couple than atty/client? Just thinking out loud……

  26. RH, I have been wondering, if the defense needs to take advantage of assistance provided by the state for due process costs for expert witnesses, would the financial documents required to be filed force the defense to disclose where the money thus far has come from? And do you think they will apply for this assistance?

    I ask is because I think the lack of money is the reason they have not had the forensic evidence examined.

  27. Ok

    I’m going to say Rozzie is CORRECT.

    Although to me it really does not matter how Baez is paid.
    I’ve already heard the JG theory and think that one is the correct one.

  28. I love how she put a take-home pay of $1400 bi-weekly. That puts her somewhere in the $50K annual salary range, at her age without even a high school diploma (and no job, which she conveniently forgot!!).

    Little things like this just cement my impression that this girl really has no clue how the world works, and doesn’t understand just how much trouble she is in. She must think that the murder of her own child is somehow different than killing someone you don’t know, like it’s OK since it was her child anyway.

    When her trial starts, and things really get serious, I feel bad for her. Her attorneys need to beat it into her skull that she’s probably going to lose, and lose badly. I think they’re feeding her sunshine and lollipops and telling her that she’ll be a free woman inside a year.

    So sad.

    • Actually at the time of her arrest she was doing the FUSION GIG ,
      shotgirl – manager,that could be the figure she is using.

      I’d imagine most money in BAR setting comes from tips,guessing though.

  29. One thing that was made very clear by the Jail – Casey Anthony was never allowed contact with other inmates. The LE asked that she be held apart from all inmates. In one interview the Jail made it clear that there was no way she could have recieved the contact from who she claimed during Jail interview because she had never been in contact with that person.
    In the early days you could get on Casey’s Myspace…. there were several entries to Christina – who had a Father name JOSE. In one post Casey Says “Say hay to Jose” usually if you have met someone’s father in passing you might say say hello to your dad…… But Casey calls him by his name…. No personal message to Christina just the above post. These were dated in May 2008. There was also messages to this Christina regarding school which they did go to the same high school one year difference.
    Since the first of Aug 2008 Casey’s myspace page has been locked down.

    • Well now. That could be the most obvious explanation of all; as I know a lot of attorneys who handle their kid’s friend’s cases without payment, etc. Especially if they are familiar with the friend’s family situation (don’t have the money, etc.)

      If that was the case, Jose Baez would get a pass from me about how he got involved so quickly. But it would not justify his secretiveness about how people are getting paid – because as I will explain in my next post a week or so from now, the State would pay for her “defense costs” if asked.

      • I could share with you a sting operation that I did with several people back in Jan 2009 regarding Gill Cabot. But it cannot be used because I taped the interviews with Arrest Media.
        Including having a producer calling Gil Cabot and getting information regarding price of the movie rights. And YES Gil Cabot did inform a well known Made for TV film director that he did indeed own the movie rights.

    • Casey is currently in protective custody, which means she is not allowed to be in a common area with other inmates when she is out of her cell. However, there were periods prior to her initial incarceration in the female detention center when she could have spoken to other inmates or arrestees, and there have been periods since her incarceration when it is possible she could have spoken to inmates or arrestees as she was being moved from the jail to holding areas to courtrooms and back again.

      For instance, on Tuesday, July 30, 2008, a man named Travis Nichols came forward to say he had been in a holding cell near Casey before her July 29 bond hearing and that he had asked her about Caylee. Nichols claimed Casey told him Caylee was with an ex-boyfriend. According to a WFTV report, the jail was checking records to verify that Nichols was in the holding area when Casey was there; if they were both there, the jail said it was possible they could have exchanged words through the transparent dividers. According to Rozzie Franco, reporter for WFLA radio and the Florida News Network, who was a guest on Fox News’s On the Record, OCSO said Casey and Travis were never in the same place long enough to have spoken to each other without their conversation being heard by the attending guards. According to a WESH report, the sheriff’s office investigated the claim, but said they discounted it because they had been unable to verify details of the alleged conversation.

      In other words, no officials ever claimed it was not possible for Casey to have spoken with Travis Nichols; they said it was unlikely she had spoken to him.

      I cannot recall ever reading or hearing that Casey’s claim to have learned of Jose Baez from another inmate or arrestee had been investigated by OCSO and discredited.


      Christina Baez and Casey Anthony did not attend the same high school.

      Jose Baez’s daughter, Christina, attended Miami’s Coral Reef High School from 2001-2005 (graduating in June 2005). She began university in Gainesville in August 2005 and graduated in May 2009. The information is on her resume.

      Casey Anthony was in the class of 2004 at Orlando’s Colonial High School.


      Casey’s MySpace comments and posts for the period late April 2008 to early July 2008 were deleted on July 4, 2008 according to Lee.

      Several members of Websleuths looked up and copied many comments Casey left on the Facebook and MySpace pages of other people, and I copied the WS thread (82 pages) last year and pasted it into a MS Word document for my own reference. I just searched that document for “Jose” and only came up with one post (which was not even left by Casey Anthony but by one of Casey’s friends). The comment was left on July 15th at 2:42pm by someone named Kyle on the Facebook wall of his friend Jose Montinegro:

      “Hey Jose, its been too long since we’ve talked. Feel kinda bad, since i left Iadt, and this is gonna sound eh, but sorta lost a good friend. So what you been up to? Hows the school going, i guess things are sorta stagnent right now for me, nothing really exciting happening. I’ll try to keep in touch wit ya. Later jose, take it easy.”

      A seach for “Christine” and “Christina” returned nothing on that long list of comments left by Casey and her friends on various Facebook and MySpace pages. A search for “Kristina” returned one post left on June 20, 2008 at 10:25am on the MySpace page.

      “hey girl! long time. what’s this about canada??? i miss you.”

      However, there is no reference to a male named Jose in that comment, and the name is spelled Kristina whereas Baez’s daughter’s name is spelled Christina.

      I am not pretending to have a comprehensive list of every comment Casey ever left on the Internet, but I am unaware of any comments left by Casey Anthony to a person named Christine/Christina/Kristina/Kristine about a male named Jose. If you have a link to the screenshots of those comments, I will be grateful to you for sharing it.

      As of now, I find no evidence whatsoever that Casey Anthony and Christina Baez knew each other prior to Casey’s arrest.

    • You can still see Casey’s post to this girl on the girl’s page. Casey does not ask her about someone named Jose. As someone else above me correctly points out, another myspace member is the one who posts and says “Say hello to Jose”. Jose is this girl, Kristina’s, husband (not her father). The Kristina with a “K” is Kristina Cosme. Christina with a “C” is Christina Baez, and Casey never posted on her myspace page. You can google Christina Baez and see her pictures online and see that she is clearly a different person than Kristina with a “K”, on whose page Casey posted (asking about Canada- where Kristina with a “K” seems to have been going to get married or honeymooning at Niagara falls).

      • Hey Val
        I’d like to appologize for questioning your SCIENTIST status.{I know exactly who you are now,}
        I still think the Dora ZG stuff was a crazy goose chase and that forum is WHACKY …
        Just my opinion and I am sure you have your opinion of me!
        I did say you sounded like a sweet little old lady…lol
        Sorry but you did.

    • This comment will show up as to shyloh, but I mean it for heckler.

      Thank you! And I apologize to you as well. I don’t know you, except for limited comments I have read from you on Topix, MD’s and here, and I made a blanket statement about your character based on those comments. Usually doesn’t turn out to be accurate when I do things like that. Just like it wouldn’t be accurate to assess me as a “kook” because I find fascination and interest (and keep an open mind) in a wide berth of topics.

      And I have no doubt you do, by now, know exactly who I am…because it is findable. I will state here I appreciate you not intentionally presenting that which means you honored my wishes – even in the heat of battle (lol). That speaks volumes to me about you on a deeper level.

      P.S. I’m still resenting the “little ol lady” part though – (just kidding).

  30. Richard, just curious as to whether or not you believe that if Jose had been previously contacted by KC, wouldn’t he at that time have required some payment prior to offering legal advice? How many defense attorneys do you know who would freely offer up any legal advice initially let alone take on a case like this with no guarantee for payment?
    Notice to other peeps, the attorney who gives you free legal advice/criminal defense is not the defense attorney you want or need, especially when you are facing the death penalty!

  31. Great post Richard. Mr. Baez had to have inside info. Several of my best friends are lawyers and if someone I knew was in trouble I would ask anyone of these lawyers to “do me a favor” and go talk to this person. But the final choice of course would be there’s wheather to take her as a client. My lawyer friends have all said they would have ran fast from this one! To many lies from the get go. If Jesse did hire Baez would he really be stupid enough to still be paying him as well since they wanted to blame him for killing Caylee at one point? I have always thought Baez slithered out from under a rock and the best part is when this case is over he won’t be able to slither back to that rock as quick as he came out. And why no witness list from him yet almost 2 years later? What’s your take on that? And as Henry Lee says “It takes $350,000.00 just for me to get out of bed”! Where is Baez getting this? And his team has tested nothing. Just baffles my mind if he is such a great lawyer….NOT. I also predict this will end his career. And I think Lyins will be leaving as soon as reality sets in and she see’s her first DP loss right in front of her manly face. Your thoughts?

    • I will probably go over this again in my post next week, but the problem an expert witness list creates for Baez is two-fold.

      1. It requires your experts to finally give their opinion – and an opinion is no good unless is supports your theory. If their opinion does not support your theory, you don’t list them.

      2. It allows the State to inquire into how they are getting paid, by whom, and financial arrangements they have made, and media rights they have negotiated, etc. And if the experts are doing this “pro bono” the State can then go into ulterior reasons they agreed to work on the case – books that are coming out, etc.

      3. Finally, when the State deposes an expert (or any attorney deposes the other sides’ expert) the opponent has to pay the expert what the expert charges the hiring attorney. So if these experts are not charging Baez, they are not allowed to charge the State.

      Basically the witness list opens Pandora’s Financial Box for Mr. Baez.

      Spoiler alert, I will probably regurgitate a lot of this info in my next post.

      • The State mentioned in a motion that the defense hasn’t had their experts examine any of the forensic evidence…so

        Would the state know that for a fact? (They do mention that Dr. Lee was supposed to return to further examine the car and hasn’t) But would they know if a botinist has looked at the evidence for exmple?

        I know, I KNOW! Next post. Right?

      • For whatever it’s worth: I heard Dr. Lee (not long after he examined Casey’s car) say in a telephone interview with NG that he had taken the case pro-bono.

        p.s. Is the witness list and discovery documents bound by the same deadline or can either side add witnesses anytime?

  32. I would think the most likely access she would have to other inmates would be while waiting at court for her 1st appearance. Have you checked who else made an appearance that day? If Baez represented any of them he would have been at the court house and she would potentially meet him there. This would be after she filled out the indigence paperwork. Just an idea.

  33. Well, I beleive it has been rumored that she asked a fellow inmate if they knew a good lawyer and, Tada, that inmate recommended Baez.

    • I can barely remember my wife’s cell phone number (actually I can’t). How in the world is someone going to remember an attorney’s number – especially an attorney who is not representing them.

      I think the inmate theory is bunk.

      • Casey did not claim she had been given Jose Baez’s phone number.

        During their 9:00am video visitation on July 25, 2008, Lee asked Casey how Baez came to be her lawyer. Casey said she had asked other inmates for the name of a good lawyer; when one recommended Jose Baez, Casey asked that inmate to get word to Baez on her behalf and that Baez showed up the following day.

        • Yes, that is what Casey said, but it’s even more unbelievable than if she had been given Jose’s phone number and remembered it.

          Imagine if what Casey said is true and this inmate she talked to spent her one phone call from jail talking to Jose about Casey needing help. Or, the inmate’s one phone call was to a family member saying hey, call my attorney Jose and tell him there’s this chick named Casey who needs help. Or, she made bond that night and the first thing she did was call Jose on behalf of Casey. LOL.

          None of those situations make sense. Casey’s lies make no sense. I don’t what the truth is, but I know it hasn’t come out of Casey’s mouth.

  34. Good Morning Mr. Hoover…..oops! Richard,
    Neb., Colo.,New Mexico, Montana, New Hamshire, Kansas, and Washington have recently introduced legislation to abolish the DP. Do you think Fla. will soon follow?

    I know that will make u happy. “Life is Life”…and I agree with you. I just think in some cases “hard labor” should be included. I also think that pedophiles should NEVER be releases.

  35. Richard!!
    Stop blocking me, damnit! Or tell me to STAY OFF…even tho I’m a faithful blogger.
    You need a humor-ectomy…u r being a RASCAL…!

  36. What happened to this guy Welsh, co-counsel?

    WALSH: Yes, and there are other people besides the baby-sitter involved.

    KELLY: Can you tell us more, who?

    WALSH: No, I can’t tell you who.

    KELLY: Have you spoken with either Jess (ph) or Juliet (ph), two women who Casey says knew this baby-sitter, Zenaida?

    WALSH: We’ve spoken to people who knew her. When the police looked for the Zayda — Zenaida, I’m sorry — they found the wrong Zenaida. So that’s why there’s some miscommunication as to whether or not the Zenaida the police referred to and the other people referred to is the same Zenaida that Casey’s referring to.

    KELLY: And Michael, let me ask you, is your client willing to take a polygraph?

    WALSH: At this point, it depends on what the conditions are. Initially, yes, but not if it’s going to be simply used to not look for Casey. If it’s going to be used for no other purpose than to prosecute her, then no.

    Taken from manuscript July 27th “On the Record” hosted by Megan Kelly. It looks like her lawyers believed her story about Zanny the Nanny at the beginning.

    Forgot to post the link.

  37. Other transcripts for shows after initial ones early on….

    I’ve been looking for the one show I remember, where 2 older male attorneys….pretty positive Baez not one of them, where they were discussing Casey, and said she DEFINITELY has no mental issues…what so ever. I remember thinking, “oh, crap….she’s toast….it’s on tape….they basically can’t use the mental illness defense”…..sorry, from the very beginning I was sure she had something to do with it…and the child wasn’t alive.

  38. Now there is the Richard that we know and respect. Great article. I know you really don’t care what I think, but you do have the knack at making your point. lol.

    Glad you’re back. Waiting for next chapter.

  39. To add to my previous comment, I googled Walsh and it sounds like he’s a high profile Florida attorney specializing in Family Law. I assume for the child neglect charges and once they were dropped his services were no longer required.

    My point being this was very early in the case, 11 days after her arrest and 10 days since she had retained Baez. It makes me think that Casey’s endless supply of funding for her defense was in place from the get go. Every lawyer and science expert hired by the defense have been renowned in their specialty area. Is it feasible that all of them would agree to pro bono work?

  40. I just looked at the latest Inmate Visitor list and it begins on 10/15/08 Does anyone have the list from the first time she was incarcerated to see the date and time Jose initially met with her? TIA

  41. Ok, you didn’t respond so I looked a little further. You said, “But what if it was a male inmate you ask? Well okay, if you examine each of the male clients that he was representing at the time, you will see that none of those clients were arrested in the week leading up to her arrest date; and the only male inmates she could have had contact with would be recently arrested inmates. So while possible, it is highly unlikely.”

    But what if he was there representing someone that was arrested earlier. From the OC clerk’s site, in a case for a male driving on a suspended license….

    06/26/2008 Pre-Trial Conference Set
    07/15/2008 Notice of Appearance

    Would this case be in the same court house? He went to see her the first time that morning at 11:11:34 and stayed until 3:53:15 pm, just before presenting the paperwork to the court, most likely faxing it from the jail? Again, just an idea. This client just happens to have the same first name as Casey’s surname, meaning “of infinite worth”. Some people are willing to do pro bono work simply because they recognize the value of each human being and have a right to a fair trial. It may not pay the bills but it does do the heart good. I’m not saying he is working for absolutely nothing, but maybe he is.

    • You need to let go of the courthouse theory, because Initial Appearances are held at the Booking and Release Center located on John Young parkway.

      The Orange County Courthouse address is 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida. They are separated by about five miles.

      And again, as a practicing attorney, I have shown up to in-jail Initial Appearances about five times in the last five years. And the only person I would speak with was my client in the hallway right before they were brought in.

      Hi, my name is Richard Hornsby. Your mother/father/aunt/brother/sister/lover/partner hired me to represent you. Keep you mouth shut and let me do the talking. Kapeesh?

  42. Richard,
    I really appreciate this new thread. I look forward to your next one!
    I know this is off topic; but I would like to know what your thoughts are regarding D. Casey (PI)? Will he eventually be deposed? Do you think he is a major part of this case & if so (which side)? I know your very busy & I apologize if this has been asked before!
    Thanks much!

  43. Hi Richard, love your blog.

    Is a ‘mysterious benefactor’ responsible for engaging as well as paying Baez, and the others? The judge’s ruling made it clear media deals aren’t paying for the defense and the defense made it clear they do not want to disclose the source of their funding. What’s in it for the benefactor, who obviously wishes to remain anonymous? What is motivating this person to pay astronomical legal fees for a universally hated suspected child killer? As always, follow the money….

    • When did the judge’s ruling make it clear that media deals were not paying for the defense? It was my understanding that the judge ruled there was no conflict of interest???? Big jump to assume there’s no connection between G&C, ( or other third party), and Baez, IMO. I will have to do some research but wasn’t something about Casey and a trust fund mentioned early on???

      • The prosecution was shouting conflict of interest because THEY believed media deals were paying for the defense, and indeed it would have been a conflict if Baez was accepting money from a media company to represent Casey because his defense of her could be affected by his own personal financial interests. The judge’s ruling makes plain there was no conflict, hence no media deals. Besides, why would a media/publishing company wish to reamain anonymous? It would all come out anyway at the end of the trial when it came time to pay the piper.

        And can anyone name an organization that would pay for Casey’s defense? An organization that would want to remain anonymous? I can’t, hence my contention that her defense is being paid for by a wealthy individual and I want to know who it is and why they are doing it.

        • You make very compelling points. However, I do have to wonder why Jose went ballistic during CA’s state depo when the picture of Caylee in the pink shirt was shown?

  44. RH – good work in tightening the time line. You have put forth a few interesting possibilities that many of us have been debating for a while, but did not know the logistics well enough to do more than speculate in regards to what may have gone down. I think we were all alerted by the smirky way she explained to her parents how she ended up selecting her attorney; her face looked like she was enjoying yet another lie.

    My guess is that perhaps Casey was making calls from home after LE dropped her off the night of her Imaginanny Tour and while she was mass-texting “Caylee is Missing” as a CYA strategy. She would know she was in hot water already, especially realizing that LE was coming back in the morning for her Universal visit. She might have called friends who knew Baez (her LE friend Tony is one candidate) – I had heard Baez had done a lot of DUI cases for cops. (Do we know if Jesse even had need for an attorney like Baez?). I’d think that she would have asked established friends (like Annie or Dante -who also knew the shady Frank McK-that could be trusted and may have had their own little run-ins with the law). It might also explain that strange visit she got in jail from Patrick and the sidekick that didn’t show up. They may have been alerted in advance that Casey was looking for an attorney and supplied Jose’s name.

    But that does not explain how quickly he cleared his schedule and showed up at the jail and expedited everything. To me, that sounds like he owed someone more important a favor. A long time ago, I googled the residence addresses of the owner of Fusian and Baez. They live less than a couple of miles from each other. Perhaps they knew each other. I need to look at your list of cases for Baez and see if any familiar names pop up. For some reason, I can’t believe that Geraldo was on any Rolodex ahead of time – or that he would have picked Baez for any reason, particularly with all the other highly qualified defense attorneys in the area.

    Of course, if Casey and Baez were already “acquainted”, none of this may have been necessary. The fact that he acted in ways completely counterintuitive to a good defense attorney (not filing for a speedy trial, not asking for a gag order, letting an idiot PR person like Black run rampant) and how she magically rescinded her offer to talk with LE several times as soon as Baez arrived, makes me think the delays were more about financing his defense through media coverage and less about pragmatically handling what many would call a slam-dunk case. I’m wondering what you think the ramifications would be if it’s shown that Baez had a deep personal interest in this case.

  45. About the $$. I’m recalling the text msg’s from JG to AH. I remember reading that JG had contacted a very wealthy local business person (I think he/she owned some kind of hospitality/travel school?) And said this person was on their team and would give them what they needed. But this was in the very begining, when JG was ‘helping’ the A family. Maybe JG told this to Baez, and that is why Baez agreed to take KC? Maybe he had a chance to call this local business person to verify?

  46. Ok, you didn’t respond so I looked a little further. You said, “But what if it was a male inmate you ask? Well okay, if you examine each of the male clients that he was representing at the time, you will see that none of those clients were arrested in the week leading up to her arrest date; and the only male inmates she could have had contact with would be recently arrested inmates. So while possible, it is highly unlikely.”

    But what if he was there representing someone that was arrested earlier. From the OC clerk’s site, in a case for a male driving on a suspended license….

    06/26/2008 Pre-Trial Conference Set
    07/15/2008 Notice of Appearance

    Would this case be in the same court house? He went to see her the first time that morning at 11:11:34 and stayed until 3:53:15 pm, just before presenting the paperwork to the court, most likely faxing it from the jail? Again, just an idea. This client just happens to have the same first name as Casey’s surname, meaning “of infinite worth”. Some people are willing to do pro bono work simply because they recognize the value of each human being and have a right to a fair trial. It may not pay the bills but it does do the heart good. I’m not saying he is working for absolutely nothing, but maybe he is.

  47. Very interesting questions cecybeans.

    Now, could it be possible that Casey met Baez at Fusion? It makes sense that she got his name from one of her friends/boyfriends who had needed an attorney, but the idea of Casey knowing Baez from Fusions or some other bar/club is interesting.

  48. um
    When this subject was brought up on topix….The Rev was not so happy.

    I still say it really does not matter to me who is paying for Baez.

    • Well it should matter,
      First let me preface this post by saying that Jessie did not send Baez to Casey. Jessie did not know of Baez prior to Casey hiring him as her attorney. That false rumor was started by a certain PI and a blogger willing to spread that rumor for said PI.
      Jessie did not know Rosen but had heard of him and that he had money and perhaps could help the Anthony’s monetarily. Jessie never personally spoke to Rosen but called the executive offices and reached out for help for the Anthony family as any one of you could have done. The Anthony family declined Mr. Rosen’s offer to help. Jessie explains reaching out to Rosen in his police interview.
      What I would like to know is why isn’t anyone discussing the connection between the Anthony’s, Baez, Peter Benevides and William Rivera? That’s where the story is.

      Follow the money trail and be sure to read ALL parts.

      • Personally I DON”T care but i realize others do!
        I really never got into who pays Baez.

        I never understood why it mattered who found Baez!

        • Read the article I posted. It’s pretty interesting. Money trail…..who would be willing to pay for Casey’s defense and why would they? That’s the question that is posed in this blog so I am just trying to OPEN your eyes to something that should be looked at very seriously.

        • Follow The Money Trail

          Jenni is that you!!!
          Look I never said Jesse had a ticket or sent Baez…..I believe Richard said Rozzie said that.
          I just said I’ll go with that one because I’ve heard some stuff about it.
          I also said here and before on TOPIX

          I personally could care less who sent BAEZ to Casey and never quite got why it was a big deal!
          Also I SAID here ,bringing Jesse up was not a good idea.

          You want to know what is so odd though……………no one freaks when speaking of anyone else involved indirectly or directly with this case.I’ve never seen Tony L’s daddy call out his army when you folks toss Tony’s name around,I don’t see Amy bring in the troops if someone says something about her,I don’t see anyone call out the troops in a effort to silence people EXCEPT THE GRUNDS….WHY IS THAT?

          You know it looks weird right?
          Almost looks to me like a purposeful effort to silence ones first amendment right to free speech!
          You do know Richard’s brother is a civil rights attorney right?
          Maybe I’ll ask what violation GRUND may be in for trying to silence me.
          I don’t exactly appreciate that ya know!!?

        • The Money Trail

          First off

          GRUND knows I am not in anyway connected to THE ANTHONY’S

          he knows I DON”T talk Jesse except to say he is a twit and so is THE REV!!!

          Did I not say the JESSE subject was one best not brought up?

          Because GOD FORBID ANYONE QUESTION JG and hundreds of crazy bats come out to defend THE REV”S BOY!!!
          Kinda weird !

        • Heckler says:
          The Money Trail
          First off
          GRUND knows I am not in anyway connected to THE ANTHONY’S

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          Does he?

          Heckler says:
          he knows I DON”T talk Jesse except to say he is a twit and so is THE REV!!!

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          How very thoughtful and PC of you.

          Heckler says:
          Did I not say the JESSE subject was one best not brought up?

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          I don’t know but I am sure you will have a brilliant explanation.

          Heckler says:
          Because GOD FORBID ANYONE QUESTION JG and hundreds of crazy bats come out to defend THE REV”S BOY!!!
          Kinda weird !

          Follow The Money Trail says:

          I stand corrected on the “BRILLIANT” explanation, good grief Heckler try and compose yourself.

        • The money trail

          Hurry run………..Tell RG I called him a TWIT…he may twitter about it!

          Drop it ok,
          I do not wish to talk about your GODLY pal!

        • Heckler says:
          The money trail
          Hurry run………..Tell RG I called him a TWIT…he may twitter about it!

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          Another mature response from Heckler, bravo!

          Heckler says:
          Drop it ok,
          I do not wish to talk about your GODLY pal!

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          Understandable, you and God are strangers. You have claimed to be an Atheist so that might explain a little as to why the entire God thing freaks you out. Not a problem. I was just trying to correct a little misinformation that was thrown out here.
          Oh and before I forget, Jessie doesn’t have any traffic violations. It’s public record, take a peek! So no Baez never represented Jessie and never handled any traffic violations for him either.

      • That was the most pointless blog post I have read in the case; basically a bunch of name dropping and innuendo. Was that the same series of articles that was removed from The Examiner for some reason?

        • With all due respect Mr. Hornsby, why is it pointless?
          What’s pointless is anyone claiming that Jesse Grund sent Baez to Casey for it’s completely false. What’s pointless is thinking that Rosen may be paying for Casey’s defense for that is also completely false. I think that the article brings up some very good questions. Why not discuss that angle? Why is everyone so afraid to “go there”?

        • OK
          I click link and seen who wrote story………Clicked right off!

          Simon Barrett is also a friend of Rev Grund.
          Sorry I don’t like The REV or most of his minions.

        • Follow the Money Trial

          I will take it that the inside info on Jesse came from his Dad directly to Simon Barrett…………..Which is why I won’t go there!

        • Heckler says:
          December 29, 2009 at 8:25 pm
          Follow the Money Trial

          I will take it that the inside info on Jesse came from his Dad directly to Simon Barrett…………..Which is why I won’t go there!


          I will take it that the inside info on Casey came directly from Cindy, George, Lee, and Dominic Casey …………….Which is why I won’t go THERE!

        • Mr. Hornsby,
          Do you know Peter Benevides or William Rivera? Are you now or have you ever been their attorney?

        • Uh huh! And, if you ever get a chance, which I rarely do because of buffering problems, listen to the radio show. Yep, the bounty makers speak of profits,er, I meant Prophets, and even mention that there are more of them than items in the Smithsonian-whatever that means! I personally canceled my subscription after my visit to Pie Town…should have stayed there and taken up the slip-stitch and joined the quilting bee.

          This case has become their (daily)bread and butter.

          Got the spirit? Uh, huh, well, let’s hear it! Lol!

        • Actually Barrett got most of his initial info from Sean Krause before he died. He used to be on Barrett’s weekly radio show. Krause got a lot of his info from WS and scaredmonkeys sleuthers about Benevides. Neither of them gave a lot of credit or attribution when putting forth ideas, which is a pet peeve of mine. I used the info on the two sites above as a springboard for some of my own research and have a file of stuff on all of the NLHF principles. They make the Milsteads look like Girl Scouts. And I was sent several emails warning me that they are dangerous folks. I’m sure that whoever is looking into all of them is doing so on a federal level. I doubt Casey herself had any ties with these players, but may have known some who were acquainted with folks in their lower echelons. I couldn’t decide if it was just opportunistic money-laundering or some other reason for NLHF and PB to be involved.

        • Cecy,
          Thank you for your response and a dialogue regarding this subject. It might be nothing or it may be something shady going on that I think is worth at least a discussion. I am looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts regarding this matter. Sufficed to say PB, WR, NLHF and The Milsteads leave a lot to ponder. Not so sqeaky clean IMO.

        • Cecey Beans-

          Do you perhaps have a link on Krausse’s “lift” of info from WS?

          I have different info, and as you know I am big on the “Fact checkin”.

        • Ok Money Trail

          Grund subject closed.
          It is pointless and The guy bores me!
          I know others have lots of questions for your pal,so wait around for them!

      • Good question…this stuff has been out there for a while. The FBI info…was it ever proven to be “the” PB? I’m glad I wasn’t the only one questioning MN’s presence. Thanks for sharing this.

        • Let me tell you something about Rev…He darn well knew not everyone was involved in that but he SENT hundreds of people like you to harass us!

          Let’s take Wign {me} he knew I had crap to say about him ,but yet made people think everyone was involved in that mess!

          He also lied and embellished what was going on!
          What was it he said “WE WERE WORKING WITH THE DEFENSE in a conspiracy to fabricate reasonable doubt”

          Yeah the TWIT even went on Nancy Grace and said that crap!
          The man makes me sick!

          I’m not even sure there is anything called that but darn well know Wign saying Casey was innocent did not ad up to that!
          I think he is a horrible man,plain and simple!

        • heckler says:
          December 30, 2009 at 4:00 pm
          Let me tell you something about Rev…He darn well knew not everyone was involved in that but he SENT hundreds of people like you to harass us!

          Let’s take Wign {me} he knew I had crap to say about him ,but yet made people think everyone was involved in that mess!

          He also lied and embellished what was going on!
          What was it he said “WE WERE WORKING WITH THE DEFENSE in a conspiracy to fabricate reasonable doubt”

          Yeah the TWIT even went on Nancy Grace and said that crap!
          The man makes me sick!

          I’m not even sure there is anything called that but darn well know Wign saying Casey was innocent did not ad up to that!
          I think he is a horrible man,plain and simple!


          Follow The Money Trail says:

          I am quite sure he is not losing any sleep worrying about your personal opinions of him. His time is spent teaching about kindness, humility, how to be humble and all things positive. You could learn a great deal from someone like that. Lord knows you could use it.

        • Will he teach me how to lie about people too?
          Maybe he can teach me how to get OLD WOMEN to bully for me.
          I don’t think he is kind,I think he wears a false mask!
          By the way I am extremely kind,just sick of being jumped on for believing Casey is innocent!

        • heckler says:
          December 30, 2009 at 4:31 pm
          Will he teach me how to lie about people too?
          Maybe he can teach me how to get OLD WOMEN to bully for me.
          I don’t think he is kind,I think he wears a false mask!
          By the way I am extremely kind,just sick of being jumped on for believing Casey is innocent!


          Follow The Money Trail says:
          I believe you are being overly melodramatic. I don’t think that man gets anyone to do his bidding for him. I don’t think he has asked anyone to do any such thing. I think people do it willingly. I think people have eyes and can see what has been done and they have strong opinions of their own. Just as you have your opinions so do they. As far as Casey being innocent, you are entitled to your opinion just as others are entitled to theirs. I firmly believe that it is not your opinion that is the problem here Heckler, I do however believe it is the way you broach the subject that is the problem. The way you express your opinions might have a lot to do with how people perceive you and your opinions and not the actual opinions themselves.

      • Heckler says:
        Follow The Money Trail
        Jenni is that you!!!

        Follow The Money Trail says:
        No Heckler my name is not Jenni

        Heckler says:
        Look I never said Jesse had a ticket or sent Baez…..I believe Richard said Rozzie said that.

        Follow The Money Trail says:

        Yes you are correct and Rozzie needs to get his/ her facts straight. It’s that “I heard so and so said” that gets innocent people blamed for something they did not do.


        Heckler says:
        You want to know what is so odd though……………no one freaks when speaking of anyone else involved indirectly or directly with this case.I’ve never seen Tony L’s daddy call out his army when you folks toss Tony’s name around,I don’t see Amy bring in the troops if someone says something about her,I don’t see anyone call out the troops in a effort to silence people EXCEPT THE GRUNDS….WHY IS THAT?


        Follow The Money Trail says:
        Just because the other families of these innocent victims of Casey’s have not spoken out vocally does not mean that they are not fighting mad about the situation that Casey has put their children through. I am willing to bet that they have voiced their anger plenty but perhaps not on these blogs or to the media. I can’t imagine any parent being happy about the situation Casey has managed to put their children in the middle of. As far as the Grund family is concerned, the campaign to try and frame Jesse for the murder of Caylee was a strong one and quite honestly disgusting IMO. Speaking of odd, I find it odd that you seem to have no problem with the Anthony’s publicly defending their daughter regarding the murder of Caylee but if the Grunds defend their son you have a problem with it. That is hypocritical thinking. The Grunds have every right to defend their son and if the time ever comes when your child is put in the same situation it would be interesting to see just how you would react. Everyone reacts differently. Let’s not forget also that not only was Jesse being blamed but his parents were being talked about as well.


        Heckler says:
        You know it looks weird right?
        Almost looks to me like a purposeful effort to silence ones first amendment right to free speech!
        You do know Richard’s brother is a civil rights attorney right?
        Maybe I’ll ask what violation GRUND may be in for trying to silence me.
        I don’t exactly appreciate that ya know!!?

        Follow The Money Trail says:
        I don’t believe for a moment that anyone was trying to take away your freedom of speech. I do believe that people were asked politely to stop harrassing that family and that request seemed to have fallen upon deaf ears. The only violation that was bestowed upon you is in your imagination, while you are in there can you see if you can find Zanny?

        • I did not ever talk about his family.
          I called him a twit because he sent the masses of old ladies after that whole entire forum based on a LIE HE TOLD!
          I’m done on the Grund subject ok.
          Like I said on topix if you slapped a set of horns on that mans picture you see one thing THE DEVIL!!!

        • Ok since you know THE REV and think he is so great..

          Ask him How it is Casey told him of Zenaida Gonzalez { the whole name and Zac story}in 2006 but apparently never discussed this with Jesse who was her boyfriend/fiance?

          That is so strange!

        • He did get others to do his bidding.
          Read his blogs!

          This has become rather annoying.
          Why am I talking to you about Grund anyway?
          I said JESSE was a bad subject and you prove why!

        • heckler says:
          December 30, 2009 at 4:35 pm
          I did not ever talk about his family.
          I called him a twit because he sent the masses of old ladies after that whole entire forum based on a LIE HE TOLD!
          I’m done on the Grund subject ok.
          Like I said on topix if you slapped a set of horns on that mans picture you see one thing THE DEVIL!!!


          Follow The Money Trail says:
          You are talking about them right now. The Devil you say? I guess you see only what you choose to see. I see a kind, good hearted man with the light of God shining through him. Your maturity level is showing again.

          heckler says:
          Ok since you know THE REV and think he is so great..

          Ask him How it is Casey told him of Zenaida Gonzalez { the whole name and Zac story}in 2006 but apparently never discussed this with Jesse who was her boyfriend/fiance?

          That is so strange!

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          Not strange at all, Casey found a babysitter, or so she said, Big deal. Why would that be a huge discussion between father and son. I can see him merely saying Casey said she found a full time nanny for Caylee, thank goodness. You don’t seem to think it strange that Cindy and casey never discussed the nanny in full detail? She lived with Caylee and Casey it should have been more of a concern to her to know all about this nanny, more so than the Grunds.

          heckler says:
          He did get others to do his bidding.
          Read his blogs!

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          I don’t see it that way. I think he pointed out what was happeneing to his family. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force him to drink. People have minds of their own. He did not hypnotize anyone to do his bidding. If any has spoken out in his family’s defense perhaps it’s because they saw a wrong that they felt compelled to speak out about. That whole freedom of speech and constitutional rights thing you so frequently bring up comes to mind here.

          heckler says:
          This has become rather annoying.
          Why am I talking to you about Grund anyway?
          I said JESSE was a bad subject and you prove why!

          Follow The Money Trail says:
          I don’t find it annoying at all. I find your approach can be a bit disturbing at times but I find the dialogue to be quite interesting. Jesse is not a bad subject, Jesse is just a young man who had the fortune and misfortune of meeting and falling in love with Casey and Caylee and this is the thank you he gets in return.
          Why are you talking to me about Grund you ask? I don’t know, probably because you keep bringing the subject back up. I am merely responding to your questions and statements.

  49. Pam/Yutz-

    Yes, do listen to your link. You know the source she refers to several times?

    She would be referring to me.

    I wrote the piece that appeared on that site. Steph Watts, of GMA at the time, asked me if he could forward it to Rozzie.

    She called me immediately and I gave her permission to go with it.

    Don’t take my word for it though, ask her yourself-

    But yes, be clear he is responsible via brokerage for a substantial amount of the funding for Casey’s defense.

    Thank you for your interest in my work.

    Queen B

    • why are you so into this “MY WORK” stuff?
      You are a simple blogger and literally the only one who comes out with the “MY WORK” crap.

      Not for nothing but get over yourself already!Really we do not care who you are!

    • From above Blink stated: “But yes, be clear he is responsible via brokerage for a substantial amount of the funding for Casey’s defense.”

      So, Blink, you are stating factually that Gil Cabot provides funding for Casey Anthony’s defense, and this is not you hypothesizing but is an actual truth? If so, I am very interested in seeing your work of which you speak so proudly.

  50. maybe they have a list that newbie inmates can look over, of attorneys that inmates can reach, if a person finds themselves in need, and bozo’s name was on it, and she just called the first one..that was male, since we all know socio loves males. Maybe it was in the phone book. I mean after all you do still get that one phone call when arrested don’t ya?

    • Hmmm maybe his name and number were written on the restroom wall. You know similar to when you see “for a good time call so and so” mixed in with the rest of the grafitti. JK. I suppose someone could have had his card in their pocket or she could have been given his name and called directory assistance. Odd that he was at the jail by 11ish that same morning, just hours after she had requested the services of a public defendor. If it was an ex-boyfriend like Jesse, I guess it will come out at trial?

      • That all sounds very reasonable, but when you combine the mysterious appearance of Baez onto the scene with the mysterious source of funding you have to conclude that things are just not that simple.

    • Chris well put. The “pissing match” is a BIG distraction, who cares? Most of us ONLY care about the Legal aspects of this case that RH presents & the topic presented. Many interesting ideas & information have been shared but the BICKERING is “Imposing” on the rest of us.

      Maybe RH would consider a Personal Messaging feature & have the Bickering taken there, & NOT BORE the rest of us with the mindless bullchit.

  51. Richard, do you think that Baez is the best lawyer for this case and do you think that Andrea Lyons will stay the run or will be back for the penalty phase only.

    To me he does not the experience, wisdom to defend such a case.

    Your opinion would be appreciated.

    • What do I know? I am just another criminal defense lawyer. And I can’t imagine Ms. Lyon not staying on for the long haul, I really don’t understand why people think she would not. She did not really think she was going to win the death penalty motion, in reality it was a rather routine (although unusual) motion. You go through the motions of filing it just in case you lose and it is one more issue for the appellate court to consider.

  52. Thank you. The fraud trial will be comming up soon. If she is convicted for fraud prior to her murder trial, will they state be able to use this even if the murder was apparently prior to the fraud.

    O.K. Does Lyons have to stay the course, if she knows she is not going to get it thrown out. Can Mr. Baez handle this alone or does she have to stay on because it is a death penalty case and he can not try this as he has not enough experience and lastly, do you think that Casey will take the stand. I know everyone is saying the defense would be crazy to let her but she is her own person.

  53. What happened to all the other Attorneys on record? Did they just “poof”, when Ms. Lyons came on board?

    Do you think Casey will testify on her own behalf?

  54. How are the Anthony’s able to pay their bills? Is Cindy still on disability? Is George working? Who is financing them, and why?

  55. Just a note to say……….Loving your blog!!!

    Just read “Will the Real Zenaida Please Stand Up?”

    Brilliant. Thank you so much.

    First, MOST people, except of course, Cindy & George Anthony, KNOWS what “Zanni” really means–come on–can you just imagine how many secret laughs Casey got out of this one every time they uttered “her” name??
    OMG, she is just twisted enough to pat herself on the back as she’s had sooo many people (less knowledgeable about street drug names) doing the same, over this so-called “nanny” and truly, it’s, well, absolutely HILARIOUS! (not for one minute do I think this case is, please don’t get me wrong on that!) To FINALLY see it in print for those who aren’t aware of the meaning “zanni bar” = Xannex is well, ABOUT TIME! (and for those who still aren’t aware, Xannex is a Valium on steroids, imho, an extremely strong
    anti-anxiety drug that would knock a 3 year old into next year, if not straight into oblivion. Very dangerous to children of ANY age!
    One just can’t help wondering, how in heck did she find a name to match her “Zanni the nanny”?
    Not to mention, anyone realize how absolutely ludicrous that Casey Anthony herself, alone, decided to utilize the only name that could even half way make any sense AND at the same time, fool those less knowledgeable in the street drug world? (whereupon legit med’s are abused and re-monikered such as poor Zenaida’s “Zanni” has been)
    I mean, anyone ever wonder–or ask for that matter, if in fact “Zanni” is a legit nic for the lady’s name???

    I would highly doubt it.
    In a children’s book, the fictional “Zanny the Nanny” name makes sense and is a fun play on words for the kiddie’s, but in the adult world of real human women, only the sick and sadistic Casey Anthony could feed this BS to Cindy then expect her to not only buy it, but to go around repeating it while sitting back and get herself many a good laugh. (Casey is rarely heard actually speaking said name–I remember only once, in answer to Cindy during a jail house visit–that’s it. Probably, she didn’t want to burst out herself)

    When I hear either of the Anthony’s say the name Zanni in the media or an interview, I wonder if they cringe inside. It’s really difficult to tell since these people are so insincere themselves. (Ugh, remembering George announce at his depo that the attorney wasn’t pronouncing it correctly! Why oh Why does he set himself up like that???)

    I’d be willing to bet though, that the SA will be using it in the correct context. As previewed on the 11th, they will NOT give Casey Anthony the satisfaction of a secret, inside joke. Because it all comes down to being at the expense of a little 2 year old murdered child. Hey anthony’s:


    Thank You Mr. Hornsby!

  56. I don’t read everyday, but now when I do, I can’t wait to read what you have to say. I’m hooked…… Not only are you so damn smart, but witty. I find your style of literature organized and easy to follow. I have much respect for what you do and all the work that goes with getting your facts straight. I’ll keep reading on……

  57. Mr. Hornsby, isn’t it more important to ascertain the source of the defense funding rather than how and under what circumstances Jose Baez was hired to defend Casey Anthony? The Alessi v. State case was directly on point. Thank you for posting that link.

    I find your hypothesis of Casey having already sought out his legal advice, before Caylee’s disappearance was known, to be very plausible. It makes the most sense to me. Who knows how she found him. She could have searched the Internet or looked in the phone book. Does Jose Baez have an ad in the Yellow Pages?

    I don’t see Jesse Grund referring him to Casey. Has anyone asked JG if Baez ever represented him? Why would JG need a criminal defense attorney for a traffic violation, anyway? Wouldn’t JG have confirmed this by now? Especially since rumors abound that the defense is considering casting suspicion in his direction.

    Does Jose Baez have a daughter who’s a friend or acquaintance of Casey Anthony? That might explain how she knew him, but it could still be that she sought his advice before she told her mother that Caylee was missing.

    Really, it’s more important to learn the truth about who’s paying for the defense. Personally, I can’t see a wealthy individual spending one red cent to help Casey Anthony. I don’t know anyone who supports that heartless woman. It makes the most sense that a marketing entity complete with publishing, movie and TV rights to the story is funding the defense. Just because the deal isn’t specifically made with Jose Baez doesn’t mean “the deal” isn’t paying for his services, one way or another.

    What a country. Murder your child & throw her body away like trash, lie your ass off about her being kidnapped, thereby wasting the time of hundreds of searchers & law enforcement funds looking for Caylee, destroy a totally innocent person’s name & reputation (ZG), go partying nonstop for a month – “grieving ugly”, steal money from your best friend and go shopping at Target — do all that and sell the story to whatever media/public relations/publishing house/film-TV production company — to defend yourself. It’s just so wrong, there are no words. The defense of this murdering mom is being paid for by marketing her child’s murder. Sick, sick, sick.

  58. It’s amazing how all of societies bottom feeders as yourself have found each other & congregated on RH’s blog. You crawled out from under your respective slimy rocks at the same time…right heckler?

    Heckler…you hate an innocent man Richard Grund but defend & seem to be a cult like follower of the subhuman garbage that are attempting to frame Rev Grund, his wife & son Jesse Grund for the murder of Caylee Anthony.

    Well, not just them since you brought it up…how about Roy Kronk, Zanaida G, Tony Lazzaro, Ricardo M, Amy H, Anthony M, and other ppl some who don’t even exist say like Juliette Lewis…lol…she’s an actress who’s never met whore face. Brandon Snow, Jeff Hopkins…anyone who breathed near the Anthonys are subject to getting framed for murder.

    Heckler…you deserve a medal for being an observant & shrewd judge of character….just gotta love them Anthonys don’t you…wtf…lmfao!!

    • LOL

      I said I don’t like him,not that I HATE HIM.
      Oh and I did say bringing up Jesse was a bad idea.
      I also said to me THE WHOLE WHO HIRED BAEZ is something I do not care about and frankly never discussed.

      Go read TOPIX ok,the most WIGN has said about REV GRUND or Jesse is I think they are twits.
      Go bully someone else,I knew if anyone brought Jesse up RG”S MINIONS would be on it like flys on ……….well you know!!

  59. Mr. Hornsby,

    I greatly appreciate the time you’ve been taking to maintain your blog and answer questions at Websleuths. It’s immensely helpful to have a central Florida criminal defense lawyer explain the relevant Florida laws and offer theories about legal strategies.

    I’m as curious as everyone to know how Jose Baez came to represent Casey.

    On page 20 of George Anthony’s July 24, 2008 OCSO interview, Sergeant John Allen asked George how Jose Baez came to be Casey’s attorney:

    George: . . . I, I, I don’t like this freaking attorney that she has. I can tell you that right now from, from personal experience. I don’t like the guy.

    John Allen: How’d y’all get that guy? How’d he come about?

    George: My, my daughter talked to someone when you guys initially incarcerated her. And I guess, who she ever talked to, you know, according to my daughter now, this is what Mr. Baez told me, or Jose – I’ll just call him that – says, told, uhm, Jose Baez, “Oh, I asked someone, ‘Who’s a good attorney?’” And she has five thousand dollars supposedly, or at least fourteen hundred of it, to give him as a retainer to assist. We did not contact this man. We initially, when he came to our, called us, we thought he was a court-appointed attorney.


    During a 9:00am video visitation on July 25, 2008, Lee asked Casey how Baez came to be her lawyer (Part 1, starting at 7:40):

    Lee: How did Jose become your attorney?

    Casey: It just kind of happened at random in booking. I heard a couple people talking about attorneys, things like that, and they just flat-out asked me if I had anyone yet, and I said, “No.” And his name came up, and I was like, “Well, if he’s good, could you do me a favor and pass my name along?” So, he came and saw me the next day. It was like immediately, right after I saw the judge, so . . .

    Lee: So, was it an inmate, was it a corrections officer?

    Casey: It was an inmate, and there was three other people that confirmed it, so . . .

    Lee: Okay. So that’s kind of how that happened. That makes sense, then, because from what I could find out, I didn’t think he was court-appointed.

    Casey: No.

    Lee: Okay, okay.


    On July 16, 2008 Casey Anthony was picked up from her parents’ house shortly after noon and taken to Universal Studios for the purpose of showing the detectives her office. After admitting she was not employed, she was interviewed by Detectives Wells, Allen, and Melich from 1:20-2:25pm. Following the interview, she was taken to an OCSO vehicle and shown photos of women named Zenaida Gonzalez, all of whom Casey rejected as the kidnapping babysitter.

    She was then taken to the OCSO Central Operations Center at 2500 West Colonial Drive and offered a chance to provide information that would help find Caylee. She did not and was arrested at 4:33pm although according to Yuri Melich’s November 5 investigative report, she was not taken to the OC Branch Jail until later that evening.

    As you noted in an earlier comment, inmates are processed at the Booking and Release Center, located in the OC Corrections Complex on John Young Parkway. According to the OC Inmate Handbook, booking involves being searched, fingerprinted, photographed, showered, issued jail clothing, an identification card, assigned a jail number, and provided a preliminary medical/mental health screening. During booking, possessions are collected, inventoried, and stored. Inmates are advised of the charge(s) against them and given bond information. They are also allowed to call their attorneys, families/friends, and bonding agencies.

    At 11:16pm, Casey called her parents’ house for a 13-minute phone call, and during the call, she said she had been at the jail since 8:30pm and just prior to calling the Anthony residence, she had watched a live local news broadcast that took place outside the Anthony residence (Cindy was interviewed during the broadcast and Casey could see Mallory Parker’s car parked in front of the house).

    Cindy: Casey?

    Casey: Mom, I just saw your nice little cameo on TV.


    Casey: I know Lee is at the house. I saw Mallory’s car was out front. It was just on the news. They were just live outside the house.


    Casey: Again, I’ve only been in jail since about 8:30 tonight. I was with them all day. I know that I was with officers pretty much since 9:00pm last night up until this evening when I came up here.


    According to Christopher Stutz, Casey tried to call him twice from the jail around 11:30-11:45pm. He refused both calls.


    At 11:40pm, Casey’s Prisoner Transport Jurat was time-stamped.


    Casey’s Prisoner Transport Jurat was not time-stamped until 11:40pm, yet she claimed she had been at the jail for almost three hours when she called the Anthony residence at 11:16pm. Just prior to calling her family, she watched a local news broadcast. If 11:40pm was when Casey’s booking process began (per the 11:40pm time-stamp), then is it possible she was mingling with other arrestees in a communal area for a few hours after her arrival at the corrections complex? Could that be when she had the alleged conversation with other inmates about attorneys and asked another inmate to contact Jose Baez on her behalf?

    • I have yet to have an incarcerated client call me on behalf of a person who was JUST arrested, much less a random inmate. Remember, at the time she was being booked she had no reason to believe she would be unable to bond out.

      And one other thing, most people who find themselves in jail do not think the attorney who negotiated their stay there is a good attorney – they blame that attorney for them being there.

      And even if these were random inmates who had not used Baez, why in the wold would they recommend an attorney whose primary practice is in another county (Osceola).

      Trust me, there are a number of other Orlando based attorneys who troll the jail for clients that would have been “recommended” by greased inmates.

      Still not buying it. I just could not imagine getting a collect call from another inmate saying, YO Hornsby, I got this chick here who needs an attorney. And I would be like, you know what, I have nothing else to do today – Thursday – no court, not potential clients, no bowel movements I would like to take care of. Let me drive from Osceola County to the Orange County jail to visit this crazy chick an inmate just called me about 🙁

      • You make very good points, but then I don’t understand how Jose Baez picked up Nilton Diaz and Mayor George Gant as clients.

        Jose Baez was admitted to practice law in Florida on September 22, 2005. According to Sunbiz, The Baez Law Firm was established on December 5, 2005 in Kissimmee, Osceola County, FL.

        In February of 2006, Nilton Diaz, a Lake County man, was arrested for killing his girlfriend’s two-year-old daughter, Noeris Vazquez, the granddaughter of legendary Puerto Rican boxer Wilfredo Vazquez. The child died on February 11. Diaz was arrested on February 15. Jose Baez filed a Notice of Appearance on February 22, exactly five months after being admitted to the Florida Bar (Min So was Diaz’s original lawyer until Baez took over).

        From what I’ve read, the case was closely followed in the Puerto Rican community because of Wilfredo Vazquez; I do not know how heavily the case and trial were covered by central Florida news outlets, but it was without a doubt a case that got media coverage.

        Kissimmee Mayor George Gant was arrested in early July 2005 – more than three months before the Florida Bar admitted Jose Baez to practice, and yet Baez was one of Gant’s lawyers preparing for a 2007 trial before the charges were dropped.

        How do you think Jose Baez, who was denied admission to the Florida Bar for eight years following his 1997 graduation from law school until he could satisfy Florida’s required character and fitness standards for practicing law, get those high-profile cases?

  60. ITA with you FairWitness!

    There really should be laws against this–not just after conviction, but before as well!!!

    Immediate family members should also be exempt from making money. The Anthony’s no doubt would funnel it over to her defense if Casey should she not be able to wheel and deal for herself.


  61. If there was a point to this blog it might be interesting. But the whole premise leads one to believe Jesse Grund found Baez for Casey & I’m about 99.99% sure that this is a false conspiracy therefore a waste of my reading time.

    Now go ahead & delete me Dick, or do you have the guts to face critisism like most bloggers? I notice you are way too thin skinned & hostile for someone to own a blog…people will disagree but it’s your playground.

    I just find it hypocritical of you to zap all the posts you don’t like. They are there…then poof they are gone…yet you allow this menacing malcontent maggot heckler to insult & degrade good people like Vallhall…I just don’t get it.

    • I could explain the meaning of life and you would have something negative to say. Why do you even read my blog if you don’t like what you find. And which of the Ten Commandments says I have to allow every post on my site? You are welcome to post elsewhere if you dislike what I say.

      • Heckler,
        You may also want to step back on over to TOXIC and tell those lovely people that you are sorry as well. I couldn’t help but notice that you have told several people there to STFU who didn’t agree with you. Tsk Tsk, where are your manners?

        • My my, how overly presumptuous of you to assume that anyone would EXPECT you , Heckler to tell them to STFU just because of a difference of opinion. Again, I must ask where are your manners?

          • Bina and I have bickered back and forth for over a year.
            Trust me I have been called much worse by the TOPIX gang and told to STFU by them.

            After all that is why it is called TOXIC!
            Now really bully else where ok.So what if I did not want to read the article you posted! I said I thought going into Jesse stuff was bad idea and you proved why!
            It’s like The Grunds have a hit sqaud of MAD GRANNY”S running the net!
            DNR request ok.

          • Follow The Money Trail

            Why the heck are you bothering me?
            I was the one that didn’t think speaking about Jesse was a good idea,so why target me?

          • Heckler,
            As I stated before I only came to read Mr. Hornsby’s blog about Baez and discovered that there where some things written here alluding to how Jessie may have been the one to introduce Baez to Casey that would mislead people to believe something that wasn’t true. I think I did clear those issues up to the best of my ability. It’s not called targeting anyone, it’s called dialogue. I am sorry if you feel you were picked upon. That was not my intention. I will leave that task up to you as I see you seem to enjoy doing that to others. That is not my style.

          • Ok you are either The Rev or Mrs!
            Or Barrett or his Mrs.

            I do not pick on anyone but I am fiesty as heck when I get attacked over and over again because I think Casey is innocent.
            Topix is a vicious place on both sides of this case.
            Just the way it is there.
            Seriously though you want to play the JESSE game, find someone else because THE GRUNDS BORE ME!

  62. Have to admit, you, initially, pizzed me off w/ your cocky attitude.

    However, you now have me straddling the fence (painful, as you know [ouch]) – I’m kinda beginning to *see* where you are coming from ………. have to admit you know your “criminal justice” sh!t, and have, therefore, been inching you up “on my personal scale.”

    Keep it up …….. interesting to *see* where this is going ……

    Thinking – for now – you got chutzpah!

    Keep writing, ya got my attention!

  63. FairWitness:
    I can see someone spending major dollars for Casey’s defense.
    I have always thought little Caylee’s father was someone of importance and of means. Why else has she remained silent? Wouldn’t surprise me in the least that her legal funds are being paid by some one who wants to keep the truth from surfacing.

    • Marcia, Casey Anthony is a pathological narcissist. She has mistreated and disrepected everyone who has ever loved her. Her long-suffering parents, the child she murdered, her desperately ill grandparents, her brother, various romantic & sexual partners, girlfriends — absolutely everyone who has had the misfortune of interacting with Casey has been harmed, in some way. I do not believe ANYONE who has associated with her or even the family members of someone who’s associated with Casey would lift a finger to help her fund her defense. Her parents have been bankrupted. Whatever income they have is allocated to maintaining their meager lifestyle. The funds paying for this defense have bought the rights to this crime story. It’s the only explanation. No one of independent means is on the sidelines helping the wretch of humanity that is Casey Anthony. You will never convince me of that.

          • Heckler,
            Now that you bring up the money (seems to be a subject worth discussing) would you happen to know how much of that foundation money is actually being spent on searching for missing children? I am just wondering how this money that is being contributed is being distributed to helping find missing children or helping the families of missing children? If you have any knowledge regarding this matter I would like to hear about it. I understand the situation with the bears but is there anything else being done with the money and have the Anthony’s ever done a search for missing children? Have they put that boat to good use yet or the ATV?

          • Nope no idea.

            I don’t know anything about the foundation except for what everyone else writes!
            Not interested.

          • Oh by the way all I know about that cruise is it was for Freind that either had cancer or just beat cancer.

            There was a blog about it.If you think I know THE ANTHONYS…….go ahead spend a month trying to figure out who WIGN is!! lol

            I know not a soul in their family!

          • It would be nice to actually see them get out there and search for a missing child. I think it would do wonders for their hearts and minds as well as their public image. If I were to donate my hard earned money to a foundation regarding missing children I surely would expect to see that money being used to do just that. I haven’t seen that so far from the Anthony’s. Perhaps they are doing some work behind the scenes but IMO as I have stated it would do them a world of good for their public image to do just that.

          • wHO KNOWS……who cares!
            Maybe if the bombard YOUTUBE with videos like other unnamed grandparents of murdered children they could pick up some of that GOOGLE cash!

            Oh yes Wign went there!

        • I don’t know that I admit with pride that I can’t afford a cruise, Yankee. 😀 Just being a smart alec!

          Really the Anthonys do not have anything but a lower middle class existence, financially speaking. Their emotional and familial existence is beneath the poverty level. They’re destroyed, in fact. Not that they didn’t contribute to the beast they raised.

          I still feel sorry for George & Cindy. They’ve worked, maintained a home, tried to educate their children, even took in and cared for their grandchild. Cindy visited her father in his nursing home regularly. I mean for all her bad behavior since her grandchild was murdered, I just don’t see her as the monster everyone is making her out to be. She certainly gets no joy from this life anymore.

          We’d have had to know her before all this began. I think we’d all have a different opinion of her. Look what she’s been through. George, too, for that matter.

    • Marica,

      If Caylee’s father was “someone of means”, Casey would quickly get child support and not have to steal gasoline and hamburger money. The father is either “one of many” or “someone she dare not tell her parents about”.

      If JG contacted Baez, then that call should appear on his phone records. Did the police get JG’s phone records? If so, they can easily determine if JG made a call from his own phone to Baez’s phone.

      Is the media allowed to hire lawyers for a person charged with a crime?

  64. Wouldn’t it be easy to find out if Jesse had a ticket and JB was the attorney of record? I think it may be he helped HER with a traffic ticket at one time. Hmmmmm

      • Mr. Grund’s “record” is actually part of the discovery cache, previously released, from his file with Orlando PD, in addition to the clerksite of course.

        Nope. No ticket. No Baez.

        Easy fire to put out before spreading, unless of course spreading it is the goal..

          • lol

            Did you miss this part of Blinks reply

            Easy fire to put out before spreading, unless of course spreading it is the goal..

            She deserved it!
            How dare you nuts even try to bully a lawyer!
            Have you no shame?
            LOl you even sleuthed MR.HORNSBY?
            You really all are crazy!!!

            I am so waiting on your extra STUPID next move,it will be fun watching Richard stomp out the ROACHES!!!

        • Really Blink?

          Did you know that Orange County has borders with four other counties – Osceola, Seminole, Lake, and Brevard? Did you look up every case in those counties? Did you look up every case under Baez’s associate’s name?

          Did you know that people arrested in Orange County on out of county warrants do not show up in the Orange County Clerk’s website? Instead they are held until the issuing county comes and transports them.

          I mean really do you want to get me started on you again. Do you know anything about how attorneys enter appearances in Florida? Did you know that you can hire an attorney for something that is not even a court case?

          Did you even read what I wrote. If you really want to get me started again I will go back to digging up your dirt and Blogging away about what a fraud you are.

          And I P-R-A-Y you get some attorney dumb enough to send me a letter even alluding to a lawsuit or criminal charges. Because your blog makes you a quasi-public figure now and I assure you I will subpoena every record of yours and sit you down for a deposition personally.

          Or did you not know? You really mean you did not know that the minute you went from Shannon Stoy anonymous blogger to Blink the bullshitter extraordinaire that you lost the majority of civil remedies (i.e. defamation , slander, emotion distress, blah, blah, blah) you might otherwise have available to you.

          So, if you want to criticize me on your own site; have at it. I stopped reading that trash once I realized you created the stories you “blahg” about.

          But if you want to criticize me on my own site, be prepared for a shit storm.

          Remember, the difference between us: You pretend to know the law, I know the law.

          Peace out!

          • For crying out loud, Mr. Hornsby! Blink made it clear her views were based on “part of the discovery cache, previously released, from his (JG) file with Orlando PD.”

            What are you trying to achieve here at your blog? Do you seek justice and the truth for Caylee, as well as, informing the masses of criminal law in Florida? Or are you setting up scenarios for those who frequent this site, Blink included, for you to use as fops? Mere amateurs to be admonished and discredited by you to feed your ego? Thereby demonstrating your superiority and our inferiority at one fell swoop?

            You are a criminal defense attorney of renown in your jurisdiction, not the average Joe you’ve previously described yourself as (I checked with the FL Bar Assn., you’re in good standing;

            If your goal is to educate, then your approach is all wrong. You’re turning me off, for one. And possibly those who frequent your website and Blink’s, as well.

            Be a gentleman. Don’t attack someone who has no power over you. It’s unnecessary. If you want to project the image of the informed, wise, experienced criminal defense lawyer that you are, put down your “dukes”, you don’t need them. You aren’t a boxer. Discuss, educate, illuminate …. and charm us all. We’re ready to learn.

            Finally, if you are going to post a blog about how Jose Baez got to be Casey Anthony’s attorney of record and you mention Jesse Grund as a possible referral source, YOU do the research of the four other counties that border Orange County and report it to us. You educate us on what Osceola, Seminole, Lake, and Brevard counties have on file with regard to Jesse Grund and Jose Baez and possible traffic violations; even what Orange County has on file about Baez’s associate’s name vis-a-vis Jesse Grund. You didn’t even divulge the associate’s name. Does that mean you don’t know it? Or are you setting another trap to show us all your brilliance & our ignorance?

            You are making yourself look like an insecure man who’s not comfortable with the status he’s achieved (in 2008) as a Florida Board Certified Criminal Law Attorney. Bullying is for uneducated losers, Mr. Hornsby.

          • To be fair, Mr. Hornsby, you & just about everyone else here, have been severely pounding Blink. Is she to simply take it on the chin? Even when she has proof of where she obtained her information & arrived at her conclusions? You have the answers to our questions and our misinformation …. so inform us and you will soar.

          • CHECKMATE – To attack in such a manner that no escape or defense is possible, thus ending the game.
            To defeat completely.

          • WHAT TYPE OF A L-O-S-E-R , who has been exposed as a FRAUD AND A LIAR on this site, KEEPS COMING BACK FOR MORE?

            SHANNON STOY–FAKE “REPORTER” -AT- LARGE WHO HAS NOTHING BETTER TO DO with her time than MAKE INANE COMMENTS ON RICHARD HORNSBY’S SITE ( except of course when she is not “assisting ” LINDA D.B and JEFF ASHTON with the prosecution of their case)?!!

            Hey BLINK…..THE CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG! …..You need to GET A LIFE!..Nobody really cares what you think?!..

            Now go back to spinning your yarns of more MORONIC “THEORIES ” (that make no sense whatsoever) and write your fake un-readable “reports ” (written at a 6th grade level and riddled with the WORST grammar, spelling , incorrect word useage, sentence construction etc. )….

            F.Y.I…..STALKING RICHARD MAKES YOU APPEAR EVEN MORE DESPARATE AND PATHETIC ( than being exposed as a “fake reporter “)!!…


          • Violette – your bitterness is tiresome and boring. All of those CAPS and !!! – geesh isn’t there professional wrestling on TV? I don’t know maybe it requires more than basic cable and dial-up in your neck of the Appalachia’s.

          • Go ahead, Mr. Hornsby. Blink has nothing to hide. I know she doesn’t need defending, but you’re waaaay out of line.

    • Violette, if you are attacking someone for incorrect grammar or spelling perhaps you might want to use the spell check feature on your own computer — or you will appear d-e-s-p-E-r-a-t-e & word u-s-(no E) a-g-e. Physican, heal thy self. People in glass houses should not throw stones.


        I do not attempt to pass myself off as a “fake reporter” ,whereby, I am under no obligation to use spell check…So, if I have a “typo” or the occasional mispelled word (because I type fast)—what difference does it make?….

        Get off your OBNOXIOUS platform defending SHANNON STOY ( FAKE REPORTER EXTRAORDINAIRE ) and quit barking out orders to Richard Hornsby on how he should write! …Really, who do you think you are?


          • He probably would love to answer you another way but is a gentlemen!
            Stop barking orders to Richard on his own blog!
            Do you tell Blink what to write?
            You are a scared monkey poster,that alone says what your beef is.

          • Hecky, I might have posted one or two comments in the last year at Scared Monkeys. I daresay you have posted far more, so…. what’s your point?

            I did NOT tell Mr. Hornsby what to write, I asked him what he was trying to achieve here at his blog. He obviously thought about the questions and answered thoughtfully which shows what an intelligent, educated, civilized man he is. He doesn’t need your defense. He speaks far better for himself than you ever could.

          • But you still came here barking orders at him.
            Now just who are YOU to do that?

            Blink wanted to push his buttons,she did ,he reacted.
            Maybe Blink likes games more than you know or like a typical woman is still BITCHY PISSED Mr.Hornsby has not seen her GREATNESS!!

            You watch Blink will take another swipe at him,and will continue until Mr.Hornsby pays attention to her and her BRILLIANT work!

            Then she we blog………..Mr.Hornsby has finally realized THE QUEEN B is the most amazing blogger ever and all will be fine!!


          • Oh by the way
            I don’t post at scared monkeys at all.The darn ads alone keep me from even wanting to read there.

        • Who are you to tell others what/how to comment? Good lord lay off the steroids lady. What’s the matter? Cut your chin shaving?

          • Well I’ll be………You buddy FAIRWITNESS tells Richard how to post on his own blog and you throw that comment out!
            Maybe it is time for you LILY to continue on with your search for Aliens!!:)

          • As much has telling Violette to get off the steroids and shave her chin does!

            Oh and does your dog have a TOUPE on and why?

  65. As much as all of us like conspiracy theories, I don’t think there is anything here except a huge hispanic ego. I think Jose watched the local media coverage on the 16th and wanted desperately to insert himself into the case. He high tailed it over the the jail on the 17th and requested an attorney visit with the killer. It’s not like Casey had anything else on her agenda that day and neither did Jose. After the meeting, sparks & dollar signs were in the air and Jose became the self proclaimed “first hispanic attorney to have a high profile case.” Just hours after becoming the attorney of record he was on Nancy Grace and a star was born. 🙂

    • Of course she was lying. It’s what she appears to do as naturally as she breathes. I think RH has hit on something important here: she clearly had sufficient opportunity prior to her arrest to have arranged a legal consultation with Baez where they agreed that, if arrested, he would represent her. We’ll never know, of course, since that information is covered by privilege, but it’s a remarkably sensible explanation, isn’t it? In any case, it makes much more logical sense than having another inmate slip you a card, making a phone call, arranging a meeting, coming to an agreement about representation and getting the Notice of Appearance filed all the space of a few short, hectic hours.

  66. Is it possible that Mr. Baez BELIEVED Casey’s lies when she supposedly told him she had “money” in the bank and could pay him? Is it possible that once he found out she was telling fibs, he knew the case was big and decided to stay on board anyway?

  67. Just curious, you posit that it could be Jesse Grund that had worked with JB and given info to KC. However, using the court website, he has never been attorney of record for JG? How does that work?

  68. Earlier you said you thought there would be a last minute plea… you think the State would go for a plea?? Thanks

  69. Hey FAIRWITNESS…..


    • Why are you typing in CAPS? Afraid you won’t be read? Your bias is showing and Mr. Hornsby is more than capable of defending and speaking for himself. Get a life, you’re far too filled with resentment.

        • Love that cute dogga-dogga-dogga, Lily. And, fyi, not everyone in Appalachia is an idiot. I’m in Bridgeport, West Virginia, home of the FBI International Fingerprint Center, Pratt & Whitney Jet Engines, Bombardier Aerospace and Aurora Flight Sciences (think drones bombing terrorists in Pakistan). 🙂

          • That is just wonderful,but you are still a idiot for telling Richard how he can speak on his own blog!
            Do you knuckleheads think you dictate everything?
            Blink basically asked for Richard to spank her,I think she was spanked well!:)

          • Hecky, I asked Mr. Hornsby what he was trying to achieve and impart unto us. I did not tell him how to behave or write on his own blog. I merely pointed out how his post was received by me and others who might like both this blog and Blink’s.

            Why should Blink sit idly by while she’s being unfairly accused and mischaracterized? Defending oneself is only fair, is it not? She’s taken quite a trouncing over here. It’s bullying and ineffective.

          • Sorry FairWitness – Forgive me. I know better than to make a derogatory reference to where people live. Hornsby has attracted quite a low-class element (just a couple). Obviously he’s being used by those that have an agenda with Blink and just doesn’t realize it yet. This could be so much better if the blog owners did more knowledge and resource sharing with one another as well as some of the really great commenters (like Valhall, Marinade Dave, JWG, Maura, Silverspnr and occasionally Hornsby to name just a few). We’d all be so much better off for it. If the mouth-breathers just wouldn’t muck everything up . . . They always want to crash the parties where the cool people are.

          • Sorry but Blink asked for everything she has gotten.
            Blink has bullied a heck of alot of people on many forums,why do you think so many disike her?

            I believe that second part of her post to Richard was a swipe and Blink fully expected to get slammed!

          • Oh face it
            You want a blog were NOONE can say or even insinuate Casey is innocent.
            Using Richard because of Blink?

            You do realize Hornsby is a lawyer and really smart right?

  70. The only reason I’d tend to believe that Casey did not set up a meeting with Baez before it hit the fan is because she has no history of being proactive. Lying is her best and only defense it would seem. The fact that, after being chased around town by her brother on July 3, she suddenly claims to be in Jax (well, that takes care of that!), doesn’t bother to think a towing company would send a notice to her parents, and doesn’t take a discernable break from texting and partying, makes me think she didn’t even consider it a possibility. I think she was surprised that her mother showed up to haul her home and it is evident she thought – until Lee reminded her what LE would insist she do – that simply the explanation of “Caylee is sleeping” would suffice to buy her time. If anything, she may have realized after riding around with Yuri that things were not going well, and perhaps sent out some SOS signals when she got home in the wee hours, but this girl doesn’t act like she thinks farther ahead than the next five minutes. I still think this looks like a favor to some mutual acquaintance.

  71. All I have to say is I dont know where the HE77 BOZO came from…….I just feel like he wont be a hero….I do come here to read what Mr Hornsby writes with all due respect…..that doesnt mean i have to agree with it…..I happen to choose to read all the blogs….I do have an opinion which may not be agrred with as well….but i do enjoy reading all aspects and opinions in this case.

  72. I have been following the CA pre-trial and trial from the very beginning. This article about Jose Baez and CA is very interesting. I have a couple of questions for Attorney Hornsby. I have not read the full article but I will when I have some time.

    1. Maybe this was presented in the article, who initially paid Jose Baez? At the beginning, I am speaking of. Most young adults don’t have the money to pay an attorney. Obviously Jose would have worked off of a retainer of some sort, right? Attorneys work off of a retainer, paying either partial or full payment up front.

    2. I feel bad for George Anthony. What does George and Cindy think of Jose Baez?

    3. How is it that you know so much about this case if you are not directly involved?

    4. Have you met Jose Baez? What is you overall opinion of the guy?

    5. What do you believe will be the verdict, guilty or not guilty?


  73. Hornsby blog haters:

    This blog is Attorney Hornsby’s backyard, game, playground, whatever you want to call it. He makes up the rules on this blog and you don’t like it, tough snot. It is HIS game. He is a Florida attorney, I don’t think any of you haters are at his level to be challanging this man when it come to the Florida Law. Yes, I know about the free speech, blah, blah, blah….You can comment all you want to try to knock Attorney Hornsby of the hill. He has a free kick your ass off his backyard if he wants too. Leave the guy alone. You want to control your thoughts then create your own blog!

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