Nancy Grace Parody in Casey Anthony Case



18 responses to “Nancy Grace Parody in Casey Anthony Case”

  1. I have never laughed so hard. She nailed what Nancy Grace is all about which is herself. Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Encore! Replay and repeat! It’s even better the second time around!

    Terribly funny!

    Thanks Mr. Hornsby!

  3. Absolutely fantastic… OMG, that’s exactly what I see when she’s on TV!! My stomach turns anytime I see her face or hear her voice!!

  4. Brilliant and spot on! Next, I’d like to see the unhinged shrieking addiction-addicted Jane Velez Mitchell parody. She has surpassed Nancy Grace in self righteousness, sanctimony and overall headache and nausea inducing performances. The comic will have to dig deep into the 1970’s to find an appropriate wig, and intersperse high pitched screeching along with stopping to listen while simultaneously striking the ridiculous pose of the ‘pout face’.

    What the heck is going on at HLN?

  5. WHO IS THIS ACTOR??? SHE NEEDS TO BE ON SNL! Thanks Mr. Hornsby (where did Hornsby come from? Irish?) for posting this video. That about sums it up of what I think of Nancy Grace and JVM. Even In-Sessions. Disgrace. When will we get True and honest TV?

    Sidebar: I have been reading your blog for, well, forever and I agree (most of the time) with your opinions.

    I just wish that you would blog more often. They are toooooo far and in between!

  6. ROTFLMBF: I can’t stop laughing …. She really has studied her and has it down to the finest point. I love this one. I’m sharing it for sure.

  7. Excellent! And double-ditto everything ‘Interested’ had to say about Jane whats-her-name. Intolerable.

  8. ROFLMBO!!! I love it! The woman that did that was spot on. I would like to see one on JVM. Thanks for sharing that Mr. Hornsby! I needed the laugh. LOL! I think HLN has become another entertainment tabloid type cable news network, on crime, no less. You just cannot call that news.

  9. That was great…and it was a perfect parody of the obnoxious Nancy Grace. She had Casey Anthony on death row three years ago because she is the best mother in the whole world. If she says Casey is shedding dry tears one more time, I think I’ll scream!!!!

    • I know what you mean. Remember though she wouldn’t say Casey was shedding dry tears she would say “Tot Mom”. I mean every other word out of Nancy’s mouth is Tot mom if you played a drinking game for every time Nancy said tot mom you would be passed out or dead within 2 minutes.

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