Twas the Night Before Christmas and not a Creature was Stirring Except Blink the Rat…

And the plot thickens….

So Blink may really be Shannon Stoy who creates her own storyline to further her own financial interests, which is none other than her own Public Relations and Communications company.

She is basically a modern day P.T. Barnum “who was remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes.”

Well at least now we know why she outed Todd Black – he was a direct competitor to her and she was probably jealous he had inserted himself directly into her dream case.

It would really be interesting to know what her financial arrangement is with Internet News Network, LLC the owner of (psyche – no PR Google backlinks for that site).

But back to Internet News Network and the entity who so gratuitously set up Blink’s solo site after apparently luring her away from

  • Scared Monkeys Welcomes Blink34 & True Crime Blog … Blink on Crime to Family

So basically, Ms. Stoy is just another Merchant in Misery who profits off of other people’s misfortune; a real life Crime Profiteer if you will.

But to profit, she must create stories where there are none; so as to hype her site, which I assume Internet News Network pays her to maintain. I mean, it costs me a total of $100 a year to maintain both of my sites ad free (my hosting company is Arvixe – a really great web hosting company by the way).

So this explains the obnoxious advertisements everywhere on all those affiliated sites and the stat checkers at the bottom of all their hideously designed sites. (I mean crikey, haven’t you mentally challenged people over at Internet News Network heard of Google Analytics?)

So basically, ScaredMonkeys, Blink, and Co. are nothing more than ad based Merchants in Misery. The more visitors they draw the more ad revenue they get I presume. And Blink with her over-hyped and sensational stories must have been the main reason Internet News Network lured her over to ScaredMonkeys from WebSleuths in the first place – to drum up business. (WebSleuths is a much better forum, more well intentioned, and much better off without her I must say.)

UPDATE: I was informed by credible sources that Blink actually got the Boot from WebSleuths because of her sensational and inflammatory postings. Blink, Blink, got flushed down the sink… LOL!

But I must go now,  and dig up some more dirt; and I will have more…

For now though, this post will just be a work in progress where I will think out loud about Blink, very loud.

I’m coming Ms. Stoy, I am coming…

But first Baez…

171 responses to “Twas the Night Before Christmas and not a Creature was Stirring Except Blink the Rat…”

    • Ummmm….this might have something to do with it…..

      Respectfully copied and pasted, Mr. Hornsby…

      This site ends in
      Dec 23rd, 2009 by Richard Hornsby.
      And because of that you will hear Richard Hornsby’s unedited thoughts. If that offends you, or you expected otherwise, please visit elsewhere.

  1. Mr. Hornsby, As you know I read your blogs and for the most part I agree with much of what you write…however at times you completely derail and begin personal attacks on people that deserve a lot more respect from you.

    This detracts so much from your usual well researched and expressive writing and I believe in this instance your analysis doesn’t stand up to close scrutiny.

    I am not a person to say, “I’ll never read your blog again”, I enjoy much of your insight and wisdom so I’m not going to deny myself that pleasure. I feel I can say though this blog is far from fair and is beneath what I expect from you.

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday and Good Wishes for the New Year.

  2. I disagree with your approach totally Richard. Mr. Sheaffer did nothing to you, I don’t understand what you have against him, it’s mean & hateful.
    I was starting to like you then bam! I wish I understood where this rancid hatred comes from??

    And Blink has always been a lady & welcomes us who are novices in crime with open arms & never has gotten down in the gutter with the nasty bloggers. The red disclaimer has always been part of her blogs from what I remember & she stimulates the converasations with her theories but also respects other’s ideas even if they disagree with her.

    I love Kathi Belich, look at the reporters who kiss the Anthony’s asses in interviews, Rodriguez, Viera, King, never ask hardball questions or follow up their lies with a challenge. Kathi is IT THE ONLY ONE WHO DIRECTLY CHALLENGES BAEZ, Lyons, THE ANTHONYS, CASEY where would we be without her? What do you have against good reporting?

    At least lay of Mr. Sheaffer & let him do his job in peace. He’s been getting it from all ends since his blog started & for what? I just don’t undertstand all this jealousy when he’s never uttered a bad word about you, MD, anyone but Casey, her family, the defense & let’s face it so have you.

    • imo Blink does not respect those who disagree. Further, I suspect that more often than not she does not post the comments of those who disagree.

      • Yeah, and further, she seems to only respond to those who are her personal friends. It’s frustrating to type a well-thought out and LONG comment and ask some questions, only to be completely ignored. I also think it’s kind of rude for her not to welcome those who are first-timers visiting her blog, and tell her as much. I didn’t feel very welcomed on her blog, to say the least.

        • I have had this happen to me more than once…….
          like a fool I tried again.
          once burned twise shy!

  3. Minus the hatred you have so much to offer Richard, I wish you’d rethink your position of attacking other good people even if you disagree there’s a better way to do it then going for the jugular. Mr. Sheaffer’s a nice man no matter how much you try to convince us otherwise. You have been a wealth of information about the case & are obviously talented in researching but why is your hatred for your colleuges so intense?

    • It is “colleagues” who have sold my profession out that makes my hatred so intense.

      On the other hand, defense attorneys who are trustworthy, handle themselves ethically, do not approach their work as if it is a necessary evil ( i.e. paying the bills), and do not make hypocritical claims have my utmost respect.

      At the end of the day, regardless of how I became involved in this circus, I will still be a criminal defense attorney. And when a colleague chooses to sell out, I would rather expose and embarrass him than be silent, which is an embarrassment to myself.

      Remember, at the end of the day, we all have choices. They chose to sell out their profession and I chose to call them out.

  4. This is my first time here . I have been to alot of websites related to this case. All mellow and friendly in comparison to what I am reading here right now. I think that theres alot of inmaturity and meaness going on here!
    I have been to blinks and scared monekys and truly respect the manner in which they present themselvs. The posters there seem well versed and knowledged. I hope that you dont distract from the cause by spending so much time throwing mud.
    This is the season for unity so lets not forget the reason for the season. lets leave the hateful comments for the brainless spinless!!

  5. Take all that venom out on Baez, Lyons, LKB, Todd Maculuso or whatever tf his name is, the dreaded Anthonys, Casey. They deserve it & the public will love you for it. Leave the good guys alone, the ones who want justice for Caylee. Isn’t that what you want too?

    • While I agree with you, our desires may be different. I simply want justice. And justice to me is that an accused person gets a fair trial.

      If that person is acquitted because the State could not prove their case, well I still believe justice was done.

      And that is where I differ from most people watching the Casey Anthony saga, their definition of justice requires that Casey be convicted, regardless of the problems in the State’s case or the legitimacy of the evidence used to convict her.

      And while I have no problem with her being convicted, my definition of justice simply requires that she be convicted fairly. A notion some people overlook because of their venomous thoughts of her.

      • That moved me to tears…….almost. I’m not a real emotional person.
        A joyous sigh, did, briefly, overtake me.

        I’ve often asked myself why these (same) people (bloggers) have these venomous thoughts (over and over again) which have spanned this long. Odd. Bizzare. Freaky.

        They don’t seem to carry on like this over other horrific and tragic child abuse/murder cases. Their self appointed title of “victims advocates”, falls well short of any meaning considering this is the only case they express these sentiments.

        Do their venomous thoughts (probably) exist, as it still does today, BECAUSE the State may not prove their case?

        Or because they are truly this eerily “obsessed” with a toddler named Caylee Marie Anthony?

        If we, well myself at the very least, were to give them the benefit of the doubt, we can surmise the latter.

        The former would suggest nefarious interference of a citizens right to a fair trial. Especially where your “rat” (Blink) is concerned. Of course, in “my opinion”.

        Would you be so kind as to remind us (us= those with 5th grade comprehension skills) how and why an accused citizen is afforded certain protections, including freedom from malicious, baseless attacks upon their counsel of choosing?

        If I retained you, ( an attorney in good standing ), to represent me, (who is smart enough to retain a lawyer), what fundaMENTAL right would “Heckler” have to swear out an affidavit against my counsel (you), should Heckler be sorely lacking in FACTS regarding his/her accusation?

        To bring you before your licensing bar, in an effort to remove you from my case- and infringe upon MY RIGHT to have you represent me, surely must have legal consequences?

        Am I making any sense?

  6. So heckler one of the few in the universe who mantains Casey is innocent is your only friend? Good going Richard.

      • heckler! Such intelligent responses! You really should start a blog of your own. You and Dick! can now wow the blog world Really,Dick I thought you had grown up after the comments about Mr Scheffer subsided and was doing pretty good with your intelligence, but now I see you must have a ghost writer standing in for you. What did you do, fire them and hire heckler to compete with you here to see who could make the dumbest comments?

  7. Aside from being deliciously handsome, your quick wit is second to none! I LOVE your blog posts and comments on WS.

    I can’t wait for your blog on Baez, ahh I’ll be a kid in a candy store!!!

    Keep up your GREAT work!!!!

    Team Horsby all the way!!! Thank you for not having hideous neon flashing ads on your site too btw!

  8. Thanks Richard.

    Please continue to call out Baez, Sheaffer, Kathi B., and Blink. I would ask that you consider The Examiner in your quests.

    I stopped reading anything Blink writes, and a few others, awhile ago. Sadly though, she is just one of many Misery Merchants out there. Jan Barrett at Blogger New Network leans towards sensationalistic and speculative, using the ‘precious child’, ‘justice for Caylee’ mask. It’s difficult to leave a comment on any of her stories that calls her method out. Both these gals angle their stories and theories intending to convict before trial, for profit. The worst of it is the mob mentality that these blogs instigate and perpetuate. But hey, page hits are hits, right?

    What I find more deploring than Blink, after all she is just a single person, is The Examiner and how it treats this case. Several writers report on Casey Anthony for the online ‘news’ everyday. The most trivial of information is made into a story, just so a Casey Anthony headline will appear in the daily news. And several reporters will have reported on the same topic over the course of just a few days. I want up to the minute information on court docs and pertinent facts, but I don’t need to know that Casey Anthony bought pony tail holders, nor do I need to read the same story re-hashed and re-written by 3 different people over the course of a weekend. The latest news does not get buried. All anyone needs to do is google Casey Anthony latest news. It will be there.

  9. If you go back and read Blink’s posts over the last 3 months, a disturbing trend becomes evident. Alarmist theories that are well matched to the flashing B.S. ads are often updated with factual information at a later date. At one point in the Summer Thompson story Blink posted that the missing child’s home had been robbed after she was abducted, at a later date she corrected the misinformation. She has pointed fingers at many innocent people in the Morgan Harrington case. If you read through the posts you will see exactly what I mean. I’m sure that the wild speculation, packaged as “insider” information attracts more readers than the truth!! I’m looking forward reading what you find! I’m on Team Hornsby! Merry Christmas!!

    • What disturbs me about Blink, is that it seems she has no professional qualifications. Is she just some arm-chair detective? A bored housewife? Granted, I’m new to her blog, but that is what it seems like to me. I have not found any mention of what her qualifications are, as opposed to Mr. Hornsby, who is quite obviously a very successful and intelligent criminal defense lawyer.

  10. Blink says, “It was also then re-published on my site when it launched in February of this year. In fact, I know Rozzie. Through a contact at GMA she asked my permission and subsequently posted my work outing Todd Black as Gil Cabot. She’s cool.”

    However, in her own article, Todd Black Who part 2, she says, “The following is a condensed version of an article that appeared on Rozzie Franco’s column on Monsters on the Radio Rozzie can be seen these days on HLN’s show Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell.” Seems like maybe Rozzie had the first outing of T. Black.

    Guess contacting Rozzie might be interesting. BTW, Rozzie is an on air personality, does not do articles, but reports.

  11. Hey Richard..

    Way to go for OUTING and EXPOSING SHANNON STOY a.k.a BLINK —who pretends to be a “journalist” yet who writes her poorly written “reports” at a 9th grade reading level ( and who can not even construct a complete sentence that is readable…Maybe you can teach her the difference between their, they’re and there while you are at it!)…

    Never have I seen worse grammar, punctuation , or sentence construction than at that site ( not to mention the cryptic- un-readable quality of BLINK’S -RIDICULOUS-UN-RESEARCHED-UN-SUBSTANTIATED “ARTICLES”…

    When you posted your commentary yesterday –IMMEDIATELY– Blink’s readers alerted her to your “BOMBSHELL REPORT” … However, BLINK “SUPPOSEDLY’ could not be “bothered” to read it —-YEAH, RIGHT!!….I can only begin to imagine how quickly Blink began S-P-E-E-D READING your report on Christmas Eve!…..Bravo and Merry Christmas Richard!

    P.S. I also thought it was just glorious that despite Blink’s vain attempts to “SUCK UP” to you– in the form of her syrupy sweet comment/ lecture — that you EXPOSED her anyway in this article!


    • Oh my lord, Violette — I could not have said it better myself! I agree with you 100%. Blink’s writing style (incl. spelling/grammar) is just atrocious!! I thought it was just me, but apparently there is at least one person (you) that would agree with my assessment. I just started reading Blink’s blog yesterday, and came to this conclusion after reading several of her posts. This is why I have been wondering what in the world her professional qualifications are. She doesn’t seem to have any. I’m beginning to think she’s just a bored housewife, or something similar.

      I also had to laugh at her sickeningly sweet attempts to ‘suck up’ to Mr. Hornsby. I actually felt embarrassed for her! “We are going to be great friends.” Yeah, right!

      I can already tell I’m going to enjoy your comments here, Violette… I do hope you continue to post here. I look forward to reading further commentary from you. 🙂


  12. Richard….

    For your next endeavor BLINK -PART II:

    You might want to go back and read from S.M. and Blink’s past articles —ESPECIALLY BLINK’S COMMENTS to READERS—when she ” states on the record” what is supposedly going to “shake down” in the future with respect to this case….

    I would bet that every single one of her INANE STATEMENTS ( “stated on the record”) would be EXPOSED as being A) not true B) just plain stupid C) not supported by any “real” facts or truth ……

    You will be astonished by the STUPIDITY of BLINK’S DECLARATIONS!

    thanks again…violette

    • Before is untimely death, Sean Krause ousted Blink on his blog the Daily BS … it seems the site has been dismantled but perhaps his uncle David Lohr, from the “Discovery Channel” could be a good source for more info concerning Ms. Stoy.
      It was at one time copied at Scared Monkeys, but to be honest with you, I have no interest in researching that site and contributing to “turning pages” and adding to Red’s pocket. Besides since the “merge”/partnership with SM and Blink, chances are that Sean’s link and any reference to Stoy had been removed from SM long ago.
      Some “think” Seans internal anger and aggressive research and writing style lead to the escalation of his “disease” … Please be careful Mr. Hornsby … I do enjoy reading your blog … the truth must be told … no matter how much it hurts ….

    • Mmmhmm… it seems to me that Blink likes to insinuate that she has ‘inside information’ quite a bit. Doesn’t seem like she has any qualms about ‘name-dropping’, either. Pathetic.


    • I think Ms. Stoy has been exposed enough and I will be moving back to my original purpose, which was to comment on the REAL issues involved in the Casey Anthony saga.

      Those that continue to read Ms. Stoy’s site are either (1) ignoring the overwhelming evidence that suggests she injects herself into cases and creates storylines where there are none or (2) enjoys a good semi-fictional read.

  13. I just read some of the comments at Blink’s site…

    Brace yourself , I think all the “BLINKETTE’S” are going to pull “Ellen Jamesians” (“The World according to Garp”) and commit a mass suicide in protest!

      • Sweetie pie Richard…

        LMAO seeing your “speeding violations” and “parking tickets”—-B.F.D—WHO CARES!…..You are too funny!..

        I have now decided that your alter ego is Alan Shore ( because Denny Crane is too old and James Spader used to be really cute in the 80’s)…

        Just be patient , the BLINKETTES / “Ellen Jamesians” will soon be cutting out their own tongues in a mass protest (and the silence will be golden!’)!

        Thank you for OUTING BLINK and exposing her to be the FAKE “REPORTER” –THAT SHE PRETENDS TO BE!

        heee heee violette

      • Jenni from Michigan/Topix has been alluding to your criminal record since the day you said something favorable of Jose Baez.

        Favorable meaning your opinion about TV judges and current practicing lawyers who disagree with them.

        The minute you reminded your unfaithful that a former Judge didn’t know what she was talking about “Jenni” kicked it in to high gear.

        Of course your tickets are public record, so she can always hide behind that.

        Then again, that’s what she does. Just give her a name and watch her goooooooo……

        However, the “malicious intent” in which she splattered negative inferences of your character all over Topix would surely give you an adrenalin rush.

        Jenni was asked to post specific charges regarding your so called “history”, but she wouldn’t do it.

        She just kept alluding to how you were such a bad, bad, bad guy.

        Not that I always agree with you myself (I think the accused is innocent), but, your professionalism and character stands on it’s own merit, from what I’ve observed. Without question.

  14. Hey Richard
    Someone {possible LE} may want to ask Blinky poo why the search for Christine Sheddy with Luke Phillips sounds earily exactly like we seen Dom Casey doing!!
    Read all those links well Richard.

    Blink,the phychic sisters,the guy with the stick,the cell phone calls while searching for sheddy!!

    WTF is going on there Blink??

    From this story {which all the comments seem to talk of Blink}

    “According to sources, Luke was also using direction given over a cell phone by another psychic, not the Sisters, and this psychic was supposedly someone who was in on solving some big case. The direction given by the “cell phone psychic” and the direction indicated by Luke’s rod were in conflict and a super natural dilemma was conjured up about which “seeing” was correct.

    Vague directions were given by the “cell phone psychic” and in following those directions observers tell OE that it was valuable time wasted. Based from this opinion, it is obvious that people have accommodated Christine’s family in ways that many can’t even imagine. Main stream America would not spend entire days following the directions of the international seer society.”

    and more

    “Lynn was on the cell phone again with the Sister’s and began running around frantically trying to follow whatever it was that the Sister’s were seeing in a vision. An eye witness tells OE that it was “real smooth and much too convenient”. Upon the guidance of the Sister’s, Lynn found something that belonged to Christine. OE will not divulge what exactly was found because it is in the hands of LE.

    Sources tell OE that the place where these things were found had been searched several times and question how it could have been missed especially by highly trained cadaver dogs. They also say that too many people had access to the place where the things were found and wonder just exactly how these things got there to be found”


  15. Well you may be a good attorney but you are not well informed on the costs of running websites. A large website like websleuths costs about $150 a “month” to accomodate the number of people who visit the website. A small website with a small amount of visitors costs as you listed but not large websites. Should you ever reach that point, you will know because people will not be able to access your website as the server will go down or show as too busy.

    The larger the website, the larger the server you need and have to pay for. It costs alot to have a large website and that does not include paying anyone to run it. Although Blinks website may not be considered large, this must be noted to be fair to the larger websites who do not use hoaxes for monetary purposes.

    That being said, you can be quite ruthless which makes for a great attorney. I would hire you in a second if I needed an attorney.

    • Mr. Rose,

      Well, I might be willing to concede WebSleuths’ site, but even then I doubt much more than a business class package would be needed.

      However, I was talking about ScaredMonkeys and according to Alexa (which I realize is not the best traffic indicator) ScaredMonkeys is not even in the same league as WebSleuths, nor is Ms. Stoys.

  16. Thank you, Mr. Hornsby, for your insight and wisdom.

    Thank you, Heckler, for sharing Blinks involvement in the Christine Sheddy disappearance case.

    In fact, as you are aware, it appears there are other “players in common” in the Sheddy & Caylee Anthony cases.
    LUKE PHILLIPS, BLINK and “Psychics”. (Suzanne & Jean Vincent in particular)

    Another common denominator is the “private-volunteer searches” generating items in areas which were already searched, yet where nothing was found.
    As to somehow discredit law enforcement.

    It’s all so Kronk-ish & Joe Jordan-ish.

    As one WS poster used to say …..
    “The best place to hide something is the place that was already searched”.

    Truer words were never spoken, apparently.

    For those of you who aren’t placing Mr. Luke Phillips, searcher extraordinaire in Sheddy case, please refer to his July 2008 email to Sgt. Allen, re: Caylee Anthony

    Original Message
    From: []
    Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 3:58 PM
    To: Allen, John
    Subject: Re: Caylee Anthony

    Sgt. Allen – thank you for contacting me. This is my private email address for future correspondence. Please let me provide some background. Anam Caillte is a non-profit international organization dedicated to the search and recovery of missing children. We focus on cold cases, however, our members have chosen to work this case to find this child. We have five of our tier 3 members working on this case to include a former FBI profiler, criminal psychologist, two accomplished sensitives, and a renowned remote viewer. I am the case coordinator.
    Our protocol limits interaction between members directly, thus preserving data integrity and limiting possible cross contamination due to analytic overlay. Although we can never claim that information obtained in this way is 100% accurate, we do have a high degree of confidence in the information we have obtained so far.
    Having said that – we believe Caylee Anthony is alive. We believe that there is a connection with a church/religious group that may be offering assistance to homeless families/single mothers inthe Orlando area – they may also run a soup kitchen. Good Shepard Services – 599 Bablonica Dr,Orlando seems to have significance. This organization is less than two miles from where Casey’s car was found. It is possible that this may be case of an under the table adoption, perhaps facilitated by someone with this church group. The people who have Caylee may have lost a child previously. These people or someone involved are connected with the Gaston SC area off Interstate 26 and SC Hwy 176 -Plantation Estates Ln (SC-5-9-354).Please feel free to contact me at any time, via email or my cell 540-327-3719.
    Thank you.

    Luke Phillips
    Case Coordinator
    Anam Caillte
    374 Dearmont Hall Ln
    White Post, VA 226

    Don’t even get me started on the Vincent sister “psychics” who claim they directed Dominic Casey to Caylee’s remains in OCTOBER, 2008.

    see: “Caylee & Christine” for details.

    (Note: Vincent psychics are not to be confused with Luke Phillips “psychic” friend-renowned remote viewer-Ginette Matacia-Lucas, with whom Dominic Casey agrees called him in November, with directions in the woods.)

    Mr. Hornsby…..Do you think these people profit as “Merchant’s in Misery”, or do they perhaps create the misery from which they hope to profit?

  17. What in the world is everyone fighting about it? What did Blink do? What started all this fighting back and forth?

  18. Wow…did I say wow. This couldn’t have been said any better. I suspected it, I just couldn’t put my figure on it…but you are dead on correct about Blink and her partners in “crime”. Thank you and happy holidays.

  19. Mr. Hornsby,

    I enjoy your vitriolic and to the point style. Thank you sir, for telling it like it is rather than being politically correct. I’m glad I found your blog.

  20. OH WAIT HECKLER forgot one……SO JOY WRAYISH as well……..:)…just thought i would chunk that in there!

    • yeah only cause Blinky thinks Heckler is Joy or knows Joy!

      Say if Blink says walk straight ahead and jump,would you do it?

    • I did forget one, didn’t I? Wray.

      Yes, Wray also professed to visiting and re-visting the “scene”.


      She supposedly has pictures. (And video?)


      8 days of FBI & OCSO CSI detailed records which catalog “the exact spot”, and, outlying areas.

      If she’s a “Baker Act” nut, her pictures will be of some obscure location, non-identifyable, possibly not even on Suburban Dr.

      If she’s legitimate?

      Her pics will feature a few items which can be cross referenced in 8 days worth of FBI & OCSO CSI collections.

      Even though the defense didn’t have access to the scene “in situ”, all records indicate investigators were not rushed or hurried. They dutifully executed their mission to photograph, inspect, collect and catalog VOLUMES of “evidence”.

      If she’s NOT legitimate?

      One more “equally likely suspect”, in my opinion.

  21. Like Joy Wray claims she searched those woods herself 12 times to be exact…so maybe she was helping someone out…………… all that searching she did!

    • For the sake of argument, she was helping someone out.

      WHO was she helping out?

      Kronk, Jordan, Blink, Luke, Ginette, Leonard Padilla? Who?

      The accused, Casey Anthony?

      How did JW know her?

      Don’t even start with “family”

      I leave George, Cindy and Lee Anthony off the list.

      Well… because law enforcement has already stated the Anthony’s didn’t have any knowledge or involvement.

      No sense in beating a dead horse for tabloids sake.

  22. But first Baez…

    Are you working on a post that will enlighten us to the meaning behind this comment?

  23. Mr. Hornsby, as a frequent reader of Blink on Crime, I find your opinion of her work to be unfair and overly judgmental. Not everyone who blogs has a successful, lucrative law practice to sustain them. I suspect Blink blogs for a living.

    There are those of the opinion that criminal defense attorneys make money subverting and obfuscating justice and truth, thereby victimizing victims and their loved ones all over again. You’re oozing disdain & contempt for someone (Blink) who cares about victims and is trying to help them. Does she make a living while doing that? I have no idea, but one needs to keep home and hearth together, doesn’t one?

    As for her “making up” stories about these cases, I don’t think so. Just because she doesn’t reveal her inside sources doesn’t mean they don’t exist. It means she’s keeping confidential sources, confidential. Murder victim Christine Sheddy’s own mother, sister, aunt and father have all participated in the search being unfairly characterized. Furthermore, they’ve all posted comments at Blink’s website.

    One wouldn’t expect such a renowned criminal defense attorney like you to engage in what amounts to a cat fight. It’s beneath your profession and station in life.

    What any one of us, following the Caylee Anthony murder case, as well as other victims in criminal cases, wants is justice and retribution for that precious baby. Blink wants it more than anyone. Who cares about grammar when a child has been brutally murdered, anyway?

    Why don’t you stick to the legal aspects of the case, which is your strong suit. Taking cheap shots at someone who just wants the killers brought to justice is a waste of your time. Shame on you.

    • FairWitness,

      I do not have a problem with any person whose motives are beyond question (take Valhall on the Hinkey Meter for example). But the minute I realized that Ms. Stoy went so far as to file a bar complaint against Mr. Baez to make a story where there was none, I realized she is as much a fraud as he is.

      As for your condoning her refusal to name any “sources,” it sounds like you are condoning a National Enquirer style of reporting/writing. Not good at all. What if her source is herself?

      Take this hypothetical: She reports as “Blink” that a “source” told her a complaint was made against Jose Baez for improper payment. Well it turns out that the source was none other than herself, but as her alter ego. But since she does not post under her real name, nobody ever realizes that she was actually her own source. This reeks of unethical behavior if you ask me – unfortunately there is no Florida Bloggers Association I can report her to; so I just call her out instead.

      Make no mistake, what she did is just as bad as Joy Wray’s crazy conduct.

      Finally, I do not consider myself a renowned criminal defense attorney. Rather, I consider myself a person who, just like many of you, has a day job and somehow found myself very interested in the case.

      It is only because of my professional background that I can offer more informative opinions, but I am still just an average Joe who takes some things personally.

      So when someone like Ms. Stoy wants to imply that I misappropriated her work, I take it personally and will respond just as professionally as she does.

      How does that old saying go? “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”

      So considering she made an unfounded bar complaint (which required she swear under oath) against Mr. Baez and accused me of misappropriating her ideas, I think she is just getting treated the way she treats others.

      • Okay, then, Mr. Hornsby. Let me ask you this; is it ethical, or acceptable practice, for a defense attorney to solicit or accept funds as payment for his legal services that were earned through the marketing of photos & videos of the baby/murder victim? Where do you stand on family members using paid interviews about the brutal murder of their granddaughter to fund the defense?

        What exactly is unethical about filing a complaint with the Florida Bar Association if you suspect the attorney is being paid with proceeds earned by selling the story of his accused client’s murdered baby? You say Blink herself filed the complaint? If that’s true, and she is, in fact, Shannon Stoy, I say good for her. What could be worse than selling the story of Caylee’s murder to fund the defense of her murderer? It’s despicable.

        Finally, if Blink has erroneously accused you of misappropriating her work, then surely you can defend yourself without completely destroying the character of the person who may have gotten her facts wrong. It isn’t necessary to totally eviserate her. Couldn’t you just say, “Hey, you’re wrong about this, Blink.”

        • Actually, it is only unethical for a criminal attorney to accept as payment or deal in a client’s “media rights.” It is not unethical (although I would agree immoral) for a client to accept money that he knows was obtained by a client, or the client’s family, selling pictures of the “victim.”

          Interestingly enough, I will be discussing this in my next blog post.

          But back to Ms. Stoy, it is one thing to openly suspect something is doing something illegal/unethical, especially if it is based on fair inferences.

          However it is completely different to swear under oath that a person is doing something with the hope that something will in fact be uncovered.

          Let’s play hypotheticals: Say Ms. Stoy suspects her neighbor is a child molester because she saw a young boy walk into the neighbor’s house?

          She then files a sworn affidavit that obfuscates what she actually knows versus what she suspects. As a result law enforcement get a warrant, break down her neighbor’s door only to find that the young boy was her neighbor’s nephew who was watching the house while his uncle was gone for the weekend.

          Well the damage is done, but more important the innuendo is permanent – otherwise why else would law enforcement take the “accusation” so seriously.

          • Blink knew she had nothing to go on with that accusation but went with it anyway why.

            She did not care that she would harm Baez reputation.

            They { scared monkeys in general…aka bored housewifes} just wanted Baez off Casey Anthony case because they all think Casey will say her council was ineffective and not be convicted!

            Go ahead Blink,tell him yourself.

            Darn forums if you want your craziness private,make you sites private!

      • I will point out, Mr. Hornsby, that I, also, do not post under my real name (which you now possess as supplied to you by me in good faith). There are many reasons why bloggers choose not to reveal their true names. I have at least a couple myself:

        1. It frees me to write on subjects that can be political or divisive in nature without fear of retaliation if, by chance, my opinion or research supports a position that would be contrary to my employer or an individual in my chain of command in my employment. I actually have management, and have had for some time, that know I blog – they do not know my pseudonym, and therefore do not know my writings.

        2. It protects me and my children from koo-koo-ka-choos out there – of which there are many. Because of my husband’s business, there are even more potential dangers than if I were just another blogging housewife (which I’m not).

        3. And lastly, my real name not being public is a first-line separation to protect those scientists and law enforcement who assist when I need to go to them for their expertise. If I were to write under my real name, there would by several people I currently consult with who might not be okay with me quoting, or even paraphrasing their interpretations. And I don’t mean that from an “internet-wide” perspective, but from a local perspective. They would be easily identifiable in their own work environment with my name associated, because, simply put, I am known in my own career, as are my colleagues and my relationship to them.

        I just thought I’d throw that in for consideration. There are less nefarious reasons for protecting one’s identity online.

        • Vallhall, I only hold you in the highest esteem….but I must disagree with the “privacy” issues as far as Blink goes…Ms. Stoy’s identity was known quite a while before “Baez-gate”. It is only AFTER she felt “her civic duty” to insert HER own feelings of inequity of Baez’s practices/actions into the ring, mind you, left best suited for lawyers and state attorneys offices….OR those DIRECTLY linked to that circus. AFTER her accusations were found to be “unworthy” of investigation by the advisory board (or those qualified to handle such grievances) that her name became pretty much revealed “nation wide” through the media in Florida/Orlando, and, since this case is followed on various web blogs….even posters “across the pond”, so to speak.
          IMO, she felt her accusations were founded, albiet, obviously irrelevant, and SHOULD her case against Baez become meritorious, she would have announced all over her blog, and possibly be appearing on the Good Morning America’s on national television, as the woman who “broke” Baez. IMO….the sole reason for her filling a grievance.
          I find it VERY hard to believe otherwise, due to her constant “name dropping” tactics on her site. Does she have dilusions of being the next Geraldo Rivera of days gone by and his expose’ on Willowbrook Mental Facility?? Or the next Nancy Grace “bombshell” person in the investigative(ha!) community?? (NOT a great example.)
          Also, if you’ll all humor me, in her latest blog, she goes so far as to deviate from her usual “sources close to the investigation”, etc, (and I’m paraphrasing – don’t want to get slapped with a law suit due to her new notifications regarding using/quoting any parts of her blogs) she decided to put that a person working with FEMA and a PhD fellow from Johnson&Johnson have given her “anonymous” info regarding results – mind you, results already discussed “blog wide” and already in results from released documents. Should posters from WS hit her with a tirade of infringement on a meer “thought” that just happens to be something she came up with??? Anyways, she doesn’t seem to realize – or CARE to realize – that these persons, even not given “by name”, identified with the J&J reference, are basically not smart to insert themselves into ANY situation, for there almost insinuates an opinion of said employee is felt by that company of their employ.
          Ms. Stoy didn’t think past THAT invasion of privacy….her “name dropping by AFFILIATION” is just as bad as the researching information about herself by other bloggers. Obviously, these persons ANONOMINITY…AND they obviously WISHED to remain ANNONYMOUS, as written by her in her blog, are not REALLY anonymous anymore. There aren’t that many “PhD Fellows” in J&J AND, they holding prestigious positions within “said companies”, have FAR more to lose than the self serving Ms. Stoy, who sits behind a computer in the comfort of her own home, within the comfort of her own company(Ha!).
          Humungous employers’s, such as those, again, aren’t jumping up and down to get involved in murder cases, let alone by a “blogger”. She felt the NEED to give herself yet another stroke (won’t comment WHERE) to prove her importance in the “journalistic” community, of which she feels her work falls within (again, HA!!)

          Hope this all makes sense…excuse my spelling errors, but I’m a bit irrate about the Blink/Ms. Stoy .

          I might need to further any explainations, since sometimes make more sense with some editing to clarify after posting…

      • Mr. Hornsby-

        Perhaps we can clear this up. I have never directly or indirectly accused you of anything, which seems to be your self-proclaimed platform.

        If you feel that in dispute, please help us out with a source or link.

        Best Regards and Happy New Year-


  24. When a blogger inserts themselves into a case and prints things like the latest article about George, have any laws been broken?  Does George have a cause of action for defamation? 

    Do you know if there are currently any laws being proposed to protect the public from bloggers? 

    Can the LE force an out of state blogger to appear in their state for a deposition? 

    There seems like there could be so much harm done, possibly even to cause a treat to either the defense or prosecution’s case.

  25. Excellent call out on the ”sources”. You are right on Richard, Blink generates hoaxes to generate money. Thank you for pointing it out clearly for all to see. And we can’t forget Blink’s “to be continued” to continue generating money.

  26. I follow your reasoning, Mr. Hornsby, and I thank you for your patience and willingness to explain your stance. Are you sure Blink is Shannon Stoy?

    How did you conclude that Ms. Stoy’s motive to sign & file the sworn complaint against Jose Baez with the Florida Bar Association was to concoct a story she could blog about? Isn’t it possible she’s an interested private citizen who’s outraged by a criminal defense attorney who’s marketing infanticide to fund his killer-client’s defense? Let’s face it, Jose Baez is beneath contempt. The man is loathsome.

    Blink just wants Caylee’s killer brought to justice. AND she happens to blog about this & other crimes. Maybe the Caylee Anthony case motivated her to become a crime blogger. Just because she has those irritating advertisements on her website, doesn’t mean she’d resort to such sordid shenanigans.

    Many of Blink’s posts involve the restoration of Caylee’s dignity. Blink keeps hoping George, Cindy or Lee Anthony will stand up and be Caylee’s advocate. But it seems they’re all about getting Casey acquitted, regardless of her guilt. This is the sleaziest family I’ve ever seen.

    Perhaps Blink had (unknowingly false) information that motivated her to file the complaint. Why did you conclude she made unfounded accusations against Baez? I realize you have every right to be indignant because you feel she falsely accused you of misappropriating her work. How does it follow that that mistake taints everything else she’s done?

    I read her blog frequently and she doesn’t strike me as someone who would manufacture evidence. Nor do you come across as anything but legit and informed. The truth is I enjoy reading both of you.

  27. Caylee’s dignity can never be held sacred with Countless malicious false evil blogs being written about her family who loved her dearly!

    Do you not realize by insinuating over and over again that THE ANTHONY”S did not love this precious child,you take away another part of Caylee’s short life on this earth !?

    You are taking the love Caylee had for them and they have for her and tossing it aside because YOU HATE her mother!

    I truly do not think any of you see that .

    • And what do you think that you are doing exactly? You are fighting with everyone and anyone who will listen and respond to your rants? How do you know of the love in that family? I for one agree with you to a point. I believe that the Anthony’s love/loved Casey and Caylee very much. Maybe too much that they were blind to some of Casey’s doings. I don’t know what happened to Caylee and don’t claim to know. I think that it is very concerning that Casey did not report her daughter missing and partied her nights away. I don’t understand her lies and deception to her own family. I think that it would be a long shot to say that ”someone put a body in her trunk”. I don’t know what happened to Caylee… all I know is that a little angel is gone too soon and the Anthony family has lied and lied, and changed stories and I don’t know why. Whoever harmed Caylee, I believe the lord will deal with them, and if it was Casey then she has to live with that for the rest of her life, if it was not then I pray that the Lord shows who is at fault. Either way IMO Caylee would not want her mother to hurt, even if Casey did harm her. Children are full of love,forgivness and innocence. I can understand peoples outrage at Casey because of the things that point towards her harming precious Caylee, no one can understand how a mother could hurt their own child or any child for that matter, but you seem more full of hate than a lot of people that I have talked to about this case. Why? for Caylee or for Casey?

      • Heckler, Cindy stormed out of the courtroom because Casey was crying when the prosecutor was talking about how Caylee died, how she might have looked into the eyes of her killer.

        Cindy said on the “today show” she saw Casey on a tv screen in the courtroom “crying” “sobbing” when the prosecutor said those words, and she could not stand that, so she left the courtroom.

        WOW. what does that tell you?

        It tells me Cindy is there for Casey, NOT for Caylee.
        The prosecutor was talking about how HER granddaughter died.
        Yet Cindy was responding to her daughters reaction.
        She can not face reality.

        Remember she said: “I lost one, I’m not going to loose an other one”.

        Cindy does not feel for Caylee anymore, she’s there for her daughter the murderer of her granddaughter.
        So much dysfunction.

      • You will never hear me talk badly of her family and THE FACT THAT CAYLEE WAS LOVED!
        Do I attack the rotten bloggers that have taken Caylee’s life and made a mockery of it!?


        • You attack for the fun of it. You like to keep things stirred as you know there is a lot of passionate people interested in this case.People who post on these sites are just a very small fraction of those who would end up being potential jurors anyway. If we are just rotten bloggers and our opinions do not matter in the least and can not change the outcome with our opinions and and comments what difference does it make? Do you think your little pro Anthony comments will make a difference to us or change our minds? I doubt it. Kind of like trying to fill up an ocean with a glasss with a whole in the bottom of it. Useless! If you don’t like what you read on these sitesto bad. You are enjoying what you are doing and that is fanning the flames among the blog owners and those that comment. We have the right to our opinions based on the evidence provided. If you want to do something about it put yourself to use elsewhere. Change the constitution or get the Sunshine laws changed. Good Luck! As far as love in the Anthony family they don’t know the meaning is so why should we honor it. The only one to honor with the truth is Caylee as she was the innocent one in all this and paid with her life. The Anthony family are the ones making a mockery of her life!

          • Frosty, what you and your cohorts forget is that the other side or those in the middle ALSO have the same rights as you; however, when posting those opinions that differ from yours, you (and your cohorts) ATTACK like a rabid dog… passionate people can walk on both sides of the street not just your side! WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO OUR OPINIONS BASED ON THE CIRCUMSTANCIAL EVIDENCE. You do NOT have the right to tell anyone else how they should perceive this case! You people throw that baby’s name around like YOU have the right, but all you do is make yourselves feel better and disgrace her memory – you do not honor that beautiful little girl by attacking the family she loved! You don’t even have the right to say they didn’t love her!

            GUESS WHAT – there are more than just heckler out here!! In fact, I’ll guarantee you there are A LOT more than you would ever think!!

            P.S., the glass can have a hole in it but not a whole. Well, I guess the glass can have a whole lot of holes in it…


          “Based on the repetitive lies that the defendant has told, we do not know with whom the child is or even if the child is alive,” Corporal Yuri Melich wrote in Casey’s arrest affidavit. He added, “It should be noted that at no time during any of the above interviews did the defendant show any obvious emotion as to the loss of her child.”

          On July 22, Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland chastised Casey for her behavior and set her bail at $500,000.

          “Not a bit of useful information has been provided by Ms. Anthony as to the whereabouts of her daughter,” Strickland stated. “And I would add that the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers.”

        • Archives 10/2008

          Orange County Judge John Jordan denied Casey Anthony bail Thursday, chastising her behavior.

          “You left your 2-year-old child with a person who does not exist at an apartment you cannot identify, and you lied to your parents about your child’s whereabouts,” Jordan said. “You cared so little about your child

      • “Whoever harmed Caylee, I believe the lord will deal with them, and if it was Casey then she has to live with that for the rest of her life, if it was not then I pray that the Lord shows who is at fault. Either way IMO Caylee would not want her mother to hurt, even if Casey did harm her. Children are full of love,forgivness and innocence.”


        • Why can’t everyone just leave it at that? Anyone who knows a 2 or 3 year old child ( I have both a 1 and 2 year old) knows that they don’t know what hate is, they dont even understand anger and fighting between adults. I think that Casey did have something to do with Caylee’s murder, but I pray that if she didn’t then the Lord will show who did harm her, but I still don’t believe that Caylee would want everyone attacking her family. With that said I don’t know why they don’t just go inside and mourn and ”get their lives back together”. They are not helping Caylee or Casey by telling all these lies. I know that Caylee had love in that home from Cindy and George and Casey you can see it in the pictures, but something went wrong… and only those invloved know what that was. You speak of keeping Caylee’s dignity, Lying for Casey does not do that either. If she is innocent that will come out.

  28. Fairwitness, was it fair for BLINK to insinuate that George’s suicide letter “contained” information of an affair between Cindy & Dominic Casey? THEN, claim a “solid/reliable source?” imo, that is NOT FAIR to the Anthony’s NOR D Casey. It has been RUMORED for many months about the “affair,” Hoover saying in deposition about “feeling uncomfortable” with GA/DC holding hands. Did BLINK take what was rumored & what Hoover has said & MADE more news as Richard is talking about?

    I don’t give a FLIP about an “alleged affair,” but, my question is, WHY does BLINK think she has the right to basically GOSSIP about it since she DOESN’t name sources? WHO Cares about the Anthony’s personal/social lives, this is about a murdered child! More SENSATIONAL bull chit.

  29. Fairwitness, also, BLINK is adult, you don’t need to defend her NOR present her opinion to those of us that read Richard’s BLOG. Most of us have read her BLOG, let BLINK speak for herself. Nothing wrong with bloggers speculating, but it should be clearly stated as “speculation” rather than presented as “fact.”

    imo, the problem with blogging is that the NIT NIT BuLL CHIT gets in the way of the facts of the case. BLINK is no more passionate about Caylee’s murderer being brought to JUSTICE than most of us that have followed this case from the first day. Unless you are related to BLINK, it seems you have lost your objectivity, jmo.

  30. Oh and heckler cry me an f’ing river for poor George anthony. at the least he’s a habitual liar, lazy unemployed ex-cop who know what a dead body smells like but still went along with the ‘rotten pizza in the truck’ charade. He’s a cover-up agent who’s obstructed justice, lied under oath, tampered with evidence & is still actively trying to free the killer of his precious granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony.

    Don’t ask me for proof, I’ve seen mountains of evidence & all the Anthony’s lies in black & white released by the state & in the civil depositions. George is a spineless emasculated ninny who lets the biggest hliar of all Cindy lead him by the balls. So Blink had rtecords of the computer searches of escort sqites, we can make our own conclusion as to who would be searching for female escorts on the Anthony computer…not too hard to figure out is it?

    • Ok and tell me why A GROWN MAN looking at PORN or even a escort equates to GEORGE USING Chloroform for kinky sex and since we know there is no OBVIOUS answer there,why in the heck run such a story!

      Are you all that bored on blinks site you cannot see how DUMB you all sound!

      • I am sure that a lot of grown men look at porn. That does not mean that he was doing all the kinky things, but it could. There are very obviously secrets in the Anthony household. And to be honest that is where they should stay. They have problems just like everyone else I know, They need to stop choosing to re-act and just get their lives back.. wont be easy but at some point in time, the lies have to stop. I don’t think that even if George did look at porn that it is anyone’s business. I just think that it is if he was the one that searched for chlroform. I can’t imagine how they feel. I wouldnt want to walk one minute in their shoes. Not One. I have said all along that there is nothing wrong with them sticking up for their daughter and loving her no matter what, but they shouldnt condone her lies. That is not being a good parent and look where it has got them so far. NO WHERE

  31. Mr. Hornsby’s post attributed crass, mercenary motives to Shannon Stoy’s complaint filing. I have not perceived uncaring self-promotion at Blink on Crime. She does have irritating advertisers and is prone to typos. On occasion her posts are what I’d categorize as cryptic. The Anthony family has made money selling Caylee’s photos and videos. It’s disgusting to sell a “much loved” innocent, murdered baby’s likeness to fund her murderer’s defense. And before anyone says they’re not using this money to pay Baez, please spare me. I am not here to defend Blink and I am not a relative. I am simply stating that I don’t see her as a pariah of the blogosphere.

  32. Sweetie pie Richard…

    LMAO seeing your “speeding violations” and “parking tickets”—-B.F.D—WHO CARES!…..You are too funny!..

    I have now decided that your alter ego is Alan Shore ( because Denny Crane is too old and James Spader used to be really cute in the 80’s)…

    Just be patient , the BLINKETTES / “Ellen Jamesians” will soon be cutting out their own tongues in a mass protest (and the silence will be golden!’)!

    Thank you for OUTING BLINK and exposing her to be the FAKE “REPORTER” –THAT SHE PRETENDS TO BE!

    heee heee violette

  33. Of course they knew, NoOne. They’ve known all along and had their suspicions even before they found Casey’s car and smelled the decomposition. They hadn’t seen Casey or Caylee for 31 days, something that never happened before. They had to have a sense of foreboding.

    What will they have saved if Casey gets off? Caylee is still dead. Do they want her out to give them a replacement for Caylee?

    What about Caylee? What do they want for her memory? More money, movie deals, TV miniseries, $$$$$$$$. Yeah, they loved her.

  34. Re: Blink “assisting ” the Prosecution

    There was a poster on Blinks site who was praising Blink’s “genious” and questioned her if she was “assisting” Linda D.B. and Jeff Ashton in their “prosecution” of Casey Anthony?! ….WTF?!….CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE the ABSURDITY OF THAT?

    Yeah, I can just see Linda D.B AND JEFF ASHTON seeking out “BLINK” if they needed “some assistance” when preparing their case ?!….What a JOKE!

    Anyway , Blink responded cryptically that she felt ( in all her imaginary wisdom and legal experience) that Linda D.B. and Jeff Ashton were doing a fine enough job on their own ,whereby, her “genious” would probably not be necessary…

    The gall of that exchange was hubris beyond!

    sincerely, violette

  35. NoOne, I agree 100% with your opinion. YEP! CA really fought Tim Miller & BILKED that “Media BLITZ/Reasonable DOUBT Tour” with all her FALSE Caylee sightings for months, UNTIL, Caylee was found. CA promoted lie/story after lie/story for BOZO on National Media.

    Until Caylee was found, all the DEFENSE had going for it was the “Caylee Sightings” which would have been generated for years if Caylee’s remains hadn’t been found. At least I could see SOME “Reasonable Doubt” without a body.

    imo, I don’t think the Anthony’s are GIVING BOZO any money. They were close to a Second Bankruptsy when Caylee was reported missing, BOZO sold the photos/videos at the beginning for KC, not the Anthony’s & it was applied towards her defense. They were going to SOLICIT monies for Caylee’s Memorial B Conway said they didn’t have any money. Someone stepped forward & paid for that. THEN, there was a dispute about an ALBUM BOZO is in “possession” of that has more pictures of Caylee. There is an argument about who it belongs to, GA/CA or KC. KC’s interest is NOT the same as the Anthony’s, the ANT’s need to pay the mortgage, two car notes, insurance, tattoos, & take a cruise. Out of the $20,000.00 they rec’d from 47 hours, $3,000.00 was reportedly PAID to B Conway & they OWE taxes on the money. There is NOTHING left to pay the defense. imo, the Anthony’s see KC’s defense team as another “ENTITLEMENT!”

    There is no love loss with the ANT’s or BOZO, the next DRAMA after the trial will be: who writes the BOOK, the Anthony’s or BOZO? The Anthony’s are out for the Anthony’s!

  36. Did you even bother to find out what was behind the cruise?

    Others did………..Guess what a friend sick with cancer!!

    You know nothing!

    • Sure we know all about Tengaurd or is it Jillian? The one who is part of the online effort to taint the jury pool with bullshit. Her lies & manipulation are second only to her BFF Cindy. Cancer…so she says just like the
      Anthonys say the only thing Casey did wrong was not report Caylee missing…that’s all! I know her & I loath her. And no they went along with Tengaurd on the cruise but the lying b**** is in remission.

      • Also no one ever said the Anthonys went on the Bahama Cruise to comfort Tenguard…not even Tenguard said that was the reason. Heckler are your excuses to defend Casey & the A’s getting so thin that you are now resorting to flat out bald face lies? Yes you are telling ‘mistruths’ because even Tenguard or Jillian said they went because the media paid them $20,000 for an interview I think it was The Today Show that time & ‘they needed to get away’ immediately after a court hearing & show off the big gawdy gross tattoos on their ugly bodies & George’s diamond stud earring so they in turn could also:

        A- keep their names in the public with photos of them on the boat…they’ve become media whores & more of the wonderful blood $$$$.

        B- A leads to more of the SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL (Casey) TOUR to taint the jury pool for idiots who would actually believe not reporting your missing baby & partying like it’s 1999 is ‘not that bad’!

        Also Heckler I don’t know if Tengaurd has cancer or not since she’s a pathological liar like Cindy & George IMO but guess what? Bad perople get cancer too doesn’t make her a saint & her cover-ups to help the Anthony’s help baby killer Casey any less despicable.

        If Tengaurd is friends with people who are framing others Jesse Grund, Amy H, Richard Grund, Tony L, Tony M, Ricardo M, Zanaida G…etc..all…for the murderer of a baby killer, daughtert or not…I put no stock in what a subhuman like that claims…she’s no better than the Anthonys, tube socks, or Casey. Birds of a feather flock together, the Milsteads, Joy Wray, Domionic Casey, many have criminal records need I say more?

        • But what artnut12345 said below is true…who cares why they went on a Bahamas Cruise. They could have spent that $20 grand on a
          real detective TO SEARCH FOR CAYLEE in where is she supposed to be now Puerto Rico? Everyword out their mouths are lies…from the time they wake up til the time they go to sleep. They seem to enjoy lying even when they don’t have to it’s their first language!

        • Great Post! I might also add that I can’t imagine enjoying anything for a long time if my grandaughter’s body had been found rotting down the street from my house and her deathbanded hair was found in my daughter’s car. Maybe if Caylee had died of natural causes I could understand but the tragedy of her death would prevent me from enjoying anything until her killer was brought to justice, daughter or not. They enjoyed that cruise!!!!

  37. Thanks Richard for letting me be a part of your blog……i dont think im the smartest coconut on the tree but i do often read your blog as well as many others and sometimes i comment…I have been intrigued with this case since day one and have read almost everything there is to read as well as listen to it all and ….IMO i feel that blogs as a whole serve a wonderful purpose….it gives the readers a chance to see what other think about the case ….its gives us a place to vent our frustrations with a specific case and its gives us encite about things we may have missed in our listening and /or our reading….. Thanks for letting me enjoy!

  38. So she’s still at it, huh ? Blink once claimed to be related to Mike Barbiere, a young man from NJ who was found dead in Colorado. There is some info in the Denver Post articles, specifically comments section, starting in February 2008.

    • I read that one!

      She just shows up everywhere and knows everyone!
      Say didn’t she once say Tim Miller was her BROTHER!!!

    • You know not of which you speak.

      Leave that poor young man (and his family) out of this.

      *** Geez…RH…I rarely “blog”…and now I know why. I have to say, you have created a real piece of work here.

  39. And, Blink seems to think that she is in the same league as Valhall?!…..NOT!

    Valhall’s written word is fois gras…Blink’s “ritten wurd” is SPAM! ( and very scary when examined closely)….


    • Ummmmmm…………..Valhall isn’t exactly telling the truth to ol Richard either.

      But since she sounds like a sweet lady on her PODCAST over in that strange place she plays,I won’t out her here!

        • Come on Val

          You really don’t want Richard to visit your favorite posting spot!
          He would then know,you are off your little old lady rocker!

          Are you really a scientist Val?Are you really an engineer?

          How’s that 100 yr old house holding up?
          Did Bob Vila ever get back to you?

          You VALHALL are very easy to track.

        • Yeah by the way

          You were one of the people spreading false rumor across Internet that BAEZ was paying us……..GRRRRRRRRRR you were so so wrong.

          Scientist BAWAHAAAAAAAAAAAA
          Go look for BIGFOOT…….Oh wait you’re already on that forum too!!lol

          • Wow, WIGN, great example of failure in critical thinking.

            Okay, you have publicly accused me of not being honest with Mr. Hornsby. This is your exact statement:

            Ummmmmm…………..Valhall isn’t exactly telling the truth to ol Richard either.

            Here are the two posts of substance I have made here:

            Valhall says:
            December 23, 2009 at 6:43 pm

            Mr. Hornsby,

            If you don’t mind me pointing something out, I think where the miscommunication is occurring is that you stated yourself that you investigated the ZG22 traffic ticket at the request of the TV station in April. Well, that was many moons after Blink had written about her extensive investigation into the issue.

            I think the point that is being missed is that the news station got the story from Blink’s work, then passed it to you to look into.

            At that time you most likely did not know where the information was coming from, but “Ticketgate”, as you refer to it, would have come from Blink’s work.

            Valhall says:
            December 26, 2009 at 7:12 pm

            I will point out, Mr. Hornsby, that I, also, do not post under my real name (which you now possess as supplied to you by me in good faith). There are many reasons why bloggers choose not to reveal their true names. I have at least a couple myself:

            1. It frees me to write on subjects that can be political or divisive in nature without fear of retaliation if, by chance, my opinion or research supports a position that would be contrary to my employer or an individual in my chain of command in my employment. I actually have management, and have had for some time, that know I blog – they do not know my pseudonym, and therefore do not know my writings.

            2. It protects me and my children from koo-koo-ka-choos out there – of which there are many. Because of my husband’s business, there are even more potential dangers than if I were just another blogging housewife (which I’m not).

            3. And lastly, my real name not being public is a first-line separation to protect those scientists and law enforcement who assist when I need to go to them for their expertise. If I were to write under my real name, there would by several people I currently consult with who might not be okay with me quoting, or even paraphrasing their interpretations. And I don’t mean that from an “internet-wide” perspective, but from a local perspective. They would be easily identifiable in their own work environment with my name associated, because, simply put, I am known in my own career, as are my colleagues and my relationship to them.

            I just thought I’d throw that in for consideration. There are less nefarious reasons for protecting one’s identity online.

            Okay, so I asked you to please present where I had been dishonest with Mr. Hornsby and your response is going to be to threaten the “big reveal” because I have posted at Did you not known that was a fairly well known fact? Did you not know that people having been using my timeline from that website for almost a year?

            Can you explain how me discussing alternative topics at that website proves your public insinuation against me that I have been dishonest with Mr. Hornsby?

            Do you realize that in the real world, among normal people who don’t engage in activities to be ashamed of that being “easily tracked” on the internet isn’t all that scary?

            I do not normally link to my own blog at another’s blog, but for you – so that I can answer all your burning questions about my background and “my 100 year old house” (man, you really put the fear of God in me on that one)…I provide all the answers you need here. Oh! And this was posted prior to your false insinuation, by the way. So I guess I beat you to this.


            You’re a malcontent, WIGN. You hop from one username to the next, go from one blog to the next, offering no real substance – just your hatred, discontent and bitter opinion against anyone who doesn’t agree with you. You rarely back your statements with any supporting information, and then you expect others to think you’re some super sleuther because you can type some one else’s username (in my case the same farking username I’ve used for over 6 years!) in the Google box and find them. Ewww-scary spidey-powers!

            Oh – in case you got confused – I’m not a Norwegian oil field, and I don’t own one….and I’m really not all that “sweet a lady”…not when I get lied about.

            I guess since we’ve completed “the big reveal”, I can tuck my tail between my legs and whimper on home…after all -you’ve virtually destroyed me!

          • heckler says:
            December 27, 2009 at 5:50 pm

            Yeah by the way

            You were one of the people spreading false rumor across Internet that BAEZ was paying us……..GRRRRRRRRRR you were so so wrong.

            WIGN – I would ask you to also prove THIS FALSE ACCUSATION, but I think playing the game once with half-wit is forgivable – twice would be bad behavior on my part. I knew you were full of shit on the first accusation…and you’re even more so on this one. Shut your lying trap.

      • What I don’t understand is if you want true identities to come out and think people should be out or upfront why don’t you put yours out there WIGN? I tried to read on Topix when I first started trying to get into this case and it didn’t take long to know that Topix needed flushed right off the get go. Plenty of turds floating there and was definetly a sewer for comments. Could it be that you don’t post under your true identiy for similar reasons Valhall put forth? Maybe you have fun stirring the pot so to speak.

        • Here is the thing.
          Wign is just a housewife……….won’t catch WIGN saying she is a doctor,lawyer,scientist or FBI BLOGGER to get people to follow me………….GET IT NOW!

          Oh and use your brain,never keep the same screen name.
          especially when you are a as you say TURD!!!

          • Please don’t bash Vahall.. you have no idea what you are talking about. She is always fair and states HER opinion, You don’t have to be rude to everyone.She seems Imo to have a lot more brains than you.

  40. Shannon Stoy ( a.k.a “Blink”) , faux reporter extraordinaire, makes a pathetic attempt to SUCK-UP to Richard at 1:00 A.M!!…..

    Whah —Whah —Whah!….Gee, you would think Blink would have some pride; apparently NOT!
    Blink says:
    December 27, 2009 at 12:20 am
    Mr. Hornsby-

    Perhaps we can clear this up. I have never directly or indirectly accused you of anything, which seems to be your self-proclaimed platform.

    If you feel that in dispute, please help us out with a source or link.

    Best Regards and Happy New Year-



  41. Hey Richard…..

    RED ALERT!….

    Apparently, Blink/ SHANNON STOY has been offered “pro bono representation” ( by several attorneys ) regarding your OUTING HER …Are you scared yet?….hee hee hee…What a JOKE!


    Comment by Angela_nw — December 27, 2009 @ 3:47 am

    “My answer to your question Blink # 325 (even tho it isn’t my post):
    Blink #266 above, your response to Innocent Bystander, you say you deleted about 100 posts. I took that to mean that you moderated (deleted) posts that were primarily a response to RH blog, so that we could move on from there. Maybe not what you meant?’

    BLINK STATES: “Partially. They contained very “passionate” views about the issue that were negatively charged (mildly put). I will never have comments like that on here. That is not what we are here for. A few were from Attorneys offering pro bono representation, lol.
    B “

  42. Hey Richard….

    Blink “shares” her “deep thoughts”…..I love being a tattletale!


    332.Comment by gloriadelamanana — December 27, 2009 @ 4:36 am

    I just wanted to say, I’m really sorry that someone tried to take down your good reputation. Things like this can do unrepairable damage. It was so unfair and so uncalled for and I’m really sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve any of this. It’s scary that an individual can be that vicious. I thought a lesson had been learned the first time, but apparently it hadn’t. How many more will this happen to? I think further attention needs to be brought to this matter, before others continue to be harmed. I say no mas.

    BLINK STATES: “I am of the opinion, and I was once guilty of this myself, that there are very few people that post on the web that understand the laws regarding same.

    Many (none here) think the web is their personal toilet they are free to use at will, just like they could take a dump alfresco wherever they like, with the first ammendment acting like the loo door. Not so.

    I have read some nitwit say “you can post anything you want, just make sure it is true..” Again, Not so.

    I have seen a similar nitwit encouraging others to dig up dirt, call family members, current and or former, with the sole purpose of invading privacy and hoping to again, exact some sort of distress. There are some baffoons that think that gives them license to do so without reprisal. Not so. Specifically if an individual calls to action such nonsense, they are equally as liable for any consequences of same.

    If the intent is to harass, annoy, or inflict distress, among other classifications, someone has just opened themselves up to citation, civil litigation, and possibly criminal action, based on the jurisdictional statutes and limitations of either party. Add in there that someone makes patently false accusations about your character, and it is now attached to your name professionally, which could now be effing with someone’s livelihood, major no no.
    You post it, you own it, in your own name or anonymous, period.

    Before I launched this site, I spoke to a mentor of mine, who is someone very close to this case.

    I said, sometimes being precariously perched on the precipice is scary and more than I can stand.

    His response:

    Yes, but isn’t the view from there the reward? Stay your course. If someone tries to knock you off, get out of their way and let them fall into the abyss they created for themselves. You wanna be stuck down there with them?

    That said, I would be lying if I did not wish this case was at conclusion so I could set a few things straight.

    If I did not truly believe I, along with all of you, could make an impact in the successful prosecution of this case, as well as others I cover, I would never do this work.

    • If I did not truly believe I, along with all of you, could make an impact in the successful prosecution of this case, as well as others I cover, I would never do this work.

      The arrogance of the above statement by Blink is so laughable it should be on the comedy network. Armchair bloggers are only observers that at best correct misconceptions and feel their self appointed expertise in a case is the end all and be all for the ones who may not be up to speed with the latest detail released by the media. The media however spins stories for ratings so they can pay their staff. This means “Blink” type experts are only as expertise to the facts as the level of mistruths and half truths that the media presents. If Blink truly feels that she can make an impact in the successful prosecution of this case her delusions of self importance are grander than another lost sole that has also inserted themselves in this case and claims to be writing a book. This is all my opinion of course and I am open minded. Show me a case that any of the boards whether it is Websleuths, Monkeys, IS or any others which have actually solved and been part of the prosecution to successfully obtain a guilty verdict and I will change my mind. Until then, my opinion remains that individuals and boards are a place to find good reading, speculation, regurgitate facts as presented by the media and personal opinions and nothing more.

      • I agree with you but would add, we also regurgitate facts obtained from discovery documents. The discovery docs are not merely reader’s opinions or “spin” from the media. Thank you Florida Sunshine Laws and Baez for fighting a gag order. Of course, I realize that there is far more to come from both sides before trial and much that we have seen will not be admitted, or simply be deemed irrelevent.

        The one and only site that I have found to be different is ValHall’s and that is because as a scientist, she’s qualified to delve into explaining the science behind the forensics, just as Richard explains the law. Both also add their personal opinions about the unknown facts about the case and as readers we can agree or disagree with their opinions. I keep thinking it will all come out at trial. Until then, we’re all just guessing.

  43. Heckler, RE: Why GA/CA/LA/ & Mallory took a cruise. imo, I don’t care WHY the Anthony’s do anything.

    Instead of HIRING a Real Private Investigator, not one that didn’t re-new his license, they could have spent that MONEY on finding the REAL ZG or INVESTIGATED KC’s lies at their own expense with their $17,000.00 left from 48 hours, paid Dominic Casey’s bill, as CA loves to say, “My Investigator” at every opportunity to National Media. Of course all those things are MORE entitlements they expect.

    GA/CA owe no one an explanation, they have interjected themselves into this case from the beginning, shown themselves as a “family of liars, & CA “claimed” she needed a vacation from the press. Probably because the PRESS wasn’t paying them, but, cotinues to expose who they are! I don’t give a flip about the family of liars, just JUSTICE for Caylee.

  44. Dear Richard, You seem to have a few supporters responding to your blog, however, I just can’t shake the feeling that “they” are “you.”

      • That’s ok

        I’m Cindy,George,The dogs,Dennis Milstead,oh and the best person by far {considering I’m so not smart enough}

        I am a law student of Baez’s and he pays me and my friends to go on topix and say CASEY IS INNOCENT.

        That one is my personal favorite!

    • Paula,
      Do you SERIOUSLY think he has the time or CARES about having supporters on his blog? If you can’t tell from the tone of his blog posts, let me help you, he doesn’t give a crap if any of us like him or support his views. His intent is to call out BS with facts that he has investigated. So shake that feeling lady before you body convulses from utter nonsense!

  45. I am disappointed in this blog – big time. I thought you, Mr. Hornsby, were here to discuss the laws and be professional about it. Your blog has turned into a big ol’ bash-fest and you are allowing it to continue.

    People used to come here for information – and to get an honest look at how the laws work, and how they are applied to various things.

    Sad that you have allowed it to come to this – when you have the ability to control things a little better.

    • JFM, I agree!

      I am done reading this blog. It is sad at the immaturity that is brought on here!

      I guess this is a way the few that are just jealous of others treat them. If BLOGGERS don’t like afew others or are JEALOUS, they feel the urge to act like children and blog about others! It is not just this blog, there is another one that is run by a make species and acts the same way!

      I feel that this blog is now a HUGE waste of time, space and common sense!

  46. Some of Blinks “comments” per se jumped right out at me in violettes post that was brought here from Blinks site …

    Blink states

    ” If the intent is to harass, annoy, or inflict distress, among other classifications, someone has just opened themselves up to citation, civil litigation, and possibly criminal action, based on the jurisdictional statutes and limitations of either party. Add in there that someone makes patently false accusations about your character, and it is now attached to your name professionally, which could now be effing with someone’s livelihood, major no no. You post it, you own it, in your own name or anonymous, period.”

    Sounds to me that is an admission (in her code talking way) that she is indeed making money from her blog … something she has said and continues to say she makes nothing from.

    Or she could be referencing any future profits from book sales that are upcoming with all of her “inside information” she is accumulating from these cases based on others misery. I hope she is smart enough to have a pen name in which she plans to author these books under … she has already tarnished her own name along with her pseudo name Blink.

    What about her defamation of Georges character? Regardless if she is wrong or right, her accusations of him that were posted by HER publicaly, are quite damming to say the least! She has no proof it was George searching those sites …. maybe it was Lee, Ricardo or any number of Casey’s “friends” …. Richard … maybe you could represent old Georgie in a defamation suite against Stoy… pro bono.

    Lastly I take offense to any credit that she, A BLOGGER, takes for HELPING the prosecution team to a “successful prosecution” (as well as others)

    Blink states

    “If I did not truly believe I, along with all of you, could make an impact in the successful prosecution of this case, as well as others I cover, I would never do this work.”

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Who does she think she is …. really??? Trust me … LE has their ducks in a row …. and they were in a row long before Stoy started doing her “snooping” and blogging … IF and I said IF she was ever privy to any real information she would/should keep her mouth shut and her computer turned off as to not impede any investigation from a successful prosecution!

    IMO it is SHE … Blink … that is making the defenses case for “reasonable doubt” and tainting the minds of any potential juror … she claims to want a “successful prosecution” … I think not!

  47. Mr. Hornsby, I actually learned of your website at Blink on Crime. I don’t recall the exact post, but it was positive and compelled me to visit your blog. Blink has commented here that she has not directly or indirectly asserted that you misappropriated her work. I don’t recall seeing anything to that effect at her website. However, I admit I don’t read every post there. Do you have a link to the offending post?

    As for all the criticisms regarding Blink’s supposed arrogance and claims to assisting the prosecution, she has never expressed that. In fact, she’s stated the opposite on numerous occasions. Her desire to contribute to the successful prosecution of Caylee’s murder case is to counter the defense and Anthony family media appearances where they lie their asses off, trying to influence potential jurors. She’s trying to set the record straight.

    Blink on Crime is about getting justice for Caylee & convicting her murderer. Does her website bring in revenue? Yes, it does. There’s nothing wrong with making a living while doing important, worthwhile work! She has a family to support and is entitled to do so.

    As Richard Hornsby himself stated right here, “And because of that you will hear Richard Hornsby’s unedited thoughts. If that offends you, or you expected otherwise, please visit elsewhere.” The same could be applied to every blog. Don’t read her blog if you don’t like it.

    But trashing Blink & everyone else who finds her compelling and informative is unfair. Can’t we just respect each other and agree to disagree?

    • I actually agree with you and that is why I have stopped perusing other blogs or sites (although I am thinking of revising WebSleuths when I get some time).

      Anyway, I would not really say I was trashing her, or really anyone for that matter. What I did was obtain and present fairly objective facts and opine as to what I believed they mean or suggest.

      I think it is just my delivery that offends people. But my delivery is abrasive in real life as well. I can assure you that I have had many jurors tell me that I went unnecessarily overboard on my attack of witnesses long after it was clear i had won.

      But the way I see it, once I know I am right, I just go for the jugular. Why even risk the chance your opponent can regroup and possibly win. Remember, it is Mr. Sheaffer who does not like “scorched earth” tactics. I personally think they are a necessary evil.

      But at the same time, I consider myself like a sleeping bear. Don’t poke me and I will not attack.

      In any event, I am trying to finish my next blog post up so I can move the conversation onto more interesting topics.

      • My late husband used to say, “Don’t bother anybody, don’t attack anyone, don’t start any sh…, but if someone does it you, knock the crap out of him and keep hitting him until he stays down. When he gets back up, he’ll never bother you again.” It’s an effective way to win, but sometimes you don’t need to hit back quite so hard to make your point. However, it’s your decision and I respect that and don’t mind abrasive. If I was ever in need of a criminal defense attorney, I’d want those hard-fighting.

        The truth is I like Blink and regradless of inarticulate, misspelled words or bad grammar, I enjoy her website. She may be wrong on occasion, but I think they’re honest mistakes. Question her tactics, perhaps, but not her motives. I just don’t see her as the self-promoting, money-grubbing opportunist/charlatan she’s been depicted as here by commenters and by you.

        I look forward to your next blog post, Mr. Hornsby. You are very informative. I have been extremely uncomfortable watching the Anthonys and Jose Baez, even some TV news shows, and the mass-marketing hype of Caylee Marie Anthony’s brutal, senseless murder. Who the hell makes money off the death of such an angelic creature? Especially to defend her killer. Disgusting.

        • Blink does not just make mistakes. She knowingly puts out false information for her self serving delusions of grandeur. I see nothing likeable about a pathological sociopathic evil liar like Blink.

          She has a history of destroying lives…including her own children. She is a very vindictive sick individual. Her “reputation” all over the internet is more than accurate. Websleuth knew to get rid of her and SM aligned themsleves with her. “nuff said.”

          • Can you back up this claim. I read over at Blink, I read here, I ‘m all over the web with the Anthony case. If you have proof of what you claim in regards to Blink please provide it. Otherwise your 2cents is worth just that.

      • Mr Hornsby, We do miss you at websleuths and I am so waiting for your next blog, I agree with all you say attorney’s should be abrasive and go for the jugular , that is what makes your thoughts so great you do not candy coat it. We get enough of that from JOSE!!!! thanks again for all your info and thoughts

  48. “….she claims to want a ‘successful prosecution’”…of who?

    Thanks to Stoy a certain case may never see the inside of a courtroom! Stoy herself, through her blog, has no doubt, put a case in shambles by harassing annoying and inflicting distess on potential witnesses.

    • Ellie, I do believe thou dost wax a bit melodramatic. Ms Stoy is but a gnat in an Orange Grove. Her influence outside of blogdom is almost moot and will in no way influence the potential jury pool, no more than any of the blogs that cover this case will. IMO

      • Carrie, it’s not a jury pool that was influenced but possibly witnesses to a crime, by publically calling them out on her blog. Stoy made it appear as though she had inside info on a case, possibly causing witnesses to feel as though they were betrayed by investigators. In their world snitching is worse than the crime.

  49. Paula, Most of us come here to get “intelligent” “legal answers” to questions on KC’s case, I guess you come here to be insulting. RH has answered my questions, it’s nice to see ATTORNEY’s that have BLOGS & are up on the case as opposed to BLOGS with “non named sources” & speculation. The personal attacks are boring.

    I don’t know why you come here but to be annoying to those of us interested in JUSTICE for CAYLEE & exchanging ideas on the case.

    Time for you to go back over to BLINK’s & quit harassing RH as well as the rest of us interested in learning legal aspects of the case.

  50. Am I missing something here? This response via Blink was never posted on your site Mr. Hornsby… yet violette responds?

    December 27, 2009 at 9:31 am
    Shannon Stoy ( a.k.a “Blink”) , faux reporter extraordinaire, makes a pathetic attempt to SUCK-UP to Richard at 1:00 A.M!!…..

    Whah —Whah —Whah!….Gee, you would think Blink would have some pride; apparently NOT!
    Blink says:
    December 27, 2009 at 12:20 am
    Mr. Hornsby-

    Perhaps we can clear this up. I have never directly or indirectly accused you of anything, which seems to be your self-proclaimed platform.

    If you feel that in dispute, please help us out with a source or link.

    Best Regards and Happy New Year-


  51. But wait! … The “Great Red” had the trifecta …. remember? you know … the shovel he found … and the mysterious dumpster in a construction site … blah, blah, blah ….Something he couldn’t reveal at the time he “discovered it” … FOS! He went to Fla …early on in the investigation … just didn’t go with TES ….

    I’m tellin ya … If some of these “blogging” a$$e$ don’t stop … they and their “followers” DO have to potential to taint a jury pool with all the “reasonable dout” they are writing about in the “name” of a successful prosecution … Please … people of FLA … DO NOT drink the koolaid!

  52. Wowza.

    Well one quick read of scared monkeys says Tons about the brain spans at work there,they are some serious evil deranged peeps over there!

  53. Hi Richard,
    Hope that you have seen Val’s beautiful photos on Hinky….what a truly beautiful lady she is! Both inside and out.


  54. I feel the same way as Valhal, I hate lies, and I hate being lied to. I have read Blinkoncrime off and on since Caylee’s murder, and I BELIEVED everything she wrote was the truth. I feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach. I wonder how many, many times she has called the Anthony’s liars? WHY is it neccessary for anyone to lie? Just keep your mouth shut if you can’t tell the truth. At this point I feel so hurt, depressed and deceived that I don’t really know what to say. I think of all the “true believers” that read there, people that give her their 100% support, and think of her has some godlike creature because of “all the good she does” for victims. As I have stated about all of the (known( lies the Anthonys have told “The TRUTH is going to come back and SLAP THEM IN THE FACE! I feel very gullable, and foolish at this time. I want, and deserve, THE TRUTH!

  55. Does anybody still believe that Klass does not get paid? C’mon, get real. Do you really believe she donates all her time just to help for free…all while Red is making money. That is so laughable.

    Becareful what you confide in her too. She is not a woman who should be trusted with your “secrets.” Trust me on that one. Many of us have compared notes on that.

    Anyone that can spend all day, every day, for years, on a computer must really have some serious issues. Her support of Blink says enough for me. Klass just feels like a big fish in a very scummy pond with all 80 members kissing her azz.

    • And you’re on a computer….doing?????? You’ve posted several times throughout the day. These kinds of comments should be amusing but they’re made all too often. Double standards suck.

  56. Dr. Lillian Glass

    George and Cindy Anthony’s Body Language on the Today Show Indicates They Are Feigning Denial and Know Daughter Casey is Guilty

    December 17, 2009

    Even through Cindy and George Anthony’s words on The Today Show say that they believe their daughter Casey is innocent, their body language clearly says something different. Their body language says they know their daughter is guilty of killing their granddaughter Caylee. The shoulder shrugs, hunched shoulders, bowed head, head jerks, vocal choking. uhms, pained facial expressions, lip pursing, Cindy’s closed eyes when speaking, and George’s constantly looking down, are just a few of the “tells” which say they are not telling the truth about what they really think of their daughter and her role in the murder of their granddaughter.


    I have always found Cindy Anthony’s yelling, belligerence, anger, rudeness, obnoxious and inappropriate gum chewing, manipulation, and hostility extremely offensive. While my dear friend Nancy Grace, who’s show on which I regularly appear on Headline News cuts Cindy a lot of slack just because she is a parent and is defending her daughter, I refuse to do so.

    Like Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla who has seen Cindy up close and personal when he first bailed Casey out of jail, I find that Cindy is a large part of why Casey is in the predicament she is in.

    While it is not always the parent’s fault that a child misbehaves as they do, in this case, I believe Cindy and George as well must take responsibility for letting their daughter run amuck over their lives. They knew about Casey’s lying and bad behavior throughout the years, yet they did nothing to stop it. They didn’t seek professional help or set serious boundaries for their daughter when they clearly knew something was wrong. Their letting her get away with her lying and stealing from them and others, not graduating from high school, lying about being in college, not even knowing she was out of a job, not even knowing Casey was pregnant and Cindy telling her own brother who asked about Casey’s growing abdomen that Casey was a “virgin: is unconscionable!!!!!!

  57. 10 lies told by George and Cindy Anthony:

    Lie #1 In her 911 call Cindy reported she hadn’t seen her daughter in a month. Yet Cindy admitted on tv later to Greta Van Sustern that she had seen Casey on 6/24/2008 after speaking to her earlier about George’s precious gas cans being allegedly stolen.

    Lie #2 At Casey’s bond hearing Cindy and Lee say they had always heard of Zenaida Gonzalez as Caylee’s babysitter for at least a couple of years, yet no family member ever met her, had her phone number, had pictures of her, checked her background out etc.

    Lie #3 Cindy admits in her 1st frantic 911 call that the car Casey’s been driving smells like a dead body, later the dead body smell turned into a pizza that Cindy says Casey left in the car for weeks.

    Lie #4 Cindy stated at Casey’s bond hearing that she kept in touch with her daughter every day whether it was text messages, messages etc. The phone records will show this is a lie.

    Lie #5 Cindy washes potential damning evidence found in her daughter’s car, (Casey’s smelly pants) supposedly by accident. Yet in one of her first interviews to the media she complained that since law enforcement never came by for evidence Cindy was going to start disposing of things.

    Lie #6 George says the notorious facebook pix from Fusion nightclub were taken years ago before Caylee was born even though some are date stamped and there are witnesses to seeing Casey at the club.

    Lie #7 Cindy Anthony tells Greta in an interview that Caylee’s bio. father had a family of his own and lived out of state and Cindy has also said in another interview that Caylee’s dad was killed ina car accident.

    Lie #8 Cindy tells the media that Casey just found Jose Baez’s name while in jail from another inmate. However no one knows if his services were arranged by the parents, a 3rd party or if Baez is doing her case pro bono.

    Lie #9 A neighbor tells police they heard Cindy and Casey arguing around Caylee’s disappearance time yet Cindy is adamant nothing ever happened.

    Lie #10 thru 1,000 Almost everything Cindy says. A true case of like mother like daughter.
    Lie #5

  58. Been pondering your post, dawn…..explain to me….a “big prick” that “has a large head” is a bad thing….WHY???

  59. I once thought SM was a place of integrity too, but sadly it is nothing more than a money making operation, social bully playground and all under the guise of being advocates for missing children and missing persons.

    I saw when SM had a choice between someone who really wanted to discuss the cases and make a difference, (if only in caring to not let the missing and the goal of seeking justice forgotten) and a self severing internet bully destroying the dignity of discussions……. guess who they choose to keep………the bully who posted 70 times a day. The bully turns pages – brings in the clicks and cash. Advocating for even decency is not acceptable on SM. The exact opposite is true – they want you to not advocate for anything that causes the ultimate goal ($$$$$$$) to be disrupted. They want you to read, post and turn pages and refresh so they get the advertising dollars from wii, amazon and all their high priced advertisers.

    Thank you Mr. Hornsby for planting the seeds and facts in the minds of the almighty Blinkies followers. She uses her “team” to gather information to bring back to her to make her discombobulated ramblings and tosses in a few teases to draw folks into thinking she is something she is not. She tripped my “hinky” meter early on and a google search and some digging convinced me of her true motives. Her posts and attacks on anyone who doesn’t follow her like a duck shows her character and insecurity. However, it needed to be said, so I thank you for your courage to bring it to the light of day for readers to at least ponder whether she is worthy of their trust and time.

    This case is not a slam dunk and the more that these “characters” do to insert themselves and muddy the waters, the less likely it is that the TRUTH and JUSTICE will be had. I appreciate your blog and articles and your courage to look at all the evidence from a logical point of view instead of just from the point of view of instinct. Courts deal in logic and facts and parameters not emotion and opinion. The facts support the emotion and opinion not rule it and I think many people don’t have the courage to look outside the box at all the possibilities – so, I thank you for that.

  60. Dawn those tin foil hats. There is a plot, apparently spearheaded by cloned lawyers. There will be a spreadsheet and more later. The woman needs to be certified.

    Richard, aren’t there laws that could be used to stop the crazy accusations, especially like the latest against George? Do you see a depo in that blogger’s future?

  61. Great blog! Excellent research, too! I always thought such things about those websites, but wasn’t certain. You have brought to light the fallacy of helping a “deceased” child. I don’t think I’ve ever read at either, if so, then not more than once. Perhaps SM should rename under “12 Monkeys!” Lol!

    You are getting a trashing elsewhere, but, who isn’t? They moan and groan and try to get their buddies to side with their buffoonery…they are cut of the same cloth.

  62. Dawn those tin foil hats. There is a plot, apparently spearheaded by cloned lawyers. There will be a spreadsheet and more later. The woman needs to be certified.

    Aren’t there laws that could be used to stop the crazy accusations, especially like the latest against George? Do you see a depo in that blogger’s future?

  63. If you have such distaste for Richard why are you here? Remember he who lives in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Go back to Blink and Co. I happen to beieve in the bible and having sex with another person while still married is called adultry. Which by the way is a lie in itself. Who tells there spouse they are cheating on them? Here’s the liar part!

  64. Joni, I called (not worth) “2 cents” bluff and googled the exact words “it” challenged us to google. Guess what came up? Nada, zip, zero, nothing to corroborate “its” scurrilous accusations. The only website that came up was the LinkedIn Business website already linked at the top of this blog post by Richard Hornsby.

    It’s very easy to make up vicious lies about someone on the Internet and post them among serious individuals and readers. The thing about Blink is that she doesn’t allow this kind of crap to be posted at her blog.

    Mr. Hornsby, the discussion has deteriorated into mud-wrestling. If you can delete my disdain for 2 cents’ obnoxious posts, why can’t you delete its posts? The BS being spewed about Blink’s supposedly abandoned child? You allow that crap? This is beneath you and your profession.

  65. My2cents: I think you should back off Mark Klass . He has suffered pain and grief that , by the Grace of God, most of us will never know. He has done more for Victim’s Rights than you can ever imagine. Make it a point to go to HIS FACE if you have vicious things to say to him. I feel sure he can deal with you…easily.

  66. Who is “Red”….is the Red Ranger that I have read on Blink’s blog? Who, exactly, is he? I know he was suppose to help find Christine Sheedy’s body (a long time ago) It was never found, unfortunately.

  67. Does anyone know – the “cloth” laundry bag into which Caylees remains were placed – there was a duplicate/same bag in the garage of the Anthony home and taken in the search warrant. Did Cindy and/or George have any explanation as to this bag found? Cindy & George seem to me to be the type that know the content of everything in that garage…right down to the type of laundry soap above the washer. Wouldn’t they have known there were (2) bags and now only (1)?. When presented with the discovery of that same type bag – what was their response? If I missed this answer previously…sorry. my bad. lol

  68. Hi Heckler!
    Is Red, Red Ranger? What does he do exactly? i know he has written some very touching articles about the little victims discussed at Blinks. They appear to be great friends.

    (my Jag runs like new now!)

  69. Richard, I have not read here since you sarcastically told me to go play over a Bill’s blog. But today, I read all your comments and I must say you’ve got a bunch of doozy’s here.
    I was so glad when you started your blog, thought now I can understand the legal aspects of this case and yes, I also read Mr. Schaeffer’s blog, but even if you didn’t agree it was always fun to figure out the merits of each side and was hoping that you would each present what your thought were on the differences.
    Then you went ballistic on him and and attacked his personally, Age, hair, suspenders. I thought, O.K, bad day at the office, but it continued. Now, again, because of another misunderstanding you are attacking Blink to the point where it almost a threat. Valhall, Scared Monkeys, Websleuths, can they all be wrong except you.
    I’ve also noted that you moderate your site in a very different way. Should someone defend Bill or Blink these comments never see the light of day, just they one’s that to me have no merit and are crass, vulgar and we are not so stupid to not know who these people really are. Your Violette loves to tattletale, isn’t that just a bit JW. She has been banned from almost every blog. Heckler is probably one of the A’s or one of their friends. He goes by another name in another forum and it that person is so full of hate for bloggers that he just keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. His attack on Valhall was unwarranted and downright disrespectful and bringing up her personal life is unfounded, she was simply trying to inform, but that is Heckler’s (WIGN)way with everyone. I have followed this case and read most everything I can get my hands on and the hate that is there sounds very familiar. Yes, Richard, you are surrounding yourself with people that are really going to make you look professional. Not once have I heard him say anthing to contribut to his tirades except bring everyone down. Valhall and Blink were generous in coming over here and explain or ask to be given facts.

    And My2cents, that vile person turned my stomach, and yet you let him post. It’s not right to bring family into this and that is lower than low. You speak of integrity.
    Sorry Richard, and you can blow me off, my feelings will never be hurt by you as
    the only people that can hurt me are people that I respect.

  70. Hey Richard….

    I thought I had better give you a “heads up” that Blink — and “her people”–are spying on you via your internet use (probably the same ones who uncovered the fact that you got that parking ticket in high school )….Keep the faith!…violette


    Comment by Joanne — December 27, 2009 @ 11:11 pm

    Taking into account the 422 posts made by Richard Hornsby on WS from 11/24/09 – 12/21/09 (less than 30 days) and the time date stamps of said postings, in addition to the time date stamped postings on his blog, as well as InSession, and at least 5 other forums, I am beginning to seriously doubt that you are dealing with one single person, Blink. (chronological log is astounding).

    For a “practicing” attorney, he sure has been spending an exhorbent amount of time on the internet each and every day (and isn’t he supposively a newlywed?)

    Blink states: “You know, I agree. I got an email with an analyst comparison and timestamps. I think this is an actual campaign, more to follow.